
All the Difference

Waiting outside the Queen's chambers, Noble felt oddly at ease. In the night, she had come to a decision. That choice had made all the difference in her confidence.

'This will work. I know it will.'

All she had to do was wait until Emira was ready for her. It had taken an immense amount of patience to make it through the morning meal without rushing. After a last run-through, she had sat outside the throne room waiting for her audience.

Hours had passed. Hovering over the plush bench, every moment felt like an eternity. Noble tapped her fingers on her thigh.

'What is taking so long?'

Unlike Noble, Counsel was pacing. His brow was furrowed looking like a storm cloud might form over his head any moment.

"Her Majesty is doing this on purpose. Yet another move by the Queen to exert her power," Counsel answered the woman's unasked question.

Pursing her lips, Noble shook her head.

"You don't know that for certain…" she countered.

People liked to talk poorly about those in power, assuming things that were not true. She had witnessed it often both about people she loved and those she did not care for.

Counsel took a deep breath. "You are right. I don't know it…but it is a safe assumption."

The pair agreed to silently disagree.

Kosi sat quietly beside them, watching with wide eyes. His mane puffed in and out with his purring breaths.

The door opened suddenly, startling the trio. Or at least Noble acted surprised; she had sensed the servant coming.

"Her Majesty will see you now, Lady Brenna."

Dipping her head in recognition, Noble entered the throne room with her two protectors.

The palace's throne room was not as grand as the Great Hall and was mostly used for smaller meetings and orders of business. An emerald throne sat atop a dias with a stunning woman in a green dress looking more perfect than any mortal should.

'And she is over a hundred years old…' Noble pushed down a small pang of jealousy. For all her beauty, Noble would never want to be the lonely Queen.

Emira was conversing with her seneschal. "No, Lord Gavin may not add a dozen guests to his list at the last moment. He is fortunate I have invited him at all…"

"Yes, Your Majesty," the old gentleman noted all of the Queen's words down on a scroll. "Will there be anything else?"

"Yes, double-check the seating chart. I noticed that Alyx was somehow moved to the back row. See to it that the error is fixed. He has an important role today." 

"Yes, Your Majesty," the seneschal marked the order before bowing his way out of the room.

Emira silently traced his exit.

Flicking her gaze toward the trio, the queen arched her brow.

"I only said I would see Brenna. Did my message get lost on the way?"

Noble curtsied low. "I thought it would be easier if you and Counsel both heard my plan together."

"It is my job to protect your niece," Counsel reminded his sovereign.

"Then watch the door while we converse and leave the Symncus here. You are dismissed." Emira sat up straight on her emerald throne, almost begging him to defy her.

But Counsel simply bowed. "Yes, Your Majesty. I understand."

Noble was both surprised and relieved that the man had given in so easily. 'He must really want to give me the best possible chance.'

There was no time to muse over the curious interaction. Emira was staring at her with grim expectation.

"Now that your influencer is gone, I will listen to your proposal. Unless you have lost your nerve."

Kosi growled softly, ready to spring forward and defend Noble. The younger woman waved him off.

"I am ready whenever you are, Your Majesty," Noble remained unflustered.

"Well then, hurry up. We both have somewhere to be. The maids are anxious to get me in my dress for the ceremony…" Emira bushed back her hair toward her crown.

Noble thought about complimenting the Queen on how beautiful she looked already, but a comment like that, however true, might have been taken the wrong way.

"I will not waste your time and get right to it."

Noble cleared her throat.

"This kingdom has been plagued by the Lord of the Mountain for longer than anyone can remember. Only the most ancient kings did not live under his threat. Since then, we have been battling the creature and his minions to a stalemate. But that cannot go on forever.

"My father knew it was only a matter of time before the Tyrant would breach the barrier. That is why he set off with my mother to stop the fearsome Lord before he could succeed."

Noble had learned this information directly from Counsel, but it also made sense. Everything that she learned about Brenna's parents spoke of their selflessness and desire to serve the kingdom well.

"I am aware of their goal as well as their failure…" Emira's stern expression faltered slightly.

"I think that is because they did not have the right resources. Resources you can, in part, supply. But I also think they had the wrong tactic, and that is what got them killed."

Emira's eyebrows rose. The first statement sounded like Noble was blaming the Queen for her brother's death. But the second statement subverted that belief.

"Explain." Her Majesty leaned back in her seat.

"My parents took a small cohort through the mountains. They suffered setbacks and loss by disease before they ever reached the Tyrant. They went to meet the monster in his kingdom and had to play by his rules. They had lost before they began."

"And you have a different way?" Emira rested her chin on her palm. Her silky sleeve slid down, revealing one of the two delicate gold bands that always adorned her wrists.

"You know I have another method. I say we save our time and energy by letting the Tyrant come to us. We will have the full brunt of the army and all of the Awakened gathered to meet the Lord when he comes to your kingdom. He will lose on your hunting ground." Noble smiled, noticing the subtle change in the Queen's features.

Emira contemplated quietly for a moment. She allowed a small nod. "More people does mean more power. That is certainly something that my brother lacked. But power alone is not enough." Emira clicked her tongue. "The Lord of the Mountain has more power than all of us combined."

"Agreed, which is why the battlefield and our cunning will have to make up for the gap." Noble nodded.

"We have fought the Tyrant on numerous occasions in every way we can think of. We have never been able to scare him off. So get to the point. What mystical element are you going to include this time to turn the tide and save our kingdom?" Emira's voice was more mocking than curious, but Noble understood her hesitance.

However, Noble had been waiting for that exact question. What was different this time than every other time they had gone and spilled their blood to vanquish their foe?

The answer was simple. A smile formed on Noble's face.

"No mystical element. The difference this time…

…is me."

200 Chapters! Thanks for reading. I just got some amazing fanart from Ignoramoose. Look in the comments to see!

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