{6:45 PM - 45 Minutes Until Landing In Sanpaku}
From the very center of MamMon's Forest, Garmr's chains can be heard rattling on the dirt, grass, and leaves. A giant all black snout with bloody, snarling teeth, looks up at the view of the setting sky through the only opening through the foliage.
From the circular opening, the Blackhawk carrying Nephilim and his new crew flies over.
Inside the copter, Tristan is fast asleep talking to himself in his sleep.
Tristan(sleep talking): "Nooo Stephanie, stop that tickles."
Arai and Maniae are side eyeing their weird superior. Nephilim is looking out the window at his newest acquaintance's amazing achievement using Seiõr.
Nephilim(to himself): "Outstanding! A month ago, Daisuki and his gang had destroyed this entire city, and Madame MamMon used her Old Norse magic to grow an entire forest and two fields. Along with a few living residencies."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: