"For persecution is far worse than killing. And they will not stop fighting you until they turn you away from your faith-if they can. And whoever among you renounces their own faith and dies a disbeliever, their deeds will become void in this life and in the Hereafter. It is they who will be the residents of the Fire. They will be there forever." -Al-Baqarah 2:216
Surrounded by darkness, Zeke appears to be unconscious within a void of nothingness.
His own voice, from his childhood echoes all around him.
Each voice progressively gets a little deeper, signifying his growth as a young boy without a father figure.
7 Y.O. Zeke's Voice: "What's a Daddy?"
8 Y.O. Zeke's Voice: "Do I have a Daddy too?"
9 Y.O. Zeke's Voice: *crying* "I want my Daddy!!"
10 Y.O. Zeke's Voice: "I don't know my Dad.
I never have..."
11 Y.O. Zeke: "Maybe if I become a famous fighter, my Dad will want to see me too?"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: