
Harry and Victor Krum

The Hogwarts students were all sat in the great hall, everyone knew that today would be the day when the other two schools would arrive.

"Now everyone," Dumbledore spoke as he stood at his spot in front of the teacher's table. "everyone please welcome the lovely ladies and gentlemen of Beauxbaton Academy and their headmistress, Madam Olympe Maxime." Dumbledore said before the doors of the great hall opened and a group of students dressed in light blue robes walked in, these students attracted a lot of attention thanks to their good looks, but that attention was pulled off of them and onto the headmistress when she entered. She was dressed in expensive looking clothes but the reason why everyone looked towards her was undoubtedly her height.

"Merlin, she looks like she's the same height as Hagrid." Blaise whispered.

When the headmistress reached Dumbledore he reached up to grab the hand that she offered him, he planted a small kiss on it before he gestured to the seat next to his own. She nodded and went to sit in it, her students looked around before they eventually decided to sit down at the Ravenclaw table.

"And now," Dumbledore spoke. "let us welcome our friends from the North, the proud children of Durmstrang academy and their headmaster, Igor Karkaroff."

A few seconds later a group of wizards and witches in heavy winter clothes, they were followed by their headmaster who was tall and thin like Dumbledore but didn't really look anything like him. He was dressed in expensive, sleek and silver furs, he had a curly goatee, yellow teeth and a big smile. Though most of the hall's attention was pulled towards the student that was walking next to him.

"It's Victor Krum!" Ron Weasley's voice echoed throughout the hall, having blurted that out a bit louder than he probably attended.

Harry looked at Krum and saw that he looked annoyed, but was trying to hide it. Krum, despite his age, was arguably the most famous quidditch player of all time and had actually played in the world cup, he did catch the snitch at the game, though sadly for him Ireland still won thanks to having more points. In fact Harry would say that he and Krum were probably the two most famous students in the school right now.

"Dumbledore!" Headmaster Karkaroff chuckled as he greeted Dumbledore with a hug.

"Igor." Dumbledore smiled back before he gestured Igor towards a seat next to his own before he turned to the Durmstrang students. "Feel free to sit wherever you want." He told them.

"Quick, quick, move up." Harry heard Ron say to the other Gryffindors, it was clear he wanted Krum to sit next to him. Unfortunately for him that was not going to happen as Victor Krum began leading the rest of his school students towards the Slytherin table. They all sat down near Harry and his friends.

"You have snake," Victor said with a heavy accent to Harry as he looked at Jet who was on Harry's shoulders. "they let you have snake in this school?" He asked.

"He's my familiar." Harry responded. "His name is Jet."

"Oh," Victor said in understanding before he held out a hand. "I am Victor Krum." He said.

"Harry Potter." Harry said as he shook Krum's hand, internally he felt a small amount of amusement at the fact that he and Victor - the only two students who really didn't need an introduction - were introducing themselves.

"Excellent," Dumbledore spoke once everyone was settled, at that moment Professor McGonagall levitated something into the hall, she gently placed it down in the middle of the hall, it was a large wooden goblet. "now that we are all here allow me to quickly explain the tournament selection process before we all become too distracted by the lovely food we will soon receive. The champions will be chosen by an impartial selector: the Goblet of Fire." At this point Dumbledore gestured to the goblet, everyone watched as all of a sudden blue-white flames appeared on the round edge of the goblet. "Anybody wishing to submit themselves as champion must write their name and school a slip of parchment and drop it into the goblet, those who wish to become champions have twenty-four hours in which to put their names forward. Tomorrow night, Halloween, the goblet will give us the names of the three it has judged most worthy to represent their schools. The goblet will be placed in the entrance hall tonight, where it will be available to all those wishing to compete.

I will be placing an age line around it to prevent those who are underage from entering. I would like to remind you all that this is only for students who are seventeen years old. Though I must warn those that intend to enter, this is not a decision that one should make without thinking about the consequences, once you have entered you will not be able to un-enter. Good luck to all of you. And now feel free to enjoy a delicious dinner." Dumbledore finished with a smile as food appeared on the tables.

Dumbledore returned to his seat as everyone began eating.

"You are...parslemouth?" Victor asked, struggling slightly with the word.

"I am," Harry nodded. "Have been for as long as I can remember. I saw your match at the world cup by the way, you certainly earn your reputation."

"Thank you," Victor nodded. "do you play quidditch?" He asked.

"I'm a chaser for my house team and this year I became its captain." Harry responded.

"You're more than that," Daphne spoke up before turning to Krum. "Harry over here is the youngest chaser to play in this school in a century." She told him with a smile on her face.

"Really?" Krum asked Harry. Harry gave Daphne a mock glare before he turned to back to Krum.

"Yes," Harry said. "my two passions are magic and quidditch. After I finish school I think I might go into professional quidditch or enter the duelling circuit."

"You have many duels here?" Victor asked.

"Not too many, most people don't really want to duel with me." Harry frowned.

"That's because everyone's bloody afraid of you." Blaise said with a roll of his eyes.

"Afraid?" One of Victor's friends asked.

"Well, not afraid exactly," Tracey spoke. "but Harry's the best in our year and pretty much always wins against whoever he goes up against, same age or older. Even in his first year he was duelling third year students and winning."

"Stop it," Harry chuckled. "you'll make me blush." Harry said, the group continued talking while people from the other tables were staring at them, mostly with jealousy, one especially jealous person was Ron Weasley who looked like he was trying to glare a hole into Harry.


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