
Chapter 371: The Criminal He You_1

Musheng and Meng Zhao had discussed the matter and faxed over the signed contract when Zhao Sishang finally arrived late.

Having cleaned herself up in the restroom, Zhao Sishang did not betray any sign of trouble to Musheng. Still, her prolonged absence stirred some suspicion in Musheng, "Why were you gone for so long? Weren't you just going to get some snacks?"

Yet Zhao Sishang's hands were empty; she had not brought back anything.

Nothing in hand, and such a long delay.

Zhao Sishang knew Musheng was concerned for her, but inwardly she felt bitter and dared not reveal to Musheng that Chou Bingye had come to Beijing. After hesitating, she said, "I... ate something downstairs before coming up. It would have looked bad if someone saw."

She wished she could carelessly tell Musheng everything and let him take her side, but she truly did not dare to gamble. If Chou Bingye spread video evidence or the like before Musheng could act, it would be too late for regrets.

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