
A Token

Noble had not forgotten the Memory which Snowmobile had gifted to Fireshing. It was a very curious event and quite an uncommon occurrence as far as the professor knew. 

The look of anticipation on the redhead's face told Noble this object was something special. 

When the sparks faded, the professor could understand her enthusiasm. 

It was beautiful. Sarai held out the tapestry in both hands for her friend to view. The interlocking colors of the cloth seemed to move in and out of one another in an endless maze of color. It was mesmerizing…and familiar.

"It looks like the armor Snowmobile was wearing." Noble moved closer to the weave to examine it. 

Sarai nodded. "Mhmm. I am pretty sure he made it."

Squinting, the professor saw golden threads shimmering through the cloth. She remembered the strands that Snowmobile had used to fight. 

"I would tend to agree." Noble leaned back and went to her datapad. "But I would like more information. That is, if I may." 

"Of course!" Sarai would be lying if she said that she didn't want to see what Noble's machine could do. And if it shed more light on her Memory in the process, then that was an extra boon. 

Nodding, Noble set her AI to work. Sarai remained still as the large cloth was scanned and evaluated. 

The synthetic papers poured onto Noble's desk, and she picked up the first page with a smile. "Let's see here. Well, you are right about it being man-made. A very unique signature on this too. It is almost like he signed it." 

Noble wondered if the man might be from clan Valor. Their craftsmen were beyond compare. This Memory certainly seemed to contend with them. 

Running her eyes across the page, Noble's mouth curved into a grin. "Is there anything you want to tell me?" 

Fire blushed. "Exactly how much can you see?" 

Together, they looked at the Memory and its information. 

Memory Name: [Mindweaver's Tapestry]

Memory Rank: [Ascended]

Memory Tier: [VI]

Memory Type: Tool

Memory Description: [A mesmerizing, intricate tapestry woven from threads that seem to shimmer with a life of their own. Each thread in the tapestry represents a strand of thought, showcasing the complexity and interconnectedness of the mental landscape. A parting gift from an admirer.]

"An admirer, hm?" Noble teased. 

"It seems so." Sarai arched her brow. "It's certainly better than that one gift you got." 

Other than prizes from tournaments, Noble had only received a Memory once in the Dreamscape. A crazed fan, with more money than sense, had jumped from the stands and gifted her a miniature figure of themselves.

Noble neither wanted to think about how much the Awakened had spent to have the thing crafted nor did she want to know about its single enchantment. She simply crushed the tiny abomination at her first opportunity. 

Noble blanched. "I wish I hadn't told you about that." 

Sarai chuckled softly. "I am so glad you did."

"Anyway, I am glad your experience is different from mine. This seems like a real gem. Look here." Noble pointed farther down the page.

Because the object was created by humans and not by the Spell, the professor could read more information including the description of the enchantments. This was what Noble pointed to now. There were two strings of information.

Memory Enchantments: [Cognitive Labyrinth], [Silken Persuasion]

Enchantment Descriptions:

[Cognitive Labyrinth]: [This enchantment creates a mental maze within the minds of those who oppose the wielder, ensnaring their thoughts and leaving them disoriented and susceptible to influence.]

[Silken Persuasion]: [This enchantment enhances the wielder's communicative abilities, allowing them to weave their words with subtle manipulation, making their suggestions and arguments irresistibly compelling.]

"I didn't know it did all that!" Sarai was shocked. "I cannot believe he just gave this away." 

"I can scarcely believe it myself. Although the second one is an active enchantment, the first is passive. But using them together…that could be catastrophic. A mantle fit for a queen." Noble dipped her head at her fiery friend in appropriate awe.

"An evil Queen, maybe." Sarai wasn't sure what to make of the gift. While she had an inkling of what it did before, now she knew for sure. Draping it over her shoulders, the baker fastened the tapestry like a cape. She gave a slight smile as she spread the delicate cloth. "But a beautiful one." 

"It's nice to not be the only royalty in the room for once, Your Majesty," the professor flourished a bow. She held out the papers in her hand. "For you, as a token of my affection." 

"Are you sure? Do you need them for your notes or research?" Sarai didn't want to mess up Noble. 

"You aren't currently my student. If I need it for my research, I know where to find you." Memories like that were worth recording, but Noble felt that it should be Sarai's decision to do so. 

Dismissing the [Mindweaver's Tapestry], Sarai placed the synthetic paper in her satchel. "Thank you. Do you need to do anything else before we grab a bite to eat? I cannot wait to catch up on all the things that have happened in the past couple of weeks!" 

"Let me make sure Bee Two's protocols are set up to answer anyone who comes. Then we should be ready to go." After a brief exchange with the android, Noble retrieved her bag and slung it over her shoulder.

"What do you want to eat?" Sarai could already feel her mouth-watering. 

Noble shrugged as they headed to the door. "Anywhere you like, but I am buying since you paid last time!" 

Replacing her glasses on her face, the fiery Awakened nodded in agreement. "I don't suppose that waiter Larry would be up for another visit from us. Anyway, you said you needed to see Fort? Perhaps we should pick somewhere towards him." 

"That's fine with me as long as you don't need to get back to the bakery for a while." Noble smiled and greeted the people in the hall with a nod.

"I am only there first thing in the morning these days to make sure the ovens are lit. Pillow and Jolly handle most everything. If I'm there, it becomes a zoo!" Sarai waved off Noble's apology. "Don't worry, it just means business is good. I cannot complain that we are raking in the dough."

"Very punny," Noble still had mixed feelings about sending her friend shooting into fame. If there was any way to protect Sarai from the pain of stardom, the professor would find a way to do it. 

Heading out of the Academy's gate, no one seemed to pay either of the ladies much attention. Only a dark-haired man in dark sunglasses even looked up at them from his communicator when they passed. If not for his spike in emotion when they ambled by him, even he would have been unnoteworthy. 

"Good day," she said politely before he looked away. 

As they moved toward the train station, the streets filled with others on similar missions for midday meals. The two ladies happily sifted into the crowd. 

More faces meant less likelihood of being recognized. 

Both for them…

…and the person who was following them. 

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