
His Reflection

After emerging from the rift, Northern immediately closed the gateway.

People began to move; it didn't matter which side they came from—besides, the leaders of the opposing sides were suddenly nowhere to be found.

Casualties were taken care of, and many could be seen leaning against the fallen bricks of the castle.

Northern had gone inside what was left of the building, searching for Hao with Jeci following him like a loyal dog wagging her tail, despite being wounded.

Northern paid her no obvious attention, but his mind was slowly beginning to drift in her favor.

They entered a bunker-like door and went down the stairs, revealing an underground dungeon with a rotten, throat-cutting smell.

Northern pinched his nose with his hand, calling with a muffled voice as he strolled forward, "Hao?! Hao?!"

He continued forward, still calling, while glancing left and right before stopping.

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