
Unpleasant Company

"Bee," Fort tried, before feeling the pressure in the room suddenly increase.

"Don't you dare, 'Bee' me. You both not only want to go to the Dream Realm as mundane people, but you also want to go to two different locations where we will never see each other again!" Noble's voice cracked at the end.

"That is a bit dramatic, dear," Lena stated flatly. "I am sure that sooner or later there will be a way to make the Dream Realm traversable without the risk of infection. Or maybe the Sovereigns will find a way to bring everyone safely back without the Spell taking hold. When that happens, I will be the first to take advantage, and we will reunite."

"You can't promise that!" Noble shook her head violently.

Even if the sovereigns could do something, Noble had seen enough of the Great Clan's machinations to know that they would not make such conveniences a priority.

They might even go so far as to actively stop others from making those strides to keep people under their control.

Lena's hard expression softened.

"You are right: I can't promise that. I cannot promise anything. I don't know the future. I am not a seer. I have no supernatural power. What I do know is that refugees are struggling. I want to be on the team to help them."

Lena's gentle voice was worse than if she had shouted back. Noble felt her insides breaking.

"Then help the refugees here in the NQSC," the professor tried.

"When the Dream Gates come here, I imagine most of the homeless refugees will choose to leave also." The older woman explained. "I will follow them."

"But…You cannot go to Bastion!" The professor's voice cracked.

"Why not? Julius is there. It is the most logical place to set up government aid and logistics." Lena held out a finger with each reason.

Noble grabbed onto the only fact that she had left in her arsenal. "You cannot go because it belongs to Clan Valor. And they are behind Dad's murder!"

Noble expected a huge emotional response. Outrage. Pain. A change of heart.

Lena did react, but the emotional spike was far less than Noble anticipated.

"How did you find that out?" Lena asked quietly.

Noble was suddenly aware of her admission. Her eyes darted to the ground. "I asked for a copy of the investigation. That pink stone…"

"Belongs to Awakened Harlow."

Noble narrowed her gaze.

"You already knew?"

Lena pressed her lips together, nodding slowly. "I have suspected the great clans for a long time as you know. When I asked Julius, he knew immediately who that pink stone belonged to."

"And you knew that she knew?" Noble looked helplessly at Fort.

The Director had not reacted to either of their statements. How could he keep this from her?

"I told Fort this morning. He had the same concerns you do." Lena interceded on her son-in-law's behalf. "That knowledge about Harlow made me hesitate, but in the long run it can also be an opportunity."

Noble looked at her mother blankly. 'She really has lost her mind.'

"What possible opportunity could there be?!"

"I cannot prove that Harlow is responsible for Lance's murder. Even if I could, the case is closed. But maybe there are other things she has done. Once the refugees are more settled, I can gather evidence…"

"What happened to it being too dangerous and to leave it alone?" Noble balled her fists. "If you are happily married, why go and stir up trouble now?"

"Because you and the kids will be safely in Ravenheart under the protection of Clan Song." Lena had always been willing to risk her own life for justice but had drawn the line at endangering her family.

With that obstacle removed and Julius's support, there would be little reason not to do at least a little digging.

The professor clenched her jaw. "We aren't going to Ravenheart. At least I'm not planning to. Fort told me to keep an open mind, but this?"

Fort rubbed his head. "I have been reassigned to be a liaison to Song. They need someone level-headed to communicate with the Song sisters and, when necessary, maybe even the Queen."

It was a great honor to be selected. Even in her anger and frustration, Noble knew how important the position was. She took a deep breath, forcing her eyes to return to their typical blue. 

"While I am happy you are so highly valued, can you not communicate with Song from the NQSC?" 

"I could. Indeed, I will have to for the first couple of months, but in the long run, it will be more efficient and effective if I am living among the people whom I am serving." Fort glanced toward the wall with a far-off expression. "I meant it when I said nothing was set in stone. I won't go if you aren't certain." 

"And I won't look into Harlow if that is going to stop you from doing what is best," Lena added. 

"You mean doing what you think is best." Noble looked between the two people she respected more than anyone else in the world. "If we do this, the children will have to stay in the Dream Realm for the rest of their lives unless they want to enter a Nightmare." 

"They would be protected from being infected and have the choice put in their hands," Fort pointed out. "That was a choice both you and Seb would have liked to have." 

Noble's breath caught. "That's another thing. Seb's and Dad's graves are here. If all of you are gone--" 

"You'll have to tend them for us, darling. But knowing both those brave men, they would be angry at us for staying here on their account. I will carry their memory with me and honor them by showing my courage." Lena held her hand against her chest.

Noble knew she was touching her old wedding ring which hung on a chain around her neck. Lance would never be forgotten as long as Lena lived. 

"You both seem to have all the answers," Noble said bitterly. 

A small smile graced the older woman's face as she patted her daughter's hand. "We have had a week to process and form our opinions. You've had barely ten minutes." 

The professor pursed her lips. "Then...give me a week also. If nothing is set in stone, then that shouldn't be a problem, should it?" 

The other two exchanged glances. 

"That is reasonable," Fort decided.

"I have many other things to do before I start any preparations to leave. I will continue with those for now," Lena promised. 

Noble crossed her arms. 

The pair was being too agreeable. Noble knew they would spend the next week doing everything possible to make her come around to their way of thinking. 

Their combined efforts would be too persuasive. She needed to think this through without their input. 

"I don't want to hear anything about this from either of you until the week is up. If I get so much as even a whiff of manipulation, I will spend the rest of the week in the Dream Realm except when the kids are home, you hear me?" 

From the others' reactions, Noble had hit the nail on the head. They both nodded slowly. 


Satisfied, Noble floated back her seat.

"Good. Now, unless there is any other bombshell you want to drop on me, I will see myself out." 

The other two remained silent, unwilling to provoke her further. 

Sweeping out of the room, Noble was left alone to her thoughts. 

They were unpleasant company.

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