MamMon DæMon: "...Thanks to you and I, Erinyes Nephilim, the people of those mountains have been liberated and I have promised them all, THIS CITY, as the first step towards regaining freedom."
Nephilim: " did you?-"
Holding her hand with golden painted nails to her smiling mouth, she chuckles.
MamMon DæMon(chuckles): "Basic bribery and espionage, 'Neffy'. Oh...aannnd with the intermediate knowledge of Seiõr, haha!"
Everyone is completely and comedically confused with •__• faces.
From the back, behind Nephilim, Bethany slowly raises her hand.
Bethany: "...Wazzat?"
MamMon DæMon bursts into laughter and even falls to her knees. While the confused group watches her, the comedic expressions soon turn to fear as a small tremor is felt.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: