{Recap of Mindcscapes Realms and the fights that happen in them}
MaMmon DæMon: "The silent treatment doesn't work for your character anymore, dear Esau.
Tell me, why didn't you go back with your sister in law?
Those apartments were designed for my followers to live normal lives again.
You could have-"
From the dark shadows of the woods, there comes a rustling in the bushes. Growling from Garmr comes first, then opening yellow eyes look across towards the two bipeds talking amongst each other.
The woman sitting in the trees smirks after putting two and two together.
MaMmon DæMon: "Just as my husband, the true Yin Vessel has done with his canine companionship, as the 'Unchosen Yin Vessel', have you made an actual bond with Ga-"
Esau: "What's it to you?"
The man sheathes his large knife back to his hip and goes to grab a cloth from his waist strapped satchel.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: