
Volume 1 (18): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 18 : First Step Part 1.

Walking over the barren stone of what decades before was wilderness, Marshack observe the billions of Hûrngöth that are going outside the safety of the Facilities Shields and mitigated environment to adapt or die at Hûlfhednär's usual parameters, still there is some that are already ready and waiting for further instructions.

{In this period, every Hûrngöth has learn the truth about the abhorrent hecatomb provocated by Kern's City after stealing the nucleus of Hûlfhednär}.

This outcome enraged the surviving population to an extent never seen before, and the majority is driven by retribution or straight up revenge.

Loosing your family, home and lifestyle because others couldn't tolerate you were better is not simple to get over it, everyone is better in something, that doesn't entitle them to decide for everybody on your own.

Marshack sight allowed him to see the faces of all the inhabitants, resolution, grievance, regret, rage, fear and abnegation are the most common expressions in the Hûrngöth.

{My thought about the children's death is distinct to the majority, they are not going to experience fear, pain, despair or hunger. Is this relief?}.

Not knowing with certainty, Marshack attempt to distract himself with the Slaidt, an addition as amazing as it is annoying.

Releasing a lot of potential in everyone, including a profound understanding of emotions, somehow, that accelerate his comprehension over them as enhance his capacity to see them slightly better than before, to an extent, that results severely obnoxious.

{Is a drawback, a malfunction or simply the consequence of my young age of almost 97 years (1360 human years aprox)}.

After hearing his supposition, Peatell suggested that it was his own fault for not having sexual partners.

Unfortunately, there wasn't a female on the remanents of the planet that could withstand Marshack pheromones until Duchess Delené recent evolution progress.

Usually, females collapse and trembles in an uncontrollable orgasm for a few hours just for him approaching them whit sexual intention.

{I genuinely don't see the purpose of this self-defense mechanism of my body, if they were trying to rape me, could had some sense, a swift and simple incapacitation, but is supposed to be the opposite, that means it is me wanting to rape them?, but that has absolute no sense, they are giving me consent}.

Alaney give him another suggestion, the 2 Enzymes, Adrenaline synthesized by the Academic Bastille, and Quelizt provided by herself.

The former strengthen the body while the latter accelerate your mental processes, but they merge, creating Adrenelizt, an enzyme that enhance even more the previous ones.

And being absorbed by the body as a 3rd enzyme and not a mixture, the weirdest part, is that all the Hûrngöth had glands that can produce the enzymes naturally, but were inactive until now, the same applies to the D'Kin and Myryam with Olainne prove it.

{Maybe Hayon and Aezza are right, not like knowing is going to change anything, those glands are part of me and aside Duchess Delené, i am incapable of get near a female if i have sexual interest}.

Whichever be the case, Marshack have trouble with the Quelizt, sometimes he don't realize that he is using it and start to ramble in his mind.

{I did it again!, this is unbearable, the rest go through this too?, or they just do better for having more experience with emotions as they didn't neglected them as i did}.

Still, the development of the Hûrngöth has been astonishing in some regards, the friend of Peatell in particular, ended up being the brother of the Academic Bastille, and his progress is as remarkable as the genius of his brother, this fact is enough to get the attention of Alaney, and approval of Callius and Carteon, but the most unbelievable is Etessa, and she just wants to experiment on, under or another position with him.

Vibrations reach Marshack's body, turning around, Carteon and Norren are approaching him, they are wearing a dark burgundy armored suit, as he or Duchess Delené does, who arrive seconds later showing her enticing silhouette due to the attire.

The female proclaim —I am disappointed Reiker!, couldn't you wait to see me naked?!, this clothes are propostrous!.

Being a well-mannered, demure Damsel, Duchess Delené abhorre the suit, Marshack has something different to express —I can see you naked any time i desire, so don't remember me the fact, even "I" am unable to ignore your beauty …

The Duchess blushes, how can she forget the capacity of Marshack's [Bicromy]?, or how can he said that shameless sentence to her?, especially when he is way younger than the Duchess, however, the Apex of the Hûrngöth continues speaking »—So stop ogling at Duchess Delené, i can withstand her rage, both of you don't …

Carteon and Norren are caught of guard, she is too captivating and not watching her is quite the deed, which makes the former reply apologetically —Bverxkka, is not on purpose, Duchess Delené always has this presence that force everyone to look at her, but now is worst.

—Blaming the lady for your inability to control your impulses, your mother would be greatly disappointed young man. Duchess Delené remark produce embarrassment on Carteon and Norren manage to hold his laugh, it is not a daily occurrence to watch "Mister Ideal" get scolded.

Meekly Carteon express repentance —My apologies Duchess Delené …

—Not accepted … ; Nonchalantly inform the Damsel »—What are we waiting Reiker?.

—Scouts and Workers, so use [Active Adarga], it is going to be mandatory the employment of it outside of Hûlfhednär.

Everyone obey Marshack instruction, metalizing their skin into a dark burgundy shade, waiting for the mentioned Hûrngöth.

Instead 40 Multitask Work Vehicles and 8 Scoutships are far away, flying upwards leaving Hûlfhednär atmosphere.

—We can use one of those too?!; Norren eagerness is overflowing but Marshack is carrier or a not positive answer —We exceed the tolerance compatibility and amplification due to our evolution.

Took a few seconds but Norren comprehend the meaning —So what they are doing with those vehicles, i should be capable too, and do it with a better performance?.

—Indeed, however, don't try flying, is too taxing mentally and physically.

—How we reach them?; Inquire Norren and Marshack response is immediate —Using Electrons, it is not different of Kinetic Energy, surround yourself with them and jump.

Norren generates Electrons around him and shoot upwards, accelerating so much that his transluscent yellowish Personal Shield has to protect him from the friction due to his current speed.

—He has potential; Commented Carteon and Marshack nonchalantly inform —He is going to become your brother in law; Before Carteon could reply, Duchess Delené and Marshack start their ascending, so the Most Handsome Hûrngöth in history do the same.

Outside Hûlfhednär's atmosphere, there are 2 types of vehicles waiting for their leaders, Multitask Work Vehicles and Scoutships.

The former has a shape of a tridimensional elongated eight or infinity symbol "∞", metal burgundy surface with 2 toroids of immaterial Siena Energy placed in parallel and diagonally.

Equivalent to a ring orbiting the back of the neck to the knees of a seated person, which is the posture of the pilots.

The latter is a fast vessel with elongated isosceles triangle faces and a bit wide isosceles triangle base, to have an horizontal pyramidal shape of burgundy metal, the edges and vertices shine with that Siena Energy, and apparently, is this asset what allows the displacement of the vehicles.

The open channel of communication is swarmed by different thoughts, and Marshack assume his role *—This views can be conflicting, between amazing, astonishing, discouraging or blatant painful, but you only have to focus on gather resources, we never going to get back what we lost, but always is an option to remember and honor what makes us advance, attempting our best, so this outcome doesn't repeat again …*

The crew is silent for a moment and the Apex provides critical information to the convoy *»—Don't cut communication, stay relatively close and keep in mind that our information is outdated, still, the journey shouldn't take us more than 6 hours (13.5 human hours) to reach the destination.*

*»—The Multitask Work Vehicle specifications mention an average speed of 6 Standard Light Years per Cycle, but the vehicles hadn't been used in a long time, so be attentive to any inconsistency, no matter how minor it looks like.*

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