
ScourgingSeiõr & SupportingSeiõr Forces

"The day has come up, the roosters clap their wings.

Time for the wrenched surfs to do the heavy labor.

Wake now wake, company of friends, all you best ones of Adil's people.

Har the Hard-Grip.

Hrolf the shooter.

Men of good birth, they who do not flee.

I do not wake you to wine or the whispers of women, but the hard sport of Hilda. -A Bjarkamál Viking Poem told by Thormod.

'A song of faith in one another, that was sung in the face of death.'


The clever DæMon chuckles to herself as she takes pride in her last second "audible call".

MamMon DæMon(thinking): *Now that we know one of my gifted projects is an overly offensive force when under duress...

So Per Se Phōne, let me what type of force you produce under pressure.*


[Tomodachi Town Beach]

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