

The charge into the Hill Giant lines had gathered enough momentum now that they were easily clearing the defenders, but the more that they eliminated, the more uneasy the attackers felt.

They had to be missing something. The Hill Giants weren't this stupid, they should have retreated when they realized that their tactic wasn't working.

But it was only when a stone barrier in front of them collapsed that Karl and the others on the attacking team realized that the Hill Giants had brought a secret weapon.


Ten human men, all at the low side of Royal Rank, and looking unstable, with insane eyes glaring back at the Elites above the distinctive tabards that Karl recognized as the uniforms of church guards, minus the white robes, which had been replaced by black ones.

They must have been given a resource to boost their power, perhaps temporarily.

Their leader pointed a blade at Karl. "The Titan Gods demand his head. Bring it to me."

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