

A/n: Before anyone starts scolding me, please trust me. This is a really, really important arc and had to be done. So please don't condemn me.



The sound of a bullet pierced the silence. Three seconds later, screams started echoing in the parking lot. 

"Call the police!" 

"It's a gunfire! I saw it from the balcony," said a woman with relish. She seemed more excited than scared. "There were two men and one of them fired the gun." 

"Gunfire? Someone actually fired a gun in this area?"

"What about the security guard? What happened to him?" 

Noah had a hard time registering the shouts, as he didn't expect something like this to happen. With his hands rubbing the back of his head, he tried to sit up straight. 

Just now when Ari had tackled him, his head bumped into something hard causing his vision to turn blurry. 

"Ah! Someone is hurt!" 

Next chapter