
Nephilim: A New Hitman

In the dark room where the three mountain owners are enjoying their privileged lives lighting up cigars, eating their food, and drinking wine.The unidentifiable man with a crown, Morta, finishes lighting his cigar and puffs to ignite the end better. It lights just bright enough to see his cleanly shaved lower face. He tosses the cigar torch and it lands next to his gun and office phone on his portion of the large table.

Morta(while puffing the cigar): "Where the hell is she? Didn't you say you contacted her over an hour ago Nona?"

The man with a bowl cut, a cat on his lap and the other two cats on the table laying down and their tails slowly and sporadically moving.

Decima: "Yea! I'm done waiting for that over confident woman! Morta, just kill her when she walks in. Take her eye and then let me take her niccce and firrrmm body. The body she 'thought' would be strong enough to prevent ev-er-y-thing I'm gonna do to it. Hehehehe."

One of the cats on the table looks up at its owner and gets up and jumps off the table.The man whose silhouette's feature is his pompadour, referred to as Nona, is cutting into his food, eating with a small candle to illuminate his food. He takes a bite before talking.

Nona: "Can you please stop telling us what you're going to do with my dear Itsuka's body of a goddess? 

I can make her come around to me and become one of my wives, I swear Morta, please don't let this pervert defile the body of my possible strongest future concubine."

Morta takes a hit from his cigar and takes off his crown. He places it on the table in front of him with the lighter and gun. The pitch black figure starts to lightly massage the top of his hairless head.

Morta: "It's her eye that I want you moron. I can't have it unless I kill her. If I have that ability of hers, we could place mirrors in every room, in every building, and in every mountain and we'll put small mirrors on a new version of the tracking device watches we gave to the students. I couldn't give two shits about what Decima does to her useless corpse.And you're calling him a pervert Nona? Don't you have 3 wives under 16 years old?"

Nona(mouth full): "Only one now she's 12. (swallows food) Two turned 16 but one of them thought she could refuse her sexual duties as a wife and the skank punched me in the balls.(takes bite and mouth full) I had her properly escorted by that hitman we used on Itsuka's team members. He got her far from here, maybe she'll wish she treated her husband's nuts with love instead."

A knock is heard at the door. Morta quickly puts the crown back on and grips his gun.

Morta: "God damn it. I told that retarded stuttering secretary to let me know when that bitch got here. Come in!"

A girl with a long tight black dress and a tucked in white button down long sleeve shirt slowly creeps in. Her adorable face has scared orange eyes behind large circular glasses. Her brown hair in a messy bun has a pencil in it.

Morta: "Why the hell are YOU here?! I have a god damn phone right next to me and I know for a fact your desk has a phone under all those books!"

Secretary(softly): "T-t-the m-man you s-"Morta: "What!? Speak up woman! This is why I told your 'd-d-dumbass' to use the phone because it's easier to hear your stutters we have to decipher!"

The girl gets tears in her eyes but closes them to hold the tears back.

Secretary: "The m-man you s-sent to look for that I-I-I-Itsuka girl came back! He s-s-said her room was empty and it looks like m-most her essentials are gone. Along with her backpack and w-watch!"

Nona: "WHAT!?!"

Decima: "NOOO!!! I need to get one out right now! You, secretary, come service me!"

Morta: "Decima! Don't you touch my secretary! For how awful she is at talking, the bitch is good with the numbers that keep these mountains running. I can't have you scarring that part of her brain and then she loses her only reason to keep alive. Besides that bitch couldn't have left without permission. Have everyone on the lookout for her. We'll just offer a small reward to people who find her."

A deep voice startles the already scared girl from the door she left open.

Deep Voice: "I also checked the academy's Equipment Check Out records."

A tall white man with a fire red left eye{stage right} and an IceEye in his right eye{stage left} with a diagonal scar starting from the middle of his forehead, across the alien eye, to his cheek bone. He has long wide black hair down his back and is wearing a black business suit with a black tie and golden rosary necklace.

Deep Voiced Man: "The logs show she checked out her Holsters and Swords late this morning. Since her squad was scheduled to go out today there was no need for special clearance to take them out or to gain access on an Excursion elevator as long as she hopped on one that was open during a period that General set up."

Morta stands up from his chair and the cigar falls out of his mouth as he yells. The secretary sneaks out of the room in the commotion.

Morta: "Are you saying that bitch snuck out of the mountains Nephilim?!?"

Nephilim(calm): "That's precisely what I'm saying Mr. Morta. Possibly out of your respective Governmental, Military, and Medical focused mountain. It's possible she caught wind of your plans with her or got fed up with you three, with all due respect."

Decima: "Her watch! Track her watch!"

Nephilim: Since that building is in the same district I have already taken the liberty of checking. The man you paid off there said you had told him to erase ALL of Squad 20's tracking from the database so those that I had removed from the mountains couldn't be found through their watches. Our servers no longer receive pings from her watch."

Morta: "UURGGHH!! I was so close to getting an eye power from that annoying bitch in a man body!"

Nephilim(eyes closed): "However my Sirs, if I were you 3 I wouldn't worry. When one 'hole' closes another one opens."

He opens his eyes to reveal his IceEye in its 2nd stage, with a smoke-like aura.

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