
"Makes You Kinda Thankful."

Katsu's speech finishes and the elevator is now fully open and everyone inside can smell the fresh mountain air. Friend's sensitive dog nose flares at the relieving scent. The entire elevator is full of natural light and the light "snow" starts drifting inside.

Katsu turns around, his switch now off, and is at a loss for words as he looks out at the beautiful mountain view. Blue skies over the snow covered 'Hell'. There are a few giant Icemen seen in the far distance but nothing of a threat.

Shelly: "It's beautiful I can't believe it's been 3 years since we've seen the sky together, Katsu."

Itsuka stands next to her and admires the sight with the two new allies of hers.

Itsuka: "Even with all the terrible shit that happens in this world, looking at the worlds natural beauty, makes you kinda thankful for it to even exist."

Shelly and Katsu both nod and they exit.Saku, Friend, and Daisuki are next. Even the canine takes a moment to look at the "freedom" its master would talk about. Daisuki looks in worry at the 18 year old delinquent he was warned about the day he found out his squad, then back at the view.

Daisuki: "Hey, Saku, let me be real with you. I know you'll feel tempted but please, don't make it hard on me man. From what Itsuka has said, change is coming to the laws and regulations within the mountains, those men who use people as hostages and use their money to do shitty things to get their way are going to face justice. 

Hopefully instead of trapping free spirits like yourself, WE as humans will take back the top of the food chain from these aliens.Mistreating the individuals who are desperate for protection isn't right, but forcing those who aren't desperate to be confined is just as bad."

Saku: "I'll keep it '100' with you D and keep it between you and me, but Gray already offered me my freedom after he asked you guys to leave the room.I didn't take it. He handed me the one thing I wanted more than anything inside these mountains.And now that I get to look at this sight of the sky again, after so long, I regret giving it back. But...(looking at Katsu)...that cornyass 'Voice of a Hero' is starting to wear on me too."

Once everyone empties out of the elevator and it closes behind them. All 4 students and the dog stand around Daisuki. His eyes are closed thinking. Friend is sniffing the snow covered ground and then lifts its leg to pee. It's barely heard as the Mentor speaks.

Daisuki: "Ok, so since we have free range to go anywhere and since I have my portals, what's everyone's game plan?"

Shelly pulls a teal and black scarf over her nose covering the bottom half of her face. Katsu and Itsuka to each side of her.

Shelly: "Can we go to Hanabi City first? I know we need to find B-Big S-Sis' squadmate but... I want to go check some places."

Both Itsuka and Shelly blush from the "Big Sis" but Katsu and Daisuki have huge grins from Shelly mimicking her purpose. Saku chirps in while he is freeing up space inside his nose to get more fresh air.(picking his nose)

Saku: "Yea I second that, since I was taken in unwillingly, I have a certain spot I wanna check too."

Katsu: "Since we have no clue as to finding the last surviving Squad 20 member we might as well check our home city."Itsuka doesn't say anything almost afraid to have another plan. Saku notices and opens his mouth to ask her but decides not to and stays silent.But Katsu doesn't.

Katsu: "What's wrong Itsuka? Isn't Hanabi your home city too? I know you said your family's pet shop was destroyed, but was it your home too?"

Itsuka nods her head silently.

Itsuka: "We all lived in a three bedroom apartment above the store."

Katsu: "So was mine, while my mother was in it, but even though the building is gone, our good memories aren't. Maybe if you look around without having to worry about the Icemen, you'll find something to bring back."

Itsuka(upset): "I'm not going back inside those mountains again Katsu, I'm sorry. Those men are more evil than you think and have so many people under their thumb, I'm dead if I go back."

Saku(upset): "What? Why not?! You have to come back. I-"He stops and looks as all of Squad 40 is now catching on giving him a side eye smirk.

Saku: "I, uh, mean Katsu received a special mission from Gray and we need you to come back and explain it to him. He's the General of the Sister mountain military, he's gotta have the authority to do something."

Daisuki chuckles at his flustered disciple.

Daisuki: "So now authority isn't so bad in certain situations,huh?"

Itsuka: "I don't disagree with us going to Hanabi. I wouldn't mind looking at some spots. I'm just worried about all of us while we're out here in 'Hell" especially you Mina Daisuki, your eye is seen as valuable to those evil men. I wouldn't doubt they already hired the same guy who took my Squad to hunt us both down."

There is silence for a second while the 5 humans and dog stand outside the closed elevator that they exited more than 5 minutes ago now.

Daisuki: "I appreciate the concern sweetheart. Since Donovan did say he had highest expectations for both Squads 20 and 40..."

Katsu and Shelly's walk towards him, only legs shown.

Daisuki: "...But Squad 20 isn't Squad 40, honey."

Saku's legs and a panting Friend, do the same and approach Daisuki.Itsuka looks at the snapshot of Squad 40 with the beautiful blue sky behind them. 

Tears fills her eyes.

Her purple human eye drops a normal tear, but the tear from the Iceman eye once it falls off her gorgeous face, turns into a snowflake that falls and blends into the snow.

Daisuki with one arm around Saku, who is blushing and pretending to be annoyed, looking off to the side.

The other arm around Katsu who has a wide smile and his arm around Shelly holding up her scarf trying to cover her blushing smile.

While Friend does a quick circle spin next to Saku.

Daisuki: "One single man or squad won't take me out. If they truly want to make me and you their enemy, they'll accidentally acquire four other problems.You've got nothing to fear, they'll need to put bounties on our heads to have any hope at taking MY squad down, cuz we're just built different!"

Friend: "RUff ruFF"

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