
Fate Is Wicked... Even On Monsters Too

Suddenly, Northern's eyes opened and his whole body jerked forward.

'Crap! I slept!'

Who sleeps on a battlefield?

Northern covered his face with the palm of his hand and stood up with shaky legs. He leaned on Mortal Blade for a few seconds before straightening his back.

The visage of the battle field was not any less cruel than it had been a few minutes… maybe hours ago, before he slept.

More bodies and the stench of blood filled both the land and the air. Every nook and cranny of the forest was drenched with the wicked slaughter of both sides of the monsters.

It was sickening to see, his stomach churned and almost made him puke, but North swallowed down the disgust and tried to look for the general of his enemy.

Then his eyes came to rest on an unpleasant scene.

Northern frowned, blue pupils shivering at what they saw.

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