
Chain Gang Throwback: "Don't Worry About It."

For the Lord is a God who crushes warfare and establishes his camp in the midst of his people; he delivered me from the hands of my oppressors...

...But the Lord Almighty has thwarted them by the hand of a woman. For their mighty one was not brought low by young men; no titans struck him down, nor did tall giants assault him.

But Judith, the daughter of Merari, overcame him by the beauty of her face." -Judith 16:2 & 16:5-6


[6¼years Before Leviathan's Invasion]

It is a scorching, humid afternoon on the side of the highway between Roronora City and the post-apocalypse known Demon District.

There is a scattered prison chain gang picking up trash. Groups of two inmates chained next to each other with a bit of distance between the next group of two.


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