
Alarm Clock

Most of Noble's time in the Dream Realm was spent sleeping in her room.

While it wasn't strictly necessary, the exhaustion in her soul needed something that only real rest could provide. Noble slept long and hard.

As expected, the sleep was dreamless.

Yet, when the professor awoke, Antarctica and the White Feather Clan were already on her mind.

'I cannot let them go and defend a continent while I do nothing. What kind of person lets others fight and remains home like a coward? I'll have to tell Fort...Fort!'

Noble sat up suddenly. She looked around the sparsely furnished room as she untied the tether keeping her in mid-air.

What time was it? How long had she been gone?

Lowering herself near the ground, the professor hurried out into the street.

'Oh no!' Looking at the sun, Noble could tell she had slept most of the day away.

She always came back as soon as she was able. Hopefully, they wouldn't worry too much that she was late.

Hurrying along the path, the professor ignored the familiar darkness that threatened to crawl up from the chasm. It might be a threat to those who could lose their footing and fall off the side, but it was no danger to her.

She raced along as if it didn't exist.

Coming to the gaping maw in the heart of Ender's Deep, Noble left the citadel without looking back.

The pod propelled open. In her haste, Noble almost forced her feet to touch the floor. She barely pulled back in time.

A fresh blouse and pants were hanging in the dojo to replace the gown given to her the night before.

'Thank you, my love.'

The Saint's wife had been very kind to offer her wardrobe. But the two of them did not exactly have the same style.

Noble was glad to avoid the awkward question from her daughter about her sudden taste in clothes.

"I'm here!" Noble called while closing the door to the dojo. "Sorry I am late!" 

The twins came barreling down the hall and wrapped her in a sandwich-hug. 

"Mom!" Blaze squeezed as hard as he could. 

"You're back!" Brock buried his face in her stomach before releasing her.

"You are already home from school?" 

Noble had taken off work in advance, and Fort had been given a day because the party counted as work for him. The kids' schedules had not been altered.

"We got home a while ago." Blaze looked rather confused. "Do you know what time it is?"

"I suppose I don't," Noble admitted. "What time is it?"

"Dinner time!" Fort from the kitchen. 

"Everyone wash up!" a matronly voice followed the first. 

"Grandma is still here?" Noble took each of the boys' hands as they walked down the hall.

"I think she left and came back," Blaze squished his face in concentration. "At least, she rode in the PTV with us to school. I assume she went home after that."

Noble couldn't remember the last time she had really slept in the Dream Realm. But she still felt groggy. Why would her mother ride with the boys to school? Something wasn't adding up. 

The scene in the kitchen was an even more confusing sight. A veritable feast was laid out on the table with Lena and Fort both wearing aprons. 

"Welcome home!" Fort went and kissed his wife.

She smiled despite her confusion as she wiped a bit of flour from his cheek. "Thank you. What is all this?"

"We thought you might be extra hungry after such a long night and so much time in the Dream Realm. My son was kind enough to let me take over the kitchen to make some of our favorite dishes." Lena had a habit of calling Fort her son.

His parents were long gone, and she firmly believed every young person should have someone to call Mom.

"It smells amazing!" Noble sniffed at the air. 'It also smells like a scheme.' 

While what her mother had said was true, both Fort and Lena had underlying emotions that they were hiding something from her. But she would bide her time and discover it when she could. 

There was no reason to ignore such a meal!

Honey arrived a moment later from her room. "Did I hear...Mom! Are you alright?" She hugged her mother. 

Noble patted the girl's hair. "I am fine. Why do you look so upset?" 

"It is just... You are never in your pod when I get home from school. I thought maybe..." Honey's lip quivered. 

"I seem to have unnecessarily worried all of you. I fell asleep in the Dream Realm and woke up much later than I expected. I don't have an alarm clock there. Perhaps I should find a way to get one." Noble shook her head at her own tardiness. "But I made it back for the most important part of the day. Let's eat!" 

It turned out Lena was right. Noble was famished. The steak, baked potatoes, pasta, fried chicken, synthetic sweet rolls, and all of the sides were eaten and fully enjoyed. By the time the professor was finished, she felt like she needed to push herself up from the ground, not hold herself down from floating away. 

"That was delicious! Thank you to the chefs." Noble patted her stomach obligingly. "I will do the dishes." 

"You mean your powers will?" Lena smiled. 

"Fine. My Ability will do the dishes for us," Noble stuck out her tongue playfully, drawing a laugh from her mother. 

Asking to be dismissed, the children hurried to their rooms to finish their homework. The adults were left alone. 

The plates lifted from the table, making their way to the foamy water waiting for them in the sink. 

"I suppose this is the part where we finally talk?" The Awakened raised her eyebrows at the other two. 

"Why? Is there something you want to talk about?" Lena challenged.

"How much did Fort tell you?" Noble narrowed her gaze.

She loved that her husband and mother got along very well, but sometimes that seemed to work to his disadvantage.

"He told me enough that I know to be concerned for you for more than one reason. How are you holding up?" Lena stroked her daughter's arm, filling Noble with warmth. The older woman had no Awakened powers, yet somehow she always had a healing touch. 

"I am making it," Noble answered honestly. "And since you are both here, I wanted to tell you the decision I have made." 

Fort and Lena exchanged glances. 

"Is this about Antarctica?" Lena asked pointedly. 

Noble's eyes opened wide. "How did you know about Antarctica?" 

"If it is, we have something we want to say as well," Fort continued without addressing the question. "But please go first."

The floating Awakened steadied her nerves. "I have been thinking about it. I know this dinner was probably meant to show me what I will be missing, but it only made me more firm in my decision. I want to go and help the cause. There is nothing you can do to change my mind." 

Fort nodded slowly. "I see. I completely understand how you feel. I guess that means it is time for my news. Your bags are mostly packed. We leave in the morning."

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