
chapter 11

It was bright warm weekend in Royal Woods, Michigan and inside this very city we come to a neighborhood where the city perhaps most famous (Infamous) family lives..the Loud family.

And inside the Loud House the usual was happening, "Let go!" "No you let go!" Chaos.

Two young 7 year old girls identical in appearance except for their clothes one wearing a pink dress and tiara the other a red base ball cap and blue overalls, "Know it off you two!"

Another voice interjected with annoyed tone as a older blond haired 18 year teenager wearing a light blue tank top, brown cargo shorts, blue-gray slip-on shoes, and light blue eyeshadow, as well as a pair of white pearl earrings, stepped into the room scowling at the two, "Can't you two go literally one day without fighting."

She said pinching the bridge of her nose, "But Lori, Lana took one of my tiara." The pink dress wearing girl said pointing accusingly at the girl in overalls who retorted back, "NO I didn't you probably just lost it Lola!"

She said glaring at her twin while their older sister groaned, "I literally can not handle this right now." She said sending a scowl at the two, "We're supposed to welcome our new neighbor to the neighborhood and give them a good first impression like mom and dad want us to."

Remembering how the house next door had finally been bought and whoever their neighbor was had finished moving in yesterday though none of the Loud family had met them as of it.

She perched her hands on her hips glowering down at the two, "Not scaring them off!" She said with a scowl with Lana and Lola frowning up at her however before they could retort a young male voice interject, "Calm on you two listen to Lori."

Causing the three to turn their head toward the 12 year old sole male member of the 11 loud siblings a boy with white hair wearing a orange shirt and blue pants who was smiling at the three as he gestured over at Lori, "You know she only wants whats best for us."

He sending Lori a smile before letting out a amused smirk, 'Heck she practical raised us all herself~" He said crossing his arms with a smirk while Lori sent her brother a unsure gaze but couldn't stop a small smile as she replied back, "Thank you Lincoln."

She said looking at her brother who she (Along with the rest of her sisters) had been somewhat worried about for the past month, do to him acting welll.....weird.

It was as if he had over gone a slight personality shift overnight into a whole new person, he was still their brother but he expressed no interest in Ace Savvy or that ghost show Aaargh or whatever it was called, and even sold his merchandise for the shows.

He was also hanging out with Clyde less, which she honestly didn't mind since while Clyde while a nice and good kid did make things uncomfortable sometimes with his obsession with her sometimes made things....uncomfortable to say the least.

But he was still like a unofficial part of the family and to see Lincoln suddenly distant himself from his closest friend rang alarm bells to say the least, causing the whole family to worry.

Even though he had also been trying to spend more time with most of them, which admittedly he always did his best to make time for them but lately he seemed to be behaving strangely around them including herself.

Heck she thought with a internal amused snort at one point she thought she saw him eying her butt, but that was literally ridiculous right? Sure Lincoln was at the age of puberty kicking in and such but he wouldn't be attracted to other girls with Ronnie Anne in the picture especially his own sisters...right?

She shook that thought aside as she focused back on her brother who was currently giving the twins a little bit of a lecture and found herself smiling in amusement.

As recalled Lincoln after the first week had apparently realized the familys worry, and had a little family meeting. Where assured them he was fine and still the same Lincoln Loud they always new.

But that after Ronnie Anne moved away sometime ago he had been doing some soul searching and thinking and he felt a change was a order that he need to discover who Lincoln Loud really was.

Which included getting rid of some stuff he had recently lost interest in, and also said while Clyde was a great loyal friend. He thought that some time apart for the two of them would only strengthen their friendship and do them both good.

And honestly after that family meeting while some of them were still worried Lori was among those who supported Lincoln actions feeling like this could be good for her brother in the long term.

Though she was also admittedly worried that Ronnie Anne moving away like her precious Bobby boo boo bear affected her brother more than she realized, and that he liked Ronnie Anne more than she had realized. Which was admittedly literally adorable and fantastic but also a problem considering the potential pain her brother was going through, so she was determined to step up as his oldest sister who knew exactly what he was going through.

"And that's why you two really need to stop fighting like this." She blinked and brought herself to reality looking over at her brother and young sister, "I know that it's always been your thing to butt heads girls...but seriously."

Lincoln shook his head, "As cute as you two look when you're mad." He said sending a wink at the two causing them to flush with Lana glancing away while Lola glowered with a pout, "I think your spats are starting to get a little to mean."

"Besides.." He said with a shrug, "You two aren't just sister but twins." He gestured over at the two, "You should be closer than anybody despite your differences, not rivals at each others throats."

Lori arched a brow at this , truthfully the twin spats didn't seem any different than usual to her. But she had to admit Lincoln raised a good point while their fights had just become part of the status quo and regular part of their lives, maybe it was high time to put their foot down.

And as she gave a hum rubbing her chin another voice interjected, "Rocking speech bro!" The rocker of the Loud siblings a 16 year old girl with short brown hair in pixie cut wearing purple sleeveless shirt with a white skull, torn crew neck, and triangular sleeves, a plaid lavender skirt, a white belt, purple-tipped socks, and high purple boots. interjected as she slid in streaming her guitar, "It is high time these two learned to play more in harmony."

She said with a smirk stringing her guitar as she smiled over at her sisters and bro, "Hey Luna."

Lincoln said with a smile and wave, "Glad you're here needed to ask you something." He arched a brow, "Do you happen to know If Sam and I are still on for our one on one music lesson?"

He asked with a tone of curiosity arching a brow while doing his best to hide a small smirk at the question Luna gave a small frown before shrugging, "As far as I know bro."

She said looking down streaming her guitar while thinking about her brother who in the past month she's been concerned about like the rest of her family. But she was also bit proud of him for trying to find his own groove and beat to rock to more.

Of course his question had also reminded her of another person she was worried about lately that being her girlfriend the rockiness girl ever Sam Sharp. As for the past couple weeks it felt like her girl was pulling away from her, and keeping something from her.

Though when she shared her worries with her sibs at a sibling meeting Lincoln told her she was probably being paranoid and he hadn't noticed anything off with Sam in the lesson he started to take with her.

And the fact he started to take music lessons from her girl by itself was still something that surprised her, and confused her in why he didn't ask her. Though Lincoln explained that he knew Luna could turn him into a top star rocker no doubt, he also wanted to these lessons from Sam one on one as a way to get closer to and get to know his sisters girlfriend even more.

At the time it seemed like a cool idea to her and it was so awesome that Lincoln was already treating Sam as part of the family with this move. Her bro got music lesson from the only rocker to rival her skills, and Sam got to bond and get to know her bro more win win right?

But than why did it seem like instead of getting closer to her and her family Sam was pulling away from her? Was she just being paranoid seeing something that wasn't there like Lincoln said, or was there something up and her girl needed her help?

in that moment the sound of a truck echoed inside the house.

"Hey dudes!!!" Lynn called from down stairs. the sporty sister was dressed in her typical red and white jersey with a red "1" on it, red-and-white track shorts, and black cleats with striped white knee-high socks. "our new neighbor is moving in!!!"

"Awesome!" Luna yelled back with a smile as she started to make her way out of the living room choosing to put things with Sam out of her mind right now and focus on making a good impression on the new neighbor like the folks wanted

With Lana and Lola following at the heels with Lola sending Lana a haughty smirk, "You might want to stay inside sis.." She said with a bit of mocking, "After all we wouldn't want to scare them away with stentch~"

She said laughing before racing off, "HEY!" Lana called after her with a scowl, "I'll bet if anyone's going to scare them off it's you and your spoiled attitude!"

This all caused Lori to sigh shaking her head before turning her head toward her brothers voice, "So.." He asked with a arched brow, "How long do you think it'll take our the neighbor to break and move out?"

He asked in a half serious half humorous tone smirking at her

"according to my calculations" the voice of Lisa (dressed in her green turtleneck sweater, dark pink pants, and brown shoes with no socks) sounded next to them "and considering the time others remained...and taking in consideration we dont know anything about our new neighbor...i will put a minimus of 3 days before they ran way"

"I give them a day.." Another low monotone voice spoke out behind Lincoln causing him to jump and twist around as he put his hand to heart with Lori and Lisa also jumping slightly as they all stared at Lucy Loud (pale grey skin, black hair covering her eyes, and dressed in a black dress over a tank top with black and white stripes, a matching black and white stripe sleeves and stockings, and black shoes. ) "Before they flee under the cover of moonlight."

Lucy finished unbothered with their reaction as Lincoln spoke out, "Lucy you have got to stop doing that!" He yelled before shaking his head muttering, "At this rate i'm going to have a heart attack before I finish puberty."

"hahaha that certainly would be a killer for your growth HA...get it?" Luan (dressed in a white sleeveless shirt, a yellow skirt with a checkerboard pattern, yellow socks with a line pattern that are worn all the way up, and brown shoes.) called also appearing gaining a groan from everyone involve.

