
Strange Accident

Natasha sighed. "You know, that night you walked in on us at the hotel... I had actually forced David to take me. But he was all about you. Yes, he has his faults, Carissa, but I hope you can overlook that and take him back because he genuinely regrets every bit of his actions that day and he genuinely loves you."

Carissa stared at her, seeming lost. They had a little more conversation. Natasha proposed, "I think you should talk to David again. Maybe just clear the air. No pressure, just talk."

Carissa nodded slowly, considering her words.

Natasha stood up to leave. "Thank you for the tea. It was nice talking."

Carissa went after her, stopping her from entering her car. "Have a safe flight tomorrow, Natasha."

Natasha laughed softly and waved. "Thank you."

Carissa gave a genuine smile and watched her leave.

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