
"Lævateinn, 'Hope Seiõr! Generational Love'!": Skalmönd's Legendary Final Stand

{1,080 Years Before Leviathan's Invasion}

In a quiet open grass field, a single lonely large tree full of green leaves blows in the gentle wind. The tree is sitting perfectly under the late setting sun. 

A leaf detaches from a branch and in a brief pause of still air, and it falls to the base of the tree. A rabbit appears from behind the tree and continues scurrying on its way, hidden by the tall grass. The grey adult bunny navigates its way to an open hole in the ground. 

Mr. Rabbit sniffs the air and a strong breeze makes the instincts of 'nature's prey' jump for safety, but with a loud *CLASH* of swords heard in the distance, a hunting hawk snatches the poor unlucky screeching rabbit, carrying it into the sky. The pitiful sounds of a peaceful creature begging for its life are useless to the hungry hawk, suddenly in control of that single rabbit's existence. 

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