"Lets just...go see who is our new neighbor" called Lori

"Right behind you.." Lincoln said as he started to walk out of the room, "And hey.." He paused giving them a grin, "At the very least even if this goes bad we can at least say we gave them a experience they'll never forget."

He said with a chuckle which Luan shared while Lori shook her head though she had a slight smile on her face, while Lisa rolled her eyes and Lucy made no reaction.

(A few minutes later outside the loud house)

"Alright everyone here?" A adult male Lynn Loud Sr. ( He had a long pointy nose, brown eyebrows, and curly brown hair that is thinning on the top. He wore a sea green sweater over a light green checkered collar and cuffs, brown slacks and shoes. ) asked as he stared over at his gathered kids

"Looks like Lynn." Rita his wife (She had medium length blonde hair and white earrings. She also wears light blue eyeshadow and red lipstick. She wore a salmon buttoned shirt with a white collar and cuffs, dark mauve pants and black flats. )

Holding her youngest child Lily (a white T-shirt and lavender shorts) "Now than.." She gave her children a stern look, "You all remember to be on your best behavior right?" She asked arching a brow, "We don't want to scare away our new neighbors after all...not again at any rate." She said than muttered at the end with a frown

"Dont worry mom...how can we scare them?" Leni (wearing her typical seafoam green dress and white sandals) "i even made them this sweater" she said pulling a sweater that looked like a rainbow puked on him with the words "welcome" in the front.

"Hey those colors remind me of my missing ties" called Lynn Sr.

"its...is a coincidence dear" Rita called making signals to anyone to hide the sweater.

"Ehhh...it's a thoughtful gift Leni." Lincoln than spoke up in hesitant tone, "But there's just one problem." He remarked while taking the sweater from her and giving it a a slight disgusted look, "Oh what is it?" Leni asked in curious tone

"Simple.." Lincoln said with a slight smirk, "It's summer so sweaters just aren't in season right now." He explained while throwing the sweater off into the bushes in front of the house porch and out of sight (Thankfully)

"Really? but we have been learning about climate change in school so...how can you say tomorrow it wont be snowing?" she asked in innocent tone

This caused all her siblings to groan and face palm with Lori than speaking up, "No Leni not season like the weather he means season like in fashion.."

She explained putting her hand on her sister shoulder, "He literal just means sweaters aren't what's in right now."

In that moment a big moving trunk parked in a house cross the Loud´s.

"whistle look at the size of that beauty" said Lana looking at a 18 wheels truck

"You ain't kidding.." Lynn Jr said crossing her arms looking at the truck, "That thing looks like it could haul everything in our house."

She said with Lisa humming giving the truck her own look, "Hmm judging by the vehicle storage proportions perhaps everything in a residence twice over." She stated factual with Luna giving a slight whistle before Luan spoke up with a grin, "I guess they're going for a grand haul than huh~"

She before giving a laugh, "Hehe get it?" Causing her family to groan

the truck stoped and people desended to open the back door.

"Ok everyone" called one as more cars parked "you know the deal...this guy paid us big money to make sure everything is intact and in the house TODAY meaning no coffee breaks until at least half the house is fully habitable"

Cue groans.

"Yeah i know but hey...early bonus!! Now get to work"

with that some opened the door to the house while others entered the truck and began pulling furniture out and into the house or the garden.

A king size bed.

multiple book shelves and wardrobes.

couches and chairs

a BIG plasma TV.

potted plants

"Whoa.." Lincoln stated with wide eyes shared by his family as they all got good look at some of the stuff being moved in

"You can say that again bro.." Luna said before pointing out with wide eyes, "Is that a guitar autographed by Mick Swagger?!" She cried out in shock as her lands landed on one of the items being moved into the home in a display case

"And look at those fish!" Lana cried out in excitement seeing a large fish tank with all sorts of exotic fish swimming around it

"that equipment looks next-gen" called Lynn as some people had a hard time pulling multiple excersice machines out the truck.

"Forget about those things..look at that!!!" Lola cried noticing a worker ripping off some bubble warp from a cabinet filled with multiple awards

"I think that's literal more rewards than all of ours put together.." Lori stated in shock

"And those clothes look totes fabulous!" Leni cried out clapping excitedly, "I've only seen movie stars wear stuff that nice!"

She said with a large grin as Lincoln eyes widen as he got a good look at the trophy case, "Um funny you should say that Leni."

He stated in a low tone of shock as his eyes were wide and his family turned his attention to him, "Because I think one of those trophies is a Emmy!"

That made Lola´s eyes widen in shock.

"E...Emmy?!!" she cried in awe "only the famous of actors get those!!!!"

"So that means our neighbor is some famous actor?" asked Luna "that would be so cool"

"Yeah!" Lincoln said with his own grin that fell with a thoughtful frown, "But why would a actor be moving into Royal Woods?"

He asked his family aloud with them all pausing as they thought about the question before Lori spoke up rubbing her chin, "Lincoln right it literal doesn't make any sense." She remarked shaking her head, "I love Royal Woods as much as anyone but a famous actor moving here?"

"Doesn't really make sense.." Lynn Jr finished frowning this caused the family to frown thoughtfully pondering before Leni squealed and clapped excitedly, "Ehhhh I totes know why they're here!"

She said hopping excitedly, "It must be a new tv show which means we're going to be on tv!" She said hopping with a large smile this comment strangely seemed to make Lincoln smirk and snort while the others gave skeptical exasperated looks toward Leni

"OMG Leni i think you're right" Lola cried pulling out a compact mirror "Quickly how is my make up? My tiara? is my dress ok? Lincoln go to my wardrobe and bring my best dress!!! i must look perfect for the casting!"

Lincoln however arched a brow, "Girls if there was going to be a show filmed in Royal Woods much less our neighborhood don't you think we'd have heard about it?"

He pointed out before gesturing over at the movers, "This is probably some just some retired actor from Pop Pops generation looking for some peace and quiet away from Hollywood or something." He said theorizing with a thoughtful frown rubbing his chin

Wwell we might find the answer soon older male unit" said Lisa "it seems the owner is here" she said pointing to a black lamborghini car with red flames on the sides parking behind the truck.

from it descended an man on his 40´s with long black hair and goatee, angular and professional face dressed in a expensive looking reddish-black suit

Lincoln eyes widen staring at the figure in shock before he blurted out, "OZAI!" Gaping at the man with wide eyed shock

"Say isn't he from that Avatar Last Airbender show you kids like so much?" Lynn Sr asked scratching the back of his head with a thoughtful frown. Because truthfully he wasn't sure if he approved of the kids watching that kinda violent content when he once saw the show but Rita managed to convince him there was no harm and it was a nice activity for the kids to share with them all having a show they enjoyed

Though Rita herself was a fan of the show and was staring at Ozai with shock like the rest of her family and a slight blush

"Yeah i think its him" Lynn jr called "he was the super evil Firelord...the main villain of the series!!!"

"Ehhhh!" Leni suddenly screeched out frighten rushing behind her siblings before looking around frighten, "Does that mean Azula is here?" She asked in terrified tone as truthfully that character from the show had always kinda scared her

And she was always so mean to her favorite character Ty Lee too!

"I dont think so Leni" said Lori "From what i remember from the last twit of the serise official page they havent talked for at least a year now after the show was announced to end"

"Oh how come?" Lincoln asked arching a brow looking curiously at her, "Ozai part on bad terms with the rest of the cast or something?"

He asked while looking over at the man who was currently watching and supervising the movers

"Seems so...it seems there was some friction between him, the main lead and the writers of the show" said Lori "but it was never fully explained and he walked away from the spot light after the show ended"

"Huh.." Lincoln said with a frown looking thoughtfully and bit suspicious at the man, "Any rumors about what it might have been about?"

"not really although some said he didnt like the direction the show was taking and that he was disappointed at it for reasons that are up to debate"

"Huh." Lincoln could only say before shaking his head, "Well whatever his reasons that doesnt' change the fact he's our new neighbor.."

He said with a wary frown before doing his best to hide it as he looked his family with a wide grin, "So let's give him the loud family welcome." He said with a fist pump with his siblings all grinning alongside their parents

"Rock on bro.." Luna said strumming her guitar

"Ohhh this could be my chance at the big time!" Lola said with a wide eager yet devious grin, "He's probably got all sorts of connections in Hollywood that are just waiting to meet a real star like me~"

"Dont forget about me!" called Luan"maybe he could let me meet some of my fav comedians and show them my talent"

"I could maybe meet Azula and Ty lee!!!" said Leni excited

Lincoln gave a confused blink at Leni, "Um I thought you were scared of Azula Leni?" He asked with a arched brow, "Though won't lie meeting them especially Ty Lee would be awesome~" He said with a chuckle and smirk

"Yeah she is quite scary" admitted Leni "but at the end she was so sad and alone" she sniffed "i just want to meet her and give him a big hug and tell her everything will be alright"

Lincoln as well as a few other of his siblings gave Leni a blink, "Ah that's so sweet of you honey.." Rita remarked to her daughter with a grin

"Yeah yeah Leni's a sweetheart." Lynn Jr said tapping her foot impatiently, "Can we just greet our new neighbor and meet a actual movie star already?" She snapped with bit impatience tone

with that the whole family began crossing the street.

(on the other side)

"...Dont worry Mr. Phoenix we have experience moving pets...you can be sure your fishes are in good hands" said the main moving man to the actor.

"i hope so...i would hate something happen to them" Ozai said caressing his goatee "but are you sure your men will be able to handle the big one?" he asked "Unagi tend to be aggressive against those he doesnt know"

"We have moved Piranhas for crazy rich guys before..i think we can handle an eel" said the man without a worry.

"if you say so" Ozai said "just call me if he gets to nervous"

"Will do sir.." The man said with nod before shooting the man a grin, "And by the way thanks for the autograph my kids going to love it~"

He said before walking off to help supervise the others with their latest client as he did so another voice spoke up beside Ozai gaining his attention, "Excuse me sir we'd like to welcome you to the neighborhood."

Ozai turned and his eyes widen for a moment in recognition noticing 13 people in front of him.

"Hi new neighbor...I am..." Lynn sr started only for certain pink wearing girl to interrupt him.

"Hi im Lola loud famous pageant winner, declared the cutest girl in royal woods for 5 years, excellent singer and the most talented girl you will ever meet" she said pressing forwards "want to see my ribbon dance or you will prefer my contact numbers?"

However in the next moment she was pushed aside by her twin, "I'm Lana if you've got any pipes that need fixing i'm your girl." She said with a grin of pride before sending Lola a smirk, "And ignore my sister she thinks the world revolves around her." She said with a eye roll as Lola scowled at her

However before a fight could start and escalate a loud shriek of a guitar blared out, "Rock on dude names Luna future top rockstar!" The girl said sending a grin

"Hi i'm Leni is Azula doing any better now? Leni asked frowning before adding, "And you aren't going to try to burn down the neighborhood like you did the Earth Kingdom are you?" She asked with a slightly worried tone causing her family to face palm

Ozai however simply blinked and then began laughing.

"Hahahahaha...oh boy...thats so funny" he said cleaning a tear.

"Eh? did i say something funny?" asked Leni.

"Hehehe you did little Leni...ahhh i needed that laugh" said Ozai "and dont worry i dont plan to burn the neighborhood..im planning to live here" he then added a more grave tone "and rule over it as its phoenix king!!!"

"EEEP!" Leni went out before ducking behind Lori who sighed rolling her eyes, "He's just kidding Leni.." Who sheepishly peeked out, "Oh..I knew that." She said with a grin causing Lori to roll her eyes again before looking up at Ozai, "Hello there my names Lori oldest and most responsible child of the loud house."

Causing many of her siblings to snort out amused with Lori than sending them a dark glare before another voice spoke up, "Salutations sir.."

Lisa said adjusting her glasses, "I am Lisa Loud and while i'm not quite sure what brings you here all the way from Hollywood I hope you find living her enjoyable."

"Yeah!" Luan piped up with a grin, "Names Luan and I bet you can really bring the heat at the next neighborhood bbq~"

She said before letting out a laugh ,"Hehe get it~"

Causing her family to groan before another voice spoke up behind Ozai, "Good day to you sir.." Lucy said with a bleak tone staring up at him, "Hmm you seem to share the same unnatural aura my brother has developed recently."

"Oh?" the man said kneeling down "and what aura that would be?" he asked

Lucy gave a thoughtful hum staring at him, "It's strange as if you two have a otherworldly energy around your souls...as if you are possessed yet not."

She admitted causing Lincolns eyes to narrow at Ozai while Lynn and Rita gave a groan, "Ugh Lucy I know you mean well but Lincoln isn't possessed."

She explained staring at her daughter with a frown remembering the incident a few weeks back where she found a disgruntled frowning Lincoln tied up with Lucy standing beside him trying and failing to "exorcise" the dark spirit from his body, "And neither is Mr. Phoenix.."

Lynn Sr said berfore sending a apologetic grin, "Hehe sorry about my daughter she's a big fan of the supernatural.." He said rubbing the back of his neck, "But i'm Lynn Sr and this is my wife Rita and the little bundle in her arms is our youngest Lily." Lily gave the man a wave as Lynn sr continued, "And we are proud to welcome you to our neighborhood."

