
If She’s Not Pretty, Then I Don’t Know Anymore

The six of them stood there for a moment, none of them initiating the conversation. 

"Umm, why are we not speaking?" Mingze asked, finally breaking the silence. 

Kai pursed his lips to control his words. He had a lot to say, but he knew he didn't have the heart to say them with the skills he had now. 

"Let's continue," Sunny said, clapping so the newbies can pass him the ball. 

"The ball's not here," Alen deadpanned. 

"Where is it then?" Tony asked. 

Mingze pointed over to the open garden, where the cheerleaders were currently practicing their routine for the first football game of the year.

The six players froze when they saw their old, orange ball just right beside the group of attractive girls and boys with perfect hair. Dylan quickly stepped back and even went as far as hiding behind Tony. 

"Go and fetch it, Tony," he exclaimed, pointing to the ball.

"What am I? Your dog?" Tony asked. "I'm not getting it. Those guys are spawns of the devil." 

Mingze turned to the three seniors. "What do you guys mean?" 

Dylan scratched the back of his head. "Well, they're not too fond of us. They're already not a huge fan of the first-string basketball team aside from Yuze, so imagine how they feel about our team."

"Yeah," Sunny nodded in agreement. "They only cheer enthusiastically for the football team." 

"That isn't really a shock," Tony said. "Aside from the boxing club, the football team is one of the most successful teams here at Shizi High." 

"Well, how bad could they be?" Alen asked, about to fetch the ball. 

However, the cheerleaders suddenly did tricks and turns, making Alen feel intimidated. In contrast to their loser-like team, they seemed to be a talented bunch. Aside from that, once Alen saw a beautiful girl with flowy blonde hair that was curly at the tips directing their routine with a small frown, he instantly recoiled and went back to his original position.

"I can't do it. That girl is too pretty," he muttered. 

Dylan, Tony, and Sunny knowingly glanced at each other. 

"We knew it," Tony said, patting his back. "Don't worry, bud. We've all been there. Suzy Mei will always leave people stunned with her beauty." 

Kai glanced at the girl they were talking about and, indeed, found her pretty. It appeared like she was very passionate about what she was doing, too. 

The guys all turned to Kai, gauging his reaction. 

Dylan nudged Kai's elbow and wiggled his brows. "Pretty, right?" 

"Sure," Kai shrugged. 

The other boys turned to each other with confused expressions. 

"Sure? Just sure? Are you sure we're talking about Suzy Mei here?" Dylan exasperatedly asked. 

Kai shrugged once more. 

"Yeah, she's pretty. I just don't judge people based on what they look like, that's all," he nonchalantly said. 

The players had collective realizations as they glanced at each other. 

Dylan waddled to where Sunny was standing and whispered in his ears. 

"I get it. Girls like this are a norm to this guy. He must be a player," he whispered. 

Sunny nodded in agreement, showing Kai a thumbs up. 

"What a lucky guy," Alen also whispered to Mingze. 

"We admire you, brother," they simultaneously said. 

Kai tilted his head to the side in confusion since he didn't know what they were talking about. 

"Well, are we not going to play?" he asked.

Dylan suddenly had a great idea. "Why don't you get the ball, Kai?"

"Why should I get the ball when you were the one who deflected it away?" Kai asked. 

"Oh, come on, buddy," Dylan said, stroking his shoulders. "Out of everyone here, you're the most suitable for interacting with them!" 

"Interacting? You're literally just going to take the ball," Kai deadpanned. 

Dylan clicked his tongue in impatience. "I'm saying—we can't go too close to a goddess like Suzy Mei. It makes us too nervous." 

Kai pursed his lips. 

'What made them think I wouldn't be nervous too?' 

"Look, just get it, okay?" Sunny desperately asked. "Then, we can finally get back to playing. We only have an hour left before another team takes the court." 

Kai hesitated for a while, but when he saw the hopeful looks on his teammate's faces, he finally caved in. 

"Fine," Kai grumbled. "I'll be back." 

Kai started walking to the open garden where the group of cheerleaders were. He felt his heart beating from nervousness, but he kept it all inside. 

He was Kai Guo now. 

He had nothing to fear. 

Thankfully, the ball was a few feet away from the cheerleaders, so Kai could retrieve it without getting noticed. 

Kai reached his hand to get the ball, all while not saying a word so he wouldn't get noticed. 

However, much to his luck, a male cheerleader accidentally kicked the ball, causing it to settle at the front…

…just right beneath Suzy Mei's feet. 

Do you call it football or soccer?

I personally call it soccer, but I see that more people say football.

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