
"Everything I Do."

Complete blackness with an uninterpretable muffled voice can be heard, increasingly becoming clear it's Katsu's.

Katsu:"Then, without time to drop my mother, my father jumped in front of the smaller Iceman that attacked Shelly."

Saku:*Something smells nice. Where am I?*

Saku shoots his eye and Iceman eye open. He's on his back, on the floor, and one of the jackets under his head is a pillow. He doesn't get up but turns his head to see Friend, curled up next to him napping.

He remembers what happened after a second of looking at the ceiling.

Saku(thinking): *D-Did I lose?*

Katsu:"The last thing I saw while being carried into the city bunker was both my parents getting eaten by one of those giants."

Saku shoots up and looks around, his dog wakes up too. He's between an empty desk and next to Shelly, sitting in a desk, with a lollipop in her mouth. 

She notices him get up. 

Katsu also with a lollipop, sitting next to her at a desk across from Daisuki, with a lollipop, in a chair, listening to Katsu's story with complete fixation until he sees Saku move.

Daisuki (w lollipop):"Ahh. Morning Sleepy Head. Must've needed more than your extra hour. You just missed the ending to Katsu's incredibly dramatic story."

Saku gets up and is not listening.

Saku:"I'm leaving."

Suddenly a hand grabs his wrist before he can get to his things. Saku stops in surprise and feels Shelly's soft small right hand, the one that she used to knock him out, holding his wrist tight. She looks him in the eye when he turns around. She then looks away in embarrassment as she takes the lollipop out of her mouth before speaking to him.

Shelly: "I'm sorry. I hope now that we've gotten our irrational frustration out, as well as for Katsu's sake of wanting us to be friends, we should use our abilities to each help the other protect what we see as important instead of using them to make all of us more vulnerable."

She looks over at Katsu who's giving her an encouraging thumbs up and she blushes more. Saku rips his arm away from her but doesn't sit down or get his things.

Saku: "Your apology was obviously instigated by those two. You don't actually mean it."

Daisuki(with the lollipop):"To be 100% honest kid, she may have been the one who knocked you out, but she did catch you from cracking your face on a desk and knocking you out for more than 15 minutes."

Katsu(w lollipop): "Yea, she even told me to bring her jacket as a pillow. I was gonna bring her mine but she said 'since you might have a concussion and there's no smelling salts, her perfume could work to help wake you up.'"

Saku looks at the girl as if for confirmation. She doesn't look at him or say anything while rummaging in her backpack. All she does is hold up a bag of lollipops and put one on the empty desk next to hers. She then puts the lollipop bag in her backpack and pulls out half a PB&J sandwich.

Katsu(remembering):"Oh yea! When you passed out and Shelly caught you, Friend went crazy barking. He didn't bite anyone but he was clearly worried and wouldn't stop until Shelly gave him half her sandwich."

She then tosses the 2nd half towards Friend and the dog catches it.

Shelly: "Everything I do is for Katsu's happiness. Without him I may have never been able to see my own happiness ever again."

Katsu(modestly):"Come on Shelly I didn't do that much."

Shelly(still towards Saku):"If you want my honest opinion, your only redeeming quality as of right now is your respectable strength which can help me protect what I cherish most. In return to you, I won't deny my 'womanly' instinct to protect your dog, since it's one of the cutest things I've been able to see in a long time. Plus, we still have to spar with swords and I'll admit I'm not fully comfortable in that skillset."

Katsu smiles at Shelly trying to help him be friends again while trying to be a good Student Captain.

Shelly:"So stop being difficult to someone trying to rekindle an accidentally lost friendship. Hopefully you 'retaining' his trust as friends again will give me a chance to gain your dog's trust in return. And before you think of assuming anything, no, it's not to 'steal him too'."

Saku reluctantly walks over and sits at the desk she had put the lollipop on and grabs it. Before he begins eating it he looks over at Shelly in the middle of him and Katsu. 

She notices.

Shelly:"What? Is it not your favorite flavor? If you don't want it now I'll hold on to it so you can have it later."

Saku sees the irony behind that statement. He slowly unwraps the lollipop and looks at the cherry flavored candy.

He remembers running from the candy shop the day of the invasion. Before getting kicked out from a broken home, by a drunk mother who regretted having him in her existence.

Saku :"No, this is actually my favorite flavor. Thank…you."

He puts the lollipop in his mouth, showing conformity with his new squad.

Daisuki is seen smiling at the snapshot of the young motley crew he was put in charge of mentoring; 

Katsu's eyes closed and mouth open, in pure bliss. 

Shelly blushing from both embarrassment and at the cuteness of his excitement for them all. 

And Saku being awkward towards any kindness and hospitality from anyone other than his canine companion, Friend.

Daisuki(as if remembering someone): *So this is the feeling you were talking about? The feeling of knowing I've found my personal '3 treasures'.*

Once they're all settled in, Daisuki gets up from his seat and begins. He's looking at them individually as he paces back and forth as he talks.

Daisuki:"Since we rudely continued introductions while you were out, my full name is Mina Daisuki. You can call me your mentor, captain, master, Sensei or anything else you feel comfortable with."

Katsu shoots his hand up.

Katsu: "Big Bro, you said you would tell us the story about how you got one of those eyes when Saku woke up! Can we hear it now? Do you have powers? Can we see them?"

Saku listening gets caught off guard from what Katsu called the man. He slightly remembers a memory of Katsu when they were kids, calling Saku "Big Bro". Even though Saku is only one year older. He rolls eyes at his teammates' willingness to still play the little brother.

Saku(to himself): "Still a kiss ass."

Shelly's face turns bright red from seeing Katsu's uncontrollable interest.

Shelly:"I've never seen you this excited about something, Katsu. Except for that superhero stuff you would read and watch before this apocalypse."

Saku(disgusted but w/ lollipop):"Jeez dude. Even with a girl around you would act like a hyperactive geek whenever you watched anime? Lemme guess, it was that corny ninja one or that goofy pirate one he'd watch with you?"

Katsu embarrassingly quiets down.

Shelly(to Saku):"And what's the problem with that? It made Katsu happy."

Saku(hands behind head): "Whenever we'd throw the football around he'd always leave at the most weird times and say 'Sorry, since they broadcast from the other side of the planet, the episodes drop at inconvenient times here.'"

Daisuki laughs at the exchange and continues.

Daisuki: "Even fictional stories can inspire certain people. Whether it's inspiring them to chase their dreams or just to be nicer to others it's the strength and sacrifices of good characters that changes the hearts of an audience. But if Saku is fine with hearing your touching story later then I'm fine with telling mine."

Saku(non bothered):"I think I heard the ending as I was waking up. I got the jist of it."

Daisuki:"Ok, I guess this'll be the first of many stories I have the pleasure to tell you guys."

Daisuki closes his eyes as if to recall the events.

Next chapter