"Hey don't forget me." Lynn Jr butted in sending a cocky smirk at Ozai while he was still bent down by Lucy, "Names Lynn Jr royal woods top sports star.."

"And I'm.." Lincoln than spoke up still frowning and looking at Ozai with narrowed eyes, "Lincoln Louds it's a pleasure to meet you sir.."

Ozai returned the narrowed look while stroking his beard.

"Nice to meet you Lincoln" he finally said "ummmm one boy ten girls" he suddenly said looking at the family "Excuse me if im wrong but you wouldnt be the famous..." he looked at Lincoln "Loud house...would you?"

Lincolns eyes slightly went wide for a moment before they narrowed back onto Ozai, "Yeah that's us..." He answered with a nod and cautious nod before adding with a slight smirk, "I might have to crash through crowed halls and dodge girls like pin pong balls just to reach the bathroom on time."

He let out a little laugh as his family looked at him and Ozai with curious gazes and arched brows as he finished, ""but wouldn't trade it for the world ~" He said with another smirk and slight laugh

"Jahaha have heard of you from both the old owner of this house and around town" Ozai continued "a quite rouge family Duck, dodge, push and shove...That's how you show your love...or thats what i have heard" he ended

Lincoln eyes if possible narrow even more before he chuckled, "Hehe you got that right...and "

He shot a grin at his parents, "Gotta love mom and dad for not going completely mad~" This cause his parents to chuckle, "Hehe you could say that again sport."

Lynn Sr said with a tone of pride before his wife Rita spoke up, "Though I'm surprised you already know about us." She said looking curiously st Ozai before gaining a more sheepish expression, "Than again our family does have a reputation around Royal Woods "

She said with slight nervous chuckle with rest of the family giving their own snorts of amusement at that understatement

"Indeed..." he thought for a moment "although Im sure some of the more extreme rumors i have heard are just that...so i think it will be interesting having you as my next doors"

"Buddy you don't know the half of it~" Luan chimed in with a laugh and wide smile with her mother giving her own nervous laugh and smile at Ozai, "Hehe what my daughter means that some of the rumors about our family are just that rumors."

She sheepishly scratched the back of her neck while holding Lily in her arm, "Rest assured our family will be wonderful neighbors." She explained not wanting to have her family accidental scare of their new neighbor....again.

Only to turn her head at the sound of her son voice, "And personally I think having a famous actor as our new neighbor will be what's interesting." Lincoln said with a small grin but still narrowed gaze on Ozai, "What brings you to Royal Woods anyway sir?"

"Ummm" Ozai hummed "well Lincoln..if you must know...after a successful career as an actor i felt...it was time to rest...so i decided to retire to a quiet corner of the country and try to enjoy the results of a successful life"

Lincoln gave a hum looking thoughtfully at the man before his sister Lola spoke up, "And we're happy to have you here."

She said while jabbing her elbow into her brothers side quietly growling, "Don't blow this for me buster." She said with a low tone before looking up at the man with her best smile, "Though i'm sure such a successful actor would love to sponsor some fresh talent right~"

"um? oh ummmm i havent thought of that" said Ozai looking away "i suppose if i get bored that could be an interesting project indeed" he said giving Lola a side glance

"EEEEEEEE!" Lola squealed clapping excitedly with a wide grin, "Oh there's no reason to trouble yourself sir." However Lori interjected sending her younger sister a chiding frown along with her folks

"Lori's right sir i'm sure that you're a busy man and we wouldn't want to disturb your retirement." Lynn Sr also chimed in

Ozai simple smiled.

"Dont worry about it Lynn" he said "if we are going to be living next door to each other we must learn to have fun and get used to see each other" he looked a Lola "i wouldnt mind giving this little star a tip or two if she wants"

Lola was smiling wide and proud as she looked up at the man whispering out, "Thank you.." Before she gave a little laugh rubbing her hands together greedily already seeing her name up in lights and accepting reward for child actress of the year, "Hehe look out Hollywood here comes Lola Loud."

She said in none too quiet tone with devious smirk while getting lost in her fantasies causing her family to either look at her warily, give a groan, or roll their eyes, "Great there's going to be no living with her now."

Lana grumbled next to Lisa who gave a snort, "You say that as if she was easy to live with before." She remarked in slight deadpan before looking up at Ozai, "Hmm Mr. Ozai if I might ask one question that has bugged me about your show.."

