
The City Of Arcadia

Northern leaned with his hands on the rails of the ship, staring into the distant clouds with squinted eyes.

After a while, the mutterings died down, but the gazes didn't stop. One way or another, they looked at him.

Some wore heavy curiosity tugging at their expressions, while others bore crude and naked fear. Some were even so fearful that their legs seemed to sink into an imaginary ground as they walked around him.

But he paid no heed to them, instead enjoying the gentle breeze that caressed his cheeks.

After half an hour, the clouds began to part, and Northern could see something in the distance. At first, it was faint, but the landscape was marked by white and brown.

As the airship drew closer, the sky seemed to transition from a celestial white to a cerulean blue, with smaller clusters of clouds dotting the horizon.

From above, the city of Arcadia slowly came into view.

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