
"It's YOU?!?!"

Interior of the elevator.

Katsu and his friends are in silence.

Aiden is staring at his watch's displayed 32, in disappointment.

Shelly sees he is upset and tries to comfort her friend, putting her hand on his shoulder.


SHELLY: "It'll be ok Aiden. We'll still see each other."

Aiden starts to blush and looks over at her.

Aiden: "How am I going to work well with a squad if I'm not with someone I can fully trust?"

Katsu is surprised.

KATSU(thinking): *Huh…so I'm not the only one? *

Jay starts to laugh and everyone looks at him.

JAY(laughing): "Haha what are you freakin' twelve?"

Shelly looks at Jay and gets an angry look on her face.

Jay gets a little scared and stops the teasing.

JAY: "I mean it'll be ok A.D. I'm sure there's someone there that you'll know. These teams are set up so that we are compatible as a unit.

Your #1 in academics..."

He carefully looks back at Shelly

Jay: "... and with Shelly being #1 at combat as well as #2 in academics, it would be a huuge imbalance to the rest of the squads if you two were together.

Shelly smiles and quickly turns back to Aiden, startling him as he flinches back.

SHELLY: "See!? You shouldn't worry. There must be someone other than Katsu and myself that you work well with."

Aiden shakes his head. Shelly looks at Katsu for help but he is looking down at the ground. Obviously thinking.

SHELLY: "What's on your mind, Katsu?"

Katsu continues to stare at the same tile on the elevator ground as he talks.

KATSU: "If I DO kill an Iceman, do I want it's eye?"

JAY: "Of course! I'm taking the first one I kill. It's basically super powers and the Dr. said no negative side effects. He also brought up the fact it heals injuries.

Maybe it could cure my amnesia."

Katsu looks up and at Jay in surprise, being able to connect the eyes powers to his unique and unfortunate situation.

KATSU: "I guess you're right. It would be cool but…

...Briggs doesn't have one and he's supposed to be the best."

He looks over at Shelly.

Katsu: "...and watching Shelly's pure human ability is just more inspiration to believe in my own body.

The vessel my parents gave me."

Jay and Aiden chuckle before looking over at Shellys reaction.

JAY: "Heeere we go again."

Shelly is looking at a lovestruck, dead eye trance, blushing over Kastus honest feeling towards what everyone else in the Academy calls her "over-protective personality towards her adopted brother". 

She's silently mouthing 'something' constantly.

Katsu gets confused.

KATSU: "Shell?"

The teenage girl realizes and cools down.

SHELLY: "Yea that's true. I wonder how tough and strong the 'Highest Echelon' actually is."

The elevator dings and the automatic sliding door opens.

Everyone empties out along with other groups of students exiting their lifts.

There are two papers on the wall directly in front of them.

One that reads "Squads 10-35" with an arrow pointing down the left hallway and the other reads "Squads 36-70" and an arrow pointing to the right hall. Jay and Aiden stand on their side while Shelly and Katsu stand on theirs, they look at each other.

KATSU: "Well, this is where we part ways. These past few years have been fun."

Shelly elbows him.

KATSU: "Oww."

SHELLY: "Don't act like this is the last time we all see each other."

Jay laughs and struts away from them. 

JAY: "Just make sure you two never change, haha. I'll see you guys later.

Lets link-up somewhere in the Dinery District some time this weekend."

Without turning around he gives a wave over his shoulder as he walks away. 

KATSU : "Later Jay!"

SHELLY: "Bye Jason!"

AIDEN: "See ya."

Aiden looks at the other two and smiles. 

AIDEN: "Well we might not be on the same team but we're still friends right? I know at this point it's like competition…but-"

KATSU(cuts him off): "Of course we'll always be friends, and yea this is a competition to graduate but that doesn't mean we all can't make it."

He pulls in Shelly with his arm, making her blush and confused.

Aiden also blushes in jealousy.

KATSU: "And you better be up on that stage with us when we qualify. We're going to make those Icemen pay for what they've done to us and humanity."

Katsu gets an aggressive look on his face.

There is silence and Aiden starts to laugh hysterically.

Katsu's face goes back to normal.

AIDEN: "Haaha. I'm sorry Katsu but you're too nice to be seen as a "pep rally" guy. I can barely picture you killing one of these Icemen things. Hahah"

Katsu gets embarrassed and let's go of Shelly. She starts to giggle with her hand over her mouth.

SHELLY: 'He's kinda right Katsu, but 'In due time comes proper respect'.

That's one of your dad's sayings, right?"

Katsu's embarrassment fades and the aggressive look comes back on his face but with a smile. He nods his head then looks at Aiden. Katsu holds out his fist and Aiden softly connects.

KATSU: "Just do your best man. It's not about US when it comes down to it, it's about saving humanity in the end.

It's about making sure we stop the suffering of the world."

Aiden smirks.

AIDEN: 'But you definitely are our "power of friendship" guy, Katsu. Well, guess I shall see you guys later."

He bows. Shelly laughs and Katsu smiles.

Shelly walks up and gives the genius a hug and whispers to him…

SHELLY(whisper): "Stay safe."

She walks the opposite direction and Aiden is shown bright red. Katsu leans in and whispers to Aiden.

KATSU: "Dude…I think she likes you."

Aiden turns back to normal, giving Katsu a baffled look.

SHELLY: "Come on Katsu, we don't want to keep the rest of our squad waiting!"

Katsu turns around and runs to catch up to her.

While walking down the hall with a row of doors, Katsu and Shelly are walking hip to hip, 1 foot apart.

Katsu is picking his ear while Shelly looks at her watch.

The number 40 still displayed and she has a huge smile on her face.

Katsu notices and laughs lightly.

KATSU: "See I told you we were going to make it together.

We came here together.

We train together.

We study together.

There was no way we weren't going to make it on the same team."

Shelly suddenly stops.

Katsu does too a few feet ahead of her and turns around in confusion.

KATSU: 'Uhhh Shell?"

SHELLY: "You never promised me back."

Katsu looks confused.

Then Shelly makes eye contact with him. 

KATSU: "Oh…"

Katsu smiles and looks at her.

KATSU: "I promise I won't die.

Even though, now that I think about it, that's a pretty dumb promise I mean-"

Shelly gives him her version of the mean stink eye and Katsu gets scared but her scary glare turns into her usual beautiful smile.

They walk down the hall passing other students on their way to their squads assigned rooms.

A couple students on a squad greet each other at the door before entering. 

The two Squad 40 students soon arrive at their designated door.

The number 40 is on a printed paper.

Shelly and Katsu both look at each other. 

KATSU(smiling): "You ready?"

Shelly nods.

They both go to grab for the door, and Shelly pulls away while blushing.

Katsu, without any hesitation, grabs the door handle and turns it. 

The door opens to a regular looking lecture classroom. Katsu steps back and allows Shelly in first

He follows her into the room, but when Katsu turns to the left, he gets a surprised but excited for expression.

Saku with his long hair now up in a bun, is sitting in the back-row corner with Friend to his left.

The now 3year old "pup" is licking Saku's nose while he smiles and pets the dogs head.

Hearing the door, the delinquent looks at the two arriving students in sync with Friend, exposing that the young man and dog both have an Iceman eye.

Friends once missing right eye{stage left} now has an Iceman eye, while Saku's once green left eye{stage right} has also been replaced with one of the alien's.

Saku makes a surprised but disgusted look in return.

With Katsu's expression on the left half and Saku's on the right, the door closes showing the paper with the number 40.

KATSU & SAKU: "It's you?!"

Next chapter