
Confronting the Past

A short while later Harry and Angela had exited the hospital wing along with Andromeda and Ted, thankfully the two Hogwarts students weren't too tired since Madam Pomfrey had given them both small doses of pepper up potion since they had stayed awake for most of the night. Harry didn't see the point in staying in the hospital wing when Lord Black was there, that would be like adding a tiger to finish off a pig when it already has snake venom running through its veins.

As Harry left the room he had heard Lord Black call Minister Fudge a 'lackadaisical little fuckwit', Harry made a mental note to remember that particular insult.

Harry had spent some