She said looking curiously up at the man as she rubbed her chin, "While i'm hardly someone who keeps up to date to Hollywood I like the rest of my siblings am I fan of Avatar."

She adjusted her glasses, "As such I've always wondered why the actors used their real names for their roles?" She asked arching a brow

"Ummm well that was a decision from the producers actually...they simply said some of us have names that already sounded like out of a fantasy world so they simply decided to use them..although some of us, like me, dont use them that often using more the titles like Fire lord" Ozai answered"

"I see than interesting.." Lisa stated with a nod, "Thank you for your time than Mr. Phoenix." She said looking up at him, "And for addressing my inquiry."

The genius of the loud family stated with a small smile before Lincoln spoke up with his own curious hum, "So should we expect any of your co stars to show up to wish you well?"

He asked with a arched brow still giving the man a slight suspicious gaze, "Because not ever day you get a famous actor as a neighbor and can't help but wonder if we should expect more famous people to show up in Royal Woods."

He said before arching his head as he gave a hum, "I did hear something a while ago about Ty Lee apparently deciding to join a real live traveling circus...but other than that." He gave a shrug, "You moving here is first i've heard anything about the Avatar cast...though admittedly I don't pay attention to celebrity news and gossip that much."

"Ha...well i hope not" said Ozai "i moved here to get away from all of them and have a moment to breath after the serie ended so i think it will be just me..and you guys"

Lincoln arched a brow, "Sounds like there's some bad blood there hope it isn't anything too serious?" He said pushing slightly in attempt to get some more information before Rita interjected, "Lincoln don't be rude."

She said sending a reprimanding tone, "Mr. Phoenix reasons for moving and retiring are his own personal business." She said looking at Lincoln and the rest of her children sternly, "I'm sure he deals with enough paparazzi already and wouldn't want his own neighbors digging into his personal life too."

She lectured before sending the man a apologetic look, "Sorry about that my son and daughters mean well but they can be too curious for their own good sometimes."

"Nah dont worry madam all is ok" he chuckled "if anything this is a good way to start...all natural nothing to hide" he looked at Lincoln "in fact i think we might even found we have a lot on common"

"Yeah.." Lincoln said after some hesitation sending the man a cautious look yet small smirk, "I kinda got the same vibe."

He agreed before looking behind at the movers, "Is there anything we can do to help you move in Mr. Phoenix?" He asked looking up at the man, "While i've got somewhere I need to be later I don't mind helping my new neighbor settle in.."

He looked over at the rest of the family, "And i'm sure the rest of my family feels the same way." He added receiving some mixed looks at this

"nah its ok Mr Loud i think my workers can hold things up" he said "although once they are done i would be delight if your family accept come for a small dinner to celebrate my new home"

"Why that sounds delightful.." Lynn Sr interjected speaking up with a large grin, "The kids and I would love to have dinner with you."

"Right Rita?" He asked looking over at his wife who gave her own grin and encouraging grin, "Of course should we say.." She tapped her chin, "Tomorrow night or the next day after?"

She asked arching her brow, "We'd want you to get set up and comfortable of course before you have guests over."

"i think the day after tomorrow is a good time" said Ozai "i will finish furnishing my home by then"

"That sounds wonderful right kids." Rita said before looking over at her family

"It would be literal amazing to have a dinner with a famous actor." Lori said rubbing her chin before letting out a squee pulling out her phone, "Ohh Bobby won't believe this~" She said giggling as she started to text her boo boo bear missing Lincoln giving a slight scowl at the phone before hiding this expression

"Eeee I should totes pick out the perfect thing to wear if i'm going to be on tv." Leni said clapping excitedly causing several siblings to face palm, "Leni for the last time we aren't on tv!"

Lynn Jr exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air before sighing, "But yeah i'm game.." She shot Ozai a smirk, "Though you might want to make sure you get the plumbers on speed dail~"

She said with a laugh while patting her stomach with Luan joining in, "Yeah you'd really need to show why your called the firelord to get rid of the smell~"

Luan said laughing before she shot him a serious look, "But yeah no seriously you're going to want to make sure to either have candles or keep her away from your bathroom completely."

She informed him before Lana chipped in, "Don't worry Mr. Phoenix I regularly handle our plumbing so I can take a look at your pipes anytime if you need me to free of charge." She said with a grin before the rest of her siblings spoke up

"Well I suppose I do need to get used to dining and networking if i'm going to be a star." Lola said with a smirk still in her fantasy of her impending stardom

"I for one hope we will at least be able to enjoy some intelligent conversation while we are Mr. Phoenix guests." Lisa said adjusting her glasses

"Rock on i'll make sure to bring some sweet tunes that we can enjoy while we eat some grub~" Luna said sending a nod at their neighbor

"Hehe sounds like we're all in mom, dad, and Mr. Phoenix." Lincoln finally said with a smile

"Well then i hope to see you then" Ozai said "if you excuse me...i have to see how things are doing inside...it was quite a pleasure to meet you Loud family" he said "how to see you around" with that the man walked away from the family

"What a nice fella." Lynn Sr said with a grin at his wife, "It's always good to see people remain humble after a successful career."

He remarked with Rita nodding, "Still can't believe our new neighbor is a celebrity.." She said with a note of awe in her tone as the family began to walk back to their home

"I know right mom?" Lori said looking up from her phone, "This is probably literal one of them most unexpected things to happen to us."

She said with Lincoln giving a snort, "Which considering our lives says a lot." With some of his siblings giving a nod as Lincoln looked back, "One things for sure..."

His eyes narrowed with a slight cautious yet knowing gleam, "Something tells me things in Royal Woods might soon be changing.."

(Back to Ozai)

The actor that played the role of the fire lord moved inside his house towards an empty room as his mind played in a loop the recent conversation he had.

"who would of thought" he said looking out the window at the retreating family "could it be that this Lincoln is not Lincoln?" he asked "could it be..he is like me?"

Yeap thats right...Ozai Phoenix wasnt really who he said...the body was of the famous actor...but the soul inside it..was from another...a simple guy fan of the sere that wake up one day like the actor...how or why he didnt knew...however he was lucky to find out the actor already had planned his retirement...so all he had to do is play out his part and walk away without no one noticing.

and how lucky it was the place the actor choose was no other that Royal woods...city of another show he knew.

"and now the Loud family is here" he chuckled "man Lucy as mysterious as cute as always" the soul inside him couldnt help but awe at the fact he was now living across some of his fav gals in animations.

"umm i wonder...if this could end up as a isekai harem situation" he said as his mind began imagining and planning "well that will depend if Lincoln is who i think he is...perhaps i should try talk with him again"

his thoughts were interrupted when he heard his phone ring.

"Tch..again?" he said with anger looking at the ID "i havent even finish moving in and they are already bothering me" he scoffed "sorry my blind bandit...but im afraid im not in the mood" he said rejecting the call

(Back with Lincoln)

Meanwhile just as Ozai was ignoring a call from his past while thinking about Lincoln so to was the loud boy thinking about his new neighbor...and who he could potentially really be.

He thought as he came out of the Loud House carrying a guitar case looking thoughtfully at Ozai new home as movers carried stuff in wondering and asking himself if Ozai was like him?

Because just as Ozai suspected Lincoln Loud was truly not Lincoln Loud at least not in the soul. It was just little over a month ago he got the loudest and most shocking wake up call of his life where he found himself as none other than Lincoln Loud from the Loud House.

At first he thought it was some crazy dream but soon realized it was anything but. He thought shaking his head with a wary grin.

And after getting over his shock he's made good use of his month in this new world and life choosing to embrace his newfound identity and role as Lincoln Loud with his own twist.

While planning and figuring out what he'd do with this second chance at life and doing everything he could to enjoy it. Though he narrowed his eyes at Ozai house he certainly didn't expect this little twist coming...he'd have to find a way to learn the truth without him coming across as insane or anything.

But if Ozai was like him he had to wonder what it could mean or if the man shared any similar goals he had.

At that he gave a blink shaking his head and remembering he had someplace to be..."After all.." He said aloud with a smirk as he headed off ,"Don't want to keep Sam waiting~"

"HA i would think Luna should be the one saying those words" Luan joked with the rocker blushing as both were still outside.

"Luan!!!" Luna cried in anger/embarrassment

Lincoln gave a blink as he turned around to face the two, "She's just messing with you Luna~" He said with a chuckle, "Don't worry there's only one loud girl for Sam~"

He said before shooting her a teasing grin, "And I can tell her that you send your love~"

That made the blush on Luna´s face deepened.

"just go Lincoln and dont make me regret convincing Sam to give you lessons!!" cried the rocker

"Hehe i'm going, i'm going~" He called out before heading off what they believe to be Sam's place for his "music lessons" but in reality he was heading toward a abandoned music store down time called the beat n drum, "Though if you knew our lesson plans you'd probably do more than regret~"

He said in a low tone with a smirk as he headed off.

Next chapter