
Magical Marvels and Unexpected Invitations

A short while later the three (plus Jet) had arrived at the spot where all the other wizards had placed their tents, after a few minutes they were able to find Sirius's tent. When they entered the tent Harry had actually stopped and started looking around since the tent was much, much, much bigger on the inside.

"I love magic." Harry grinned as he looked at the table, beds and other furniture that was in the tent.

"Harry! Tonks's!" Sirius called when he noticed everyone enter. "It's great to see you!"

"Thank you for inviting us Sirius." Andromeda said as Sirius walked over and hugged everyone.

"Oh not a problem." Sirius waved her off. "If it wasn't for you lot then I would either be here alone or with a bunch of politicians that I don't like." Sirius paused and looked at Jet who was staring at him. "oh...um...hello...uh...snakey."

"His name is Jet." Harry told him.

"Hello Jet." Sirius amended. "Sorry," Sirius apologised. "I'm still just trying to get used to the fact that my godson is not only a Slytherin, but also a parslemouth. As far as I'm aware, none of your parents had anyone in their family that could speak it."

"Hmm," Harry hummed but did not comment. "so...is Lupin not going to be here?"

"Huh? Oh no," Sirius shook his head. "tomorrow's the full moon, so Remus is not feeling well, the large crowd and screaming won't help him much. But still, I'm glad you're all here." Sirius smiled. "Oh, fair warning we will be sitting in the Minister's box, oh and Ludo Bagman will be there."

"Who?" Harry asked.

"Ex-quidditch player, he's harmless for the most part but do yourself a favour and don't start betting with him." Sirius replied. "Anyway, let's eat while we're here, we'll need the energy."

"So, what do you think so far?" Tonks asked as she and Harry began walking outside of the tent.

The pair got their fair share of odd looks, partly because of Tonks's pink hair, partly because of the fact that Harry had a snake on his shoulders and also because many people realised that he was the boy-who-lived, which caused them to whisper and talk to each other in what they thought was a subtle way.

"Well, I am really excited to be here." Harry admitted. "The only real quidditch matches I've seen have been at school. I can't help but wonder how much better pro players would be."

"You think you would ever go pro?" Tonks asked him.

"Hmm, I don't really know if I am good enough to go pro but it does sound nice." Harry smiled.

"Harry." A voice called. The pair stopped and turned around to see three people walking up towards them.

"Hi guys." Harry smiled as Daphne, Tracey and Astoria (Daphne's little sister) approached them. Daphne and Tracey were both looking very lovely in Harry's opinion, Tracey was wearing a blue skirt, white shirt and a blue jacket, Daphne was dressed in black jeans along with a blue top and blue jacket. Astoria was dressed the same as Daphne.

"So Harry, which one of these girls is your girlfriend?" Tonks asked in a teasing voice once the girls had gotten close enough.

"They're girls who are my friends but they are not my girlfriends." Harry told them just as Daphne and Tracey blushed slightly. "It's good to see you guys here." Harry said to the girls as he turned his attention back to them. "how are you guys doing?" He asked.

"We're doing great," Astoria smiled as as Daphne reached over and petted Jet. "I'm really excited."

"Yeah, you're just a ball of energy." Tracey said with a smile as she ruffled Astoria's hair, Astoria slapped her hand away and gave Tracey a mock glare. "You're looking good, Harry." Tracey said without thinking, she paused when she realised what she had just said.

"Thanks, you three look great as well." Harry responded before she could apologise. "Are your parents with Daphne's?" Harry asked.

"No," Tracey shook her head. "I've come with Daph and Tori here because my parents are unfortunately too busy to come."

"Oh, that's a shame." Harry said with a frown.

"It's fine," Tracey waved it off. "My parents aren't really big quidditch fans, and I don't mind going with these two."

"Oh, you're Harry's adopted sister, aren't you?" Astoria asked Tonks.

"Yep," Tonks grinned. "that's me, what has Harry told you about me?" She asked.

"Well, it was actually Daphne, she just told me that Harry really likes you." Astoria admitted.

"I did tell her that." Daphne nodded. "Anyway, we've got to go now before my parents start searching for us. We'll see you later, Harry." Daphne said, she and the girls said their goodbyes before they all turned and walked away.

"You really like me, huh?" Tonks smiled happily as she ruffled Harry's hair.

"Get off." Harry said as he slapped her hand away, though the smile was still on his face.

"Oh for fuck sakes." Harry and Jet hissed when they arrived at their seats. The seats that Harry, the Tonks family and Sirius had gotten were in the Minister's box, which was basically the most important seats in the whole stadium. In the box were a few Ministers of various countries, including Fudge. But there was also another group that Harry had not expected to see, the Weasley's. It looked like all of the Weasley's were there with the exception of Mrs Weasley (praise Merlin for small miracles).

Mr Weasley was shaking hands with everyone, apparently they were very important people, they clearly had to be if they were up here...but then again the Weasley's were up here...so who could say for sure. Harry watched as Percy Weasley went around greeting person after person, When the Weasley family were approached by Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic himself, Percy bowed so low that his glasses fell off and shattered. Highly embarrassed, he repaired them with his wand and quickly went back into his seat.

"Oh Harry," The Minister smiled and walked past the Weasley's, ignoring whatever Percy was saying. "it's good to see you." He said, shaking Harry's hand, greeting Harry like he was an old friend. "Oh, and Mr Black," He turned to Sirius. "I'm delighted that you could come, I do hope you enjoy yourself, this is just a small apology on behalf of the Ministry. Oh, and you've brought your family. Ah yes, your Mr Potter's guardian's, aren't you? It's nice to meet you all."

"What are they doing here?!" Everyone heard Ron Weasley say loudly as he stood up and looked at Harry. The other Weasleys couldn't help but feel embarrassed by his outburst, but they unlike Ron also remembered exactly what Harry was willing to threaten them with.

"Sit down!" Arthur hissed to Ron as the twins pulled him back into his seat. "You will stay quiet or I will send you home right now and you can miss the cup!" He whispered into Ron's ear, Ron looked like he wanted to argue but the look on his father's face made it clear that the man was not playing around.

Before anyone else could say anything the door opened and three more people entered, it was the Malfoy family. Harry and Jet looked between the Weasley's, Malfoy's and Tonks's, both of them couldn't help but wonder just how many possible ways there were for this to go tits up.


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