
General Orland And Company

As expected, it took another ten minutes before the ladies were ready to face the world again, freshly washed, and with their hair loosely braided so it wouldn't go wild as it dried. Their travel packs weren't exactly loaded with the finest of hair products, so frizz was just a fact of life for adventuring Elites, but after the effort to get rid of the ash, it was worse than usual.

"Alright, that is everyone. Lead the way, Lieutenant." Bob announced once the group was back together.

Karl decided to let Bob take the lead on this one, as he had all the experience on his side when dealing with military leaders. He was out here all the time, preferring to be on a mission to being anywhere else, so he was constantly in contact with the military leadership, and knew more about just where his role as an Elite fit into the social framework. 


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