
She Laughs Again

Katsu's father sits alone inside a moving metal bus driving a paved road in the city. Music is playing on the radio in the bus but the 20 men are relatively quiet. Then the bus stops. A man gets onboard and Dad is surprised.

DAD: "Unbelievable…"

The man short (5'3) black curly hair, on the heavier side, glasses, an extreme 5 o clock shadow, and just as decorated, sees Katsu's father, half smiles, and walks towards him.

DAD(jokingly): "Jesus, Richie they forced you to come to? I thought I was gunna be the worst one they called."

Richie gives another half-smile and sits next to Dad. He puts his forehead on the seat in front of them. Katsu's dad senses awkwardness.

DAD: "Listen Rich. Shelly's been doing fine with us. She's happy, we go out every weekend, and she laughs again. You take as long as you need after this is over OK?"

Rich nods. Katsu's Dad looks out the window.

RICH(offscreen): "Thank you."

Katsu's father looks over. Richie has tears in his eyes but his head is up.

RICH: "I think. Once we get home, I will take her back. And we're going to start again. Put everything in the past without forgetting…"

Dad cuts him off

DAD: "Space Rocks huh? You'd think the government would use its military funds on something more I don't know important."

Rich gives a soft chuckle and looks out his window.

RICH: "Yea but if it's the cause of snow in July you think it could be something else? Maybe something they aren't telling us?"

 Dad lays back on his seat and helmet over his eyes.

DAD: "It's September Rich, and we're grunts, there's always something they hide from us to make us feel more justified. Just wake me up when we're there will yea? Don't need a repeat of last time we were on a bus."

A figure is shown outside the bus stop, watching the bus as it drives away. 

RICH(from inside the bus): "Hey at least they check the buses at the end of the day."

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