Nephilim, Tristan, Bethany, and Silpheed are making their way to their helicopter with Don Laban wearing her all white fit, her Eyelien at 2nd Stage with a grey aura, with a flashing pink aura. She has a new member from her gaggle of chronies walking behind her as protection.
An orange-red haired woman, with an Eyelien in her right eye and she is missing her left eye, but there is a diamond embroidered fitting that goes into the empty eye socket.
They walk onto the helipad where the Blackhawk is quietly sitting.
Don Laban: "Don't forget Nephi, I put MY balls on the line and told you my daughter's eye ability. So I expect you to put your balls on the line for me when I need a true soldier and I hope you try youah damned haadest not to FUCK me over, we clear?"
Nephilim nods and holds out a hand to help her on to the copters passenger cabin. She thinks about taking it, but steps up without the General's assistance.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: