
Chapter One- First step to Transcendence? Birth!


The scream cut through the jungle of Amania, the walls of the little brown hut, quivering in their positions, and a crowd of people, all wearing black garments, the screams continued to resonate through the jungle, the uncomfortable, sinister melody of a woman's pain. Labor pain. 

There was a door to the hut, flimsy and tied together with bamboo, to keep the men out as the women tended to the lady giving birth. The walls screamed in agony, joining the woman as the storm cascaded into the hut. The woman was gasping repeatedly for breath, as the baby began to emerge. Her breathing was in synchrony with the thudding hearts of the people in the crowd. The fateful question, to keep or to sacrifice? 

The wail of the bay ripped through the silence of the crowd, yet no one celebrated, no one moved, and only tears were present. The hut's door was ripped off by the wind and it was carted off, to forbidden lands to reveal what lay inside the hut. A woman walked out, her legs shaking, her shawl rippling in the gallant gale, until it fell off completely revealing her soft, dark, luscious, and black hair, tied in a ponytail. In her hands was a sleeping baby.

The crowd, rustled in anticipation, what was the verdict? Was this child a savior? or would it be taken too? 

The woman fell to the ground, clutching her baby to her chest, tears rolling down her eyes, carving rivers on her face that could never be removed, she looked down at her beloved firstborn. His eyes were so calm, he had now awoken, yet he didn't cry, he made no noise. The Mother spoke, "Your eyes, they are so startling my dear, but-" The mother broke off with a sob, "-but that is what will take you from me, your blue eyes!" 

The crowd mirrored the Mother's pain, falling to the ground, bashing their heads on the ground, screaming and shouting in shared pain.

The baby, with eyes like the clear sky, gazed up at its weeping mother. The intensity of the moment hung in the air as the crowd processed the revelation. The silence within the jungle was disrupted only by the rhythmic sobs of the mother and the distant sounds of the Amanian wildlife.

As the reality of the child's eyes settled over the onlookers, tension grew within the crowd. Whispers spread like wildfire, carrying the weight of an unspoken decision. The community had to decide whether to embrace this child as a symbol of hope or adhere to ancient customs that deemed certain traits as ominous.

The mother clutched her baby tightly, wrestling with conflicting emotions. Her heart swelled with love for the innocent being in her arms, but the fear of losing him to the judgment of the elders gnawed at her. The baby, oblivious to the complexities surrounding his existence, blinked up at his mother with curiosity.

Suddenly, an elder stepped forward from the crowd. His weathered face bore the lines of countless decisions made in the name of tradition. The crowd parted as he approached the mother, his eyes fixed on the baby with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"We stand at the crossroads of destiny," the elder proclaimed, his voice carrying the weight of generations. "The child bears the mark of difference, a deviation from our norms. Yet, in this moment, we decide whether to cling to the shadows of the past or step into the uncertain light of the future."

The jungle seemed to hold its breath as the community grappled with the elder's words. The baby, now cradled in the mother's arms, continued to bring his small fingers to his mouth, blissfully unaware of the profound decisions being made on his behalf.

The mother, tears streaming down her face, looked up at the elder with a plea in her eyes. The fate of her child rested on the collective shoulders of the community. The jungle, once filled with the primal screams of labor, now echoed with the silent struggle of a people torn between tradition and the possibility of change. 

Suddenly, the sound of a 4x4 vehicle could be heard from the vast expanse of the jungle, they were here. The elder moved forward, and with a heart-wrenching pull, pryed the baby out of the woman's hands and placed it in a basket. The engine of the 4x4 drew closer, and the Ford Ranger came to a stop in front of the mother, who immediately scrambled to the feet of the man who had exited the vehicle, a Japanese man, wearing a white suit, clearly the expensive kind. he lashed out at the woman and she fell back onto the floor.

Hurriedly, the elder placed the basket that held the baby into the man in the white suit, who smiled slightly, the perfect subject for his plan!

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