
Roronora City Park

{Just outside the 47 acre park with the entire perimeter lined with pine trees.}

With a single SunSword wielded, one in her advanced sheath, and her trusty katana staying sheathed on her back, Shelly runs through the parking lot just outside the huge public park.

She is cutting down Iceman after Iceman that attack her or are in her way, with the help of Madame Fryer.

With a short bloodied path to the park entrance clear of threats, Shelly takes a moment to talk to her ally weapon.

Shelly: "Thank you Madame Fryer, since my katana is useless against Icemen, I'll need you to help me out a li-mmffm??"

Before she can finish her sentence, Madame Fryer relaxes her flames a bit and slowly floats sideways in front of Shelly's face. The legendary sword carefully places her hard golden handle into the skilled sword fighter's unclenched teeth.

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