
Wants and Needs

Noble showered and dressed quickly.

'It's a new day!' She reminded herself, trying to dismiss the terrifying dream from the night before. 'I'm back with my family. I had forgotten how much Brock and Blaze always need something. I know they called on their father, but I am sure they will be shouting my name as soon as they remember I'm here. I better be ready!'

But by the time Noble entered the main room, the boys had already found what they were looking for.

"I took care of it," Fort assured his wife. "You just relax. I'll be back as soon as I am dressed,"

The man kissed his wife before returning to the bedroom and shutting the door.

Noble touched her lips with a small smile and turned to her sons. "I know your dad told me to relax, but I am here for whatever you need. Ask away!"

Brock and Blaze exchanged glances. 

"We are good, Mom. We don't need anything right now," Brock answered with a nod.

"Yeah, grandma and dad have it all covered. You don't have to worry about us!" Blaze saluted.

Noble had hoped to dive right into the mundane tasks of taking care of her family, but they seemed more intent on helping remove her load. 

'It is very thoughtful, but...' 

Shaking her head, Noble accepted the kindness. "Very well. I have a little bit of time before I have to go to government headquarters, what would you like to do this morning? Maybe a board game or watch a webtoon?" 

If they wanted her to relax, then that was a good start. 

"Sorry, Mom. Maybe later. No time right now," Blaze said around a bite of banana.

That's when Noble noticed that both the twins were dressed in red tracksuits and shoes, ready to head out the door.

"Leaving already? I thought this was a study day!" Noble asked as Brock grabbed a piece of toast from the toaster.

Midterms were starting tomorrow, and today was a time for students to get in any tutoring sessions or turn in missing assignments. As her boys were all caught up, Noble thought they would stay home and prepare for their tests.

"We still have track practice," Brock informed her as he slung a bag on his shoulder. "I made Blaze join the team even though he just wants to be the manager. I told him running is good for him."

"Being manager would have been better," Blaze rolled his eyes.

"I see." Noble tried to hide her disappointment. It wasn't like they knew she was going to be back today when the school year started. 

Sure, they could skip practice, but then they might get behind the others. Preparation for events was important. 

She couldn't ask them to sacrifice their training for her.

"There will be time for games and shows later, for sure. Have fun, boys!" Noble smiled at them.

'Maybe it is for the best. It will give her more time to see what was going on with—'

"Hey Mom," Rain leaned around her mother to grab a piece of fruit from a bowl.

"Hey, Rainy! I was thinking, we didn't get a chance to catch up yesterday. I know nothing about what is going on in your life. How about we go to our favorite tea shop…wait, are you leaving also?" Noble watched her daughter grab her jacket.

"I have a meeting with some classmates to study for midterms." Rain's ears turned slightly red. She looked at her shoes by the door but did not move toward them. "I can stay and get tea if you need me to though."

"You should at least let me get you some proper breakfast," Noble tried.

Though Noble suspected there was more going on than just a simple study session, she also didn't want to prevent her daughter from getting good grades.

Rain motioned to the fruit in her hand. "This is just a snack for later. Grandma already set out some stuff for us to eat earlier."

Glancing at the sink, Noble saw three empty bowls. Her heart sank. "I see. Have a good day! We will talk this evening."

Rain clenched her jaw. "Yeah, sure. Whatever you say."

"I love you!" Noble forced a smile.

The teen put on her second shoe and looked at her mother with a softer expression. "Love you too."

"Bye, mom." Brock hugged Noble quickly.

"See ya later!" Blaze waved before following his sister out the door.

"Wait, boys," Fort hurried out of the bedroom. "The PTV I ordered isn't here yet. You cannot run all the way to track practice!" Fort kissed his wife on the cheek as he passed. "I'll be right back."

Left alone in the kitchen, Noble sighed. She looked at the unwashed dishes, plugged up the sink, and turned on the water.

"At least they need me for something," she muttered as she scrubbed the first dish.

"Oh, sweetheart, we need you for so much," a warm voice came from the direction of Noble's dojo. 

A grey-haired woman came alongside her to dry the first dripping dish. Noble looked at her incredulously.

"Do you, mother? Blaze said you and Fort have it covered. You all seemed pretty self-sufficient this morning. Breakfast was made and eaten, and everyone was dressed and ready to go before I even made it out of my room! I know the kids are getting older, but I didn't expect them to..." Noble wasn't sure how to finish the sentence.

They hadn't exactly ignored her. They had been polite and friendly. 

They were maintaining their own schedules without her having to nag them. Minus a few lost things, they were turning into responsible human beings. 

Wasn't that a goal she had for them since they were little? 

Did she want them to ask her for every little thing like when they were toddlers? Or was she wanting them to drop everything and throw her a parade?

Her children had done exactly what they should and lived their lives.

So what was the problem?

Suddenly Noble felt ashamed for feeling self-pity. She turned to her mother with a repentant smile.

"I am sorry. I know I shouldn't complain."

In a beautiful azure dress that made her look almost youthful, Lena stood with her arms open. Her blue eyes were sad. 

"I should be the one who is sorry. I thought by making breakfast that I was helping, but instead, I made you think you were replaceable."

The older woman embraced her grown daughter in a tight hug. That was all it took for Noble to come undone.

She melted into Lena's arms, a soft sob escaping her lips.

"I know, sweetheart. It's ok to cry," the grey-haired woman patted her on the back.

"It doesn't feel ok," Noble snapped before taking a deep breath. "I don't feel ok."

She had dreamed for months about how lovely getting home would be, so why was she crying and feeling sorry for herself?! It made no sense.

"Eat this and then let's go for a walk." Lena handed her daughter a yellow fruit from the bowl and then tugged on her arm.

The door opened a moment before they got there.

"Well, the twins are safely on their way, and I watched Rain head to the train station—what's wrong?!" Fort hadn't paid his wife much attention when he ran out of the house after the boys. Had she been crying then and he missed it?!

"Nothing some food and some fresh air won't fix." Lena patted Fort on the arm as she led Noble through the door. "We'll be back."

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