
Volume 0 (53): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 53 : Same cradle, different eggs.

The Individual butting into the conversation is quite similar to Newller, it has the same light cooper skin, metallic ivory short hair and nature green glowing irises, his height is of 8 and one fifth Vul (4.1 meters), and the attire he has is a white long sleeve shirt with grey pants, matching the outfit that currently is employing Newller.

§ Douglas Ustrad Drymer §

Quality 9 ★ Category -13

Species: High True Gärmshïer

§ First Year Student §

Both of them are Gärmshïer and is evidently they don't tolerate each other, however, he is not alone, other three male Entities stand by his side.

At his left, there is a winged Anthropoid with a well built body, extremely pale chestnut skin and a height of 9 and one fifth Vul (4.6 meters), the colour of his feathers is the same as his short wavy hair, a metallic dark maple.

His arrogant expression is emphasized by the glowing litmus maple irises with sand circular pupils on his eyes, and a combat suit with silver and white metallic plates covering the majority of his silhouette.

§ Brunán Osryn Daell §

Quality 19 ★ Category -8

Species: High Dark Maple True Hellaven

§ First Year Student §

The other two are at the right side of Douglas, a couple of twins with short metallic white litmus hair, slim bodies with metalized reddish brick skin and a height of 7 one tenth of Vul (3.55 meters).

They are almost identical, except for two factors, a metal blue osmium horn on their heads, one have it on the left temple and the other on the right one.

And the last difference is on their eyes, they have opposite heterochromia on their irises, with a putrefact glowing swamp green that is disgusting to watch and a glowing bright olive green quite pleasant to look at.

§ Diringer Miggrer Rightgrer §

Quality 23 ★ Category 0

Species: Real and Authentic True Ûrïdïáń

§ First Year Student §


§ Izinger Higgrer Leftgrer §

Quality 23 ★ Category 0

Species: Real and Authentic True Ûrïdïáń

§ Firts Year Student §

The development of the twins is quite impressive, after all, they are employing [Active Adarga] as Marshack, but differently to him, their technology is lacking, with simple combat suits made of interwoven fibers of hair that have the same disgusting green swamp as their eyes.

{If you want to know "What sounds good?", i am going to tell you …} Thought Newller before replying with gloating tone mocking Douglas —The moaning of your Mother sounds good when i pin her down fornicating with her as the bitch in heat she is … , or it was your Sister?, probably both, with a gutless "Coawrssy" (Coward Sissy) like you as their only "male" to rely on, both get all horny for anyone with sufficient virility, obviously, they are hooked up with a stallion like me, and of course, they are the ones calling me like that, i simply pass the message in case it wasn't clear enough to you …

Douglas gets silent, because Newller is not joking, he actually is intimate with his Mother and Sister, catching the latter in one occasion, what is worst, both of them got relaxed and happier after that activity became a regular thing.

—I don't mind you doing that; Reply Douglas with a tint of grievance »—Is their life, but is sad that you use them to get revenge on me.

Newller snorts —Care to explain why should i search revenge on you?.

Douglas gets silent again and Newller continues but his voice is somewhat condescending »—That is what i thought, "Coawrssy", is one of the reasons what makes us so different, i don't need to "LIE" to obtain what i want, both, your Mother and Sister know, they never are going to be more than a plaything for me, and are aware of why a choose them, still, they are on my side, so i am truly thankful to you …

Douglas start gritting his teeth, closing his fists, and Newller doesn't stop »—I know you don't believe me, and frankly, i don't care, but, what you did, teach me a lot, an amazing lesson, and technically free, that is why i am repaying with kindness to those close to you, because you, don't deserve it, until you stop lying, unfortunately, a "Coawrssy", remains like one, unless, someone else, takes out that option.

—And you are supposed to be this "Someone"?. Inquire Brunán, and Newller laugh aloud with irony —Not at all, on the contrary, i am facilitating his live so much for that to never happen, the proof is that he continues being a "Coawrssy" even when our Planet has invaders in it.

All presents are confused by Newller's remark, except for Marshack, who says —Brilliant!; With genuine reverence towards the still mocking Gärmshïer —Thanks Bverxkka, is good to see that others can understand it.

Newller and Douglas keeps challenging one another with their eyes until the latter breaks the silence —What are you doing here?, classes start in a few Standard Days.

Newller retorts immediately —You forgot already!!, i said for everyone to hear it, that i was arriving earlier to watch the installations of Barloen College and know about other Species, the question here is, what are "You" doing here?, a part of copying my schedule and outfit?.

—Not everything is about you, and we lost a lot of time alredy …; Said Douglas looking at his clothes before start walking towards the Orbital Elevator with his companions.

—He is weird; Commented Drekdier and Newller laughs again —He is a Coawrssy, always scapes the situation, but not this time, lets see who is going to arrive, for him to be this evasive, it means that is someone important.

Newller advance heading to the Orbital Elevator, Marshack and Drekdier do the same to see the newcomers, easily locating two females between the crowd.

The first, has a light ice blue metallic straight hair, porcelain white skin, glowing cyan irises with ice blue snowflake pupils, a coquettish but defiant attitude and the posture of a sovereign with her gorgeous and femenine silhouette, wearing a dark cyan metallic combat suit that accentuate her height of 7 and one fifth Vul (3.6 meters).

§ Irithia Themerian Olonder §

Quality 18 ★ Category -1

Species: Real and Authentic True Icyan

§ First Year Student §

The second female has a height of 6 Vul and one fifths (3.1 meters), litmus violet blue metallic wavy hair, sparkling litmus sand irises, dim yogurt peach skin, and a beautiful yellow dress with white flowers as a pattern, which is not enough to occult her sensual and developed figure.

§ Katherine Phelixer Hûratan §

Quality 15 ★ Category 0

Species: Real and Authentic True Litmusneër

§ First Year Student §

Both Females attract attention with their arrival, and is not long before various groups get near them, including Douglas and company.

However, Irithia and Katherine ignores everyone and walks towards Drekdier —You are taller "Dier"; Mentioned the latter while the former is more direct —I expect is not the only thing that grows.

The Preëmtor almost choke —Don't joke with that, my heart is still broken by the rejection of "Kath" back then.

Katherine face gets all flustered with an intense blush and shyly express looking at the floor —I didn't reject you, i said we were too young for staying alone …

—And i was talking about swimming; Fastly say Drekdier, embarrassing Katherine even more.

—Is good to see you again "Dier", are you going to make us company like in the past?; Teasingly asked Irithia and the Preëmtor smile —Sure, like the not so good old times.

Katherine instantly gets downcasted —I didn't knew!, i am sorry, i always wanted to say it to you, I …

Drekdier puts his index finger almost over Katherine lips —*Shh*, It wasn't your fault, so forget it, my life is better now, and both help me a lot to achieve that, which is what matters to me the most …

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