
Supportive Friends are the Best

Kai skipped happily to the public court, where he saw his teammates practicing on one half. Meanwhile, a group of kids overtook the other half of the court, most of them laughing at the second-string team's attempts to play a cohesive game. 

"There's Kai!" Dylan said, pointing at the tall guy. 

"Thank goodness," Alen sighed. "We were getting bullied by those little kids. Can't you make them go away?" 

Kai glanced back at the group of kids and chuckled. "You do know that they're kids, right?" 

"And so? Kids these days are so brave that it's crazy," Tony said. 

Well, Kai couldn't argue with that. He still remembered his past occurrence with the kids at Richgate. If he hadn't needed to borrow their ball, then Kai would have walked away the moment they started teasing him. 

Kai sighed and turned to the children before showing them his strongest glare.


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