
An Evening to Remember

Fort looked at the time and then glanced at the door to his bedroom. Sitting on the couch, he tapped his charcoal oxfords on the rug. 

He looked at the time again. He stood, smoothed his lapels, and began to pace. 

"My dear!" Fort called as kindly as he could.

"I can feel your anxiety from here, my love. I promise we will not be late!" Noble answered from the bedroom.

"You cannot rush beauty, Dad!" Honey chided, her voice muffled slightly by the closed door. 

"Just a minute more!" The professor promised. 

"We barely have a minute," Fort muttered as he tugged at his grey vest. He pulled out his communicator and checked on the status of their ride. 

He knew that Noble wasn't thrilled about actually traveling to the ball. But the sooner they were in the vehicle, the sooner they could arrive.

If only she would hurry up and come out!

Fort peeked out the front window and saw headlights outside.

"Noble, our PTVeeow--" he turned around and his jaw dropped. There were no words for the sight he saw. 

Somehow he hadn't heard the two ladies exit the bedroom. Honey grinned like a fool, unable to hide her pleasure at her father's stunned expression. 

In front of her was the most captivating creature Fort had ever seen. Clad in a deep blue gown, Noble looked at her husband from beneath her long eyelashes. A coy smile graced her ruby lips, but he could see the hesitation in her eyes. 

"Well, how do I look?" she asked at last, unable to wait any longer. "Don't you think the earrings I borrowed from Sarai look nice with the gown?"   

"You cannot go in that," Fort said at length. 

Noble bit her lip. "What's wrong? Is it too form-fitting? I debated if it was too much. Perhaps I should..." 

"It's perfect. You are perfect," the man said, closing the gap between them. "Which is why I cannot let others see you. No one will be able to take their eyes off of you." 

"So, does that mean you like it?" Noble felt a blush come to her cheeks at her husband's sudden nearness. 

"Enough to keep you here instead of taking you out," he answered with a Cheshire grin. 

"Aaaand that is where I make my exit," Honey looked slightly disgusted. 

"Thank you for all your work on my make-up and hair." Noble smiled at her daughter. "I know I was skeptical, but I really like the results." 

"Happy to help! And Dad is right, you look amazing." The teen dipped her version of a curtsy and scurried off. She had brothers to watch and babysitting money to make. 

"Now that I have you alone," Fort's voice became husky.

"None of that," Noble blushed even deeper. "You'll mess up my hair and make-up!" 

"Good. You are too divine. A flaw or two will remind me you are human." Fort pressed his lips to his wife's before she could object. Wrapping his arms around her waist, they spent a moment in each other's arms. 

Noble pulled away at last. "You were about to say that our ride was here, weren't you?" 

"Oh!" Fort had completely forgotten about the lights outside. He weighed his options and sighed. "I suppose we should not keep them waiting any longer." 

Nodding slowly, Noble pulled herself from her husband's arms and adjusted her hair. Somehow the ornate braid encircling her head had become slightly unpinned. She glared at her husband while replacing the coronet. Her husband winked unapologetically. 

Opening the door, Fort frowned. "Hm, they were here a moment ago," he stared out at the empty street. 

"Are you sure you weren't just trying to hurry me along?" Noble peeked around her husband. 

"I am sure. Maybe it was for one of the neighbors?" Fort scratched his head. "Ah, here it is! I guess they just decided to go around the block while waiting. Are you ready?" 

The handsome gentleman held out his hand. Noble placed her fingers in his palm.

"Goodnight kids! We love you!" She called. 

Brock and Blaze came tumbling into the living room with Honey hot on their heels. She had likely been trying to stop them from disturbing her parents as they left.

"Wow, mom!" Brock gave two thumbs up.

"You look like a princess!" Blaze's mouth hung open, looking like a miniature version of his father when he did. 

Fort nodded. "You all be good. Don't wait up!" 

After hugs and kisses, Fort finally managed to shut the door. He took the lady's hand once more and bowed over it. "Your carriage awaits, my queen." 

"Fort!" Noble got a good look at the PTV for the first time. If it could even be called that.

The thing stretched out longer than any vehicle had the right to and looked to be the epitome of style and grace. 

"After you!" Fort opened the door of the PTV. 

"Thank you, good sir." The professor dipped her head.

"Thank you for being a good sport," he added quietly as she climbed inside. He knew how much she avoided riding in anything that wasn't on a track.

However, the estate holding the ball was not situated particularly close to any of the train stops, and even if one were, the government did not want to look like paupers in front of the Great Clans. Fort saw no way around refusing the luxury transport. 

"It is fine. I doubt the driver plans on taking any sudden turns with such esteemed guests inside," Noble smiled. 

Within the vehicle, she was welcomed by four other government officials and their dates. She greeted them quickly while taking her seat. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Fort pulled the door closed. 

"Waiting? We just arrived," an older gentleman with slightly greying hair responded. Master Kenz looked at the Deputy Director with confusion.

The PTV pulled out into the street and began its journey. Fortunately for Noble, the ride was smooth, and the group seemed content to stay on pleasant topics. 

"I wonder who all will be there tonight," a petite lady was saying. A large green plume stuck out of her low bun complimenting her emerald cocktail dress. "I bet everyone who is anyone will be there. Can you imagine!" 

The others began to gossip about who might and might not have been invited. Noble leaned over to her husband.

"Will the Chancellor be there?" she asked softly.

Noble knew Gui had been invited. It would have been foolish for the Great Clan Valor to invite her husband and neglect one of the most powerful men in the NQSC. 

"For the sake of harmony between the clans, he has elected not to attend," Fort answered as neutrally as he could. 

Noble hid her grin. "That is code for he didn't want to be around people and that was as good of an excuse as any." 

The Chancellor was a lot of things, but he had no taste for rubbing elbows with socialites or worse--dancing with them.

Noble had no such fear, especially with the handsome gentleman beside her as her chosen dance partner. 

As the PTV turned off the public road and onto the private thoroughfare of the grand estate, the professor was sure of one thing. 

It was going to be an evening to remember.

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