
Unbottled Tragedy And Sorrow Part II

Esau begins to laugh loudly and shouts to the sky with the scared Princess Rebekah, muffle crying into his clutching bicep.

Esau: "You hear that Edom!? Laban fell for it, she never knew Isfet was within her inner circle!"

Laban: "The fuck are you talking about, psycho!?Where's Hathor?"

Esau pulls out his gun from his satchel and the *click* of the safety being set to OFF rings through everyone's ears as the man holds the barrel of the Glock to the back of the terrified princess's head.

Dom finally jumps back up to his feet.

Dom: "Woah dude, what the hell are you doing!? Stop pointing that at a little girl! It's dangerous!"

Drakaina: "You just don't learn..."

Esau, with an irritated expression, once again points the gun at Dom and fires a single round.

Dom's IceEye makes him dodge the incoming bullet and the Izanami Gunner falls back to the ground on his ass.

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