
Esau Vs. Everyone

Back at the point of Katsu's launch, Esau is still covered in a scary, blood colored SeiõrShield, with his soulless green eye looking down at the whimpering Princess of Roronora, the daughter of Don Laban DaeMon.

Suddenly, from out of thin air with her gorgeous Mach 1 SeiõrShield, Shelly swings her head and her tooth gripped katana blade downward towards the scowling man.

Laban, with a white SeiõrShield created from absorbed SeiõrSnow, rushes in and removes Rebekah from danger.

The blade of Shelly's katana, covered in her golden pink SeiõrShield, is met with the reflective stainless steel of Esau's Bowie knife covered in his bubbling, blood red Seiõr.

Shelly flies off the deflection and skids to an unbalanced stop on the cracked highway.

Esau pops off his IceEye to 2nd Stage, a smoldering grey aura comes from his alien eye and the skilled Seiõr user grabs the leather whip at his hip.

Next chapter