
Energy Vampires

{Roronora City 2:30 P.M.}

Within a fast food restaurant, closed for the Don and her guests.

On one side of the booth, Princess Kawaii and Princess Rebekah are sitting together, sharing their food. The older, Princess of Roronora is showing the younger Princess what a chicken nugget is.

Princess Rebekah: "You've never had a chicken nugget!?"

Princess Kawaii shakes her head and Princess Rebekah hands it to her.

Princess Rebekah: "Here! Try it! They're really good with ketchup too!"

Princess Kawaii: "What's ketchup?"

Princess Rebekah: "Nevermind that right now, just try it plain first."

The pink haired, pink eyed princess takes a bite and her eyes turn into little hearts as she finishes the rest of the single nugget.

Princess Kawaii: "Can I have mooore?!"

Princess Rebekah nods with a smile and pushes the entire carton of nuggets to her. Princess Kawaii doesn't hesitate to dig in.

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