
"Everyone Learned A Lesson Today."

"This is a discharge from all obligations, by Allah and His Messenger, to the polytheists you believers have entered into treaties with: "You polytheists may travel freely through the land for four months, but know that you will have no escape from Allah, and that Allah will disgrace the disbelievers."

A declaration from Allah and His Messenger is made to all people on the day of the greater pilgrimage that Allah and His Messenger are free of the polytheists. So if you pagans repent, it will be better for you. But if you turn away, then know that you will have no escape from Allah. And give good news O Prophet to the disbelievers of a painful punishment.

As for the polytheists who have honoured every term of their treaty with you and have not supported an enemy against you, honour your treaty with them until the end of its term. Surely Allah loves those who are mindful of Him." -Surah At-Tawbah1:-4


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