
"The One Piece..."

Saku looks away from Katsu and stares at the ceiling fan spinning above him and Friend. Nobody talks, the scene Shelly described completely on their minds.

Shelly, thinking she's ruined the mood ends the silence,

Shelly: "Sorry you guys I-"

Daisuki: "Listen all three of ya, I want you guys to know something while we still have the night to relax and get to know each other, before the horrible shit we'll be put through tomorrow.

All the students look at their buzzed mentor.

Daisuki: "The reason HFF decided on this set-up for squads isn't just for the benefit of students learning from a mentor, it's also so us mentors can learn from you students. 

Whatever is happening here on Earth is beyond anything any of us fleshy, selfish, fragile, gullible, irrational, or resilient humans have ever gone through. So us adults are just as scared and unsure as you kids are about the world now.

If you want the facts, tomorrow on our 1st excursion, we will probably see a couple of your classmates, dead. That's because their mentor didn't protect one of his or her '3 treasures', but I promise you, I will do everything in my power to make sure you all survive. Until my red dot turns inta a big fat red X, I will make sure my three treasures survive."

The 3 young squadmates look at him.

Shelly: "Learn. From. Us?"

Katsu: "Dead. Classmates?"

He thinks of a dead Aiden, Jay, or any of his other good friends who are more than just "classmates"."

Saku: "Three. Treasures?"

Daisuki opens another bottle and takes a swig.

Daisuki: "That's what us mentors 'should' see you young ones as. In confusing terms...Life isn't 'life' unless it treats something around it more important than 'life'."

Shelly looks at Katsu.

Katsu looks at Shelly and Saku. 

Saku looks at Friend. 

Daisuki: "Even trees and flowers have their three treasures of, the rain...(he looks at Saku)

...the soil...(looks at Shelly)

...and the sun...(looks at Katsu).

Whether it's material possessions, sacred lands, religious beliefs or precious lives, those are just niche examples of 'treasures' that a resolved human would rather die over, than to take another breath without. Those 'treasures' create 'one piece' needed, one of many pieces, to complete a life. It gives them something that makes life worth living. It gives them, a purpose."

Still talking, he looks back at Shelly.

Daisuki: "Whether you're born great.."

He looks at Saku.

Daisuki: "...Whether you have greatness forced upon you."

And finally at Katsu,Daisuki: "Or you force your way into greatness."

The speech has the attention of his students and they are listening with open ears. Katsu is clinging to his new big brothers every inspirational word.

Daisuki: "No matter which form greatness 'blooms' in, it requires a certain amount of 'RESPECT' to be even considered by others as someone who can go beyond expectations...(looks at Saku) and allows them more freedom without consequences. Even in the eyes of death, greatness does more than what is expected."

Katsu remembers his dad making him the man of the house before he left, how his parents sacrificed themselves so their son and adopted daughter could survive, but most importantly that word, 'Respect?'

Katsu(thinking): *Did he say that because he knows about the knife? Was that just a coincidence?*

The lecture continues as he gets to Shelly.

Daisuki: "Because if everybody were born great, then nobody would be considered special in the first place..."

Shelly blushes at her new teacher's charismatic speech.

Daisuki:"...born greatness that has had others sacrifice everything for them, has no other option in life but to continue rising up, not for themselves, but for the ones that sacrificed it all for them."

He walks away from Shelly. Her hair is blocking her tearful eyes.

Saku thinks tipsy Daisuki is mocking him because of the conversation about his purpose earlier.

Saku: "Whatever. Your speech is probably being heard from every mentor in every other squad. The fact it matches our personalities is because all the teams are probably built the same. With a wannabe hero, a high ranking "gifted" student, and a delinquent or a person from 'Hell'."

Daisuki(grins): "Is that so, huh? How about we find out everyone's current purpose then? What's something that makes you all want to live?"

He looks at Shelly and she blushes more.

Daisuki: "...Since one of us has already told us her beautifully poetic reason for living earlier in the classroom, I'll go next."

He points one finger to the ceiling. 

Daisuki: "My purpose is to not only protect and teach, but to also learn from the next generation of greatness. This way I can die peacefully knowing humanity is still ascending towards the ultimate level of greatness in becoming one."

Katsu is fully inspired and amped up.

Katsu: "My turn! My turn!"

Saku, annoyed at his teammates' enthusiasm.

Saku: "Take it easy. Freakin spaz."

The young man thinks about it for a few seconds...

...Everyone waits...

Saku: "Damn, you don't even have something ready yet? Whatever, I'll make it quick. My purpose-"

Katsu: "NO, SAKU!"

Saku, Shelly, and Daisuki get caught off guard by Katsu's aggressive interruption and look at him. Katsu puts his finger in the air.

Katsu: "You have to do it right."

Daisuki and Shelly smile at Katsu's innocence.

Saku(annoyed): "Katsu. You are a 17 year old man. How have you not matured a freakin day since you were 6?"

Katsu still has his finger up, actually staring down Saku to intimidate him. Saku gets even angrier and breaks eye contact.

Saku: "FINE!"

He puts his middle finger high in the air. Daisuki shakes his head in his hand, Shelly rolls her eyes, and Katsu doesn't notice that it's not his pointer. Just excited that Saku is finally playing along.

Saku: "My purpose is to show Friend true freedom before we both die. No matter if I have to live on with him metaphorically in my heart, in spirit or with my eyes or whatever helps you sleep at night(scratches side of head with other hand)... I'll show him that true freedom IS the only way to achieve happiness."

Friend barks in agreement with his "Squad 40" bandana.

Daisuki cracks open a 5th bottle now.

Daisuki: "There ya go. Doesn't it feel good to not only tell us that, but to tell yourself? Now you won't hear voices in your head about your purpose.(laughs*keekeekee*)"

Saku goes to lay back down on the couch out of sight.

Saku: "Shuddup! Just get this corny ass pep-rally over with. Friend and I wanna leave. We got food and had an opportunity to listen to each of your lives 'saddest moments', but for someone like me whose whole life is a highlight reel of 'saddest moments', all I feel is loathing each of you."

His squadmates Shelly and Daisuki are visibly pissed.

Saku: "Each of you, for having an actual human family to grieve over losing and still having another crutch to lean on. {Shelly} 

For believing that people can change so easily even though they've done only evil and selfish things their whole lives.{Daisuki}"

Katsu has his head down and eyes closed.

Saku: "And I especially loathe with every fiber of my being, believing that with only your words, charisma, and connections, you can make the world a peaceful place, without violence."

Daisuki(pissed): "Listen Saku, I don't care if you attack me, but Shelly poured her heart out a-"

Katsu(cuts him off): "This morning after the assembly, my personal goal was to become the strongest Iceman killer and to possibly become 'Supreme Ultimate' like Briggs."

Daisuki turns to face Katsu.

Saku(heard behind the couch): "God, Katsu, you are such a weenie bro, it's so freakin' pathetic. 'Supreme Ultimate'? Really? You do realize-"

Katsu(cuts him off too): "Then I opened that classroom door with 'Squad 40' taped onto it and I saw someone that I recognized as a friend, after 8 years, but they no longer saw me the same way."

Saku knows he's talking about him but lets the 'voice of a hero' waste his breath.

Shelly's instinct can feel Katsu has flipped 'that switch' and it can be felt by anyone within the ear shot AoE around him. 

When Katsu 'flips that switch', his words can cut deeper than any SunSword and all his immaturity is gone. The look in his eye changes and it's almost like a dormant version of Katsu emerges. One that knows exactly the right thing to say and with complete confidence.

Daisuki can feel Katsu's "presence" too and smiles.

Daisuki(to himself): "'A quality of an individual, that sets him apart from any ordinary man. A quality that should be treated as supernatural, superhuman, or at least as specifically exceptional powers that are not accessible to the ordinary person, but regarded as from divine origin, a true leader of the souls'."

Katsu(continues): "Thinking back on my young ignorance, I must've thought that friend would be ok on his own, since he was so physically strong. At least, I thought he could handle life while I imitated him. 

To save someone else who was alone and scared like I was. But for the next 8 years while I was smiling, thinking there was one less sad and lonely person in the world, I was wrong. I never changed that total number of lonely people. I only threw aside one person that I knew was alone, for another."

Daisuki looks over to look at Saku's reaction. Saku isn't phased yet, eyes closed.

Katsu: "But I don't want 'Hell' in this world long enough to be a candidate for 'Supreme Ultimate'. I never wanted to be in the military. My dad taught me war and killing only created more sad sons, like me, that wouldn't have a dad. He showed me the best way for men to learn hardwork, teamwork, and to scratch that human itch for competition, was a team sport."

(Saku opens his human eye in interest)

Katsu: "And now, Leviathan is the reason my parents are gone, but because of that dragon and these Icemen he brought, I was forced to see the person my selfishness helped create, that I may never have seen otherwise. 

Don't get it twisted, I would still selfishly choose my parents over that friend. But because of my father, my mother, and that friend, for some reason I don't want to kill these Icemen, just that alien dragon."

Sakus head shoots up from the couch. Shelly and Daisuki have their jaws wide open to match their eyes.

Katsu: "Humans have also attacked the things they fear, even different humans. Their fear stemmed from the misunderstandings in their differences between who or what they were attacking.

If 'WE' want to live a normal life again, then what if the Icemen are also just victims? What if they're being forced by Levi, into an unnatural 'vivarium', with snowy conditions mimicking THEIR home?"

Nobody in the room says anything as they all share glances at each other after hearing Katsu's theory.

Shelly(smiles thinking to herself): *Whenever Katsu gets like this he can sometimes be smarter than any student like his father and more philosophical than his own mother was.*

The young man puts his finger up,

Katsu: "My purpose is to not leave anyone alone and vulnerable to be adopted by evil. In doing so, I won't harm anything even trying to harm me, but help them find happiness so we can all be happy someday.

I understand the problems outside these mountains this could cause you all, especially you Shelly, and until I find a way to help in MY way, I won't try to stop others from fighting and won't get in the way during excursions. I'll be the one who focuses on finding supplies and keeping people safe, so they don't feel scared and alone anymore while living in 'Hell'."

Next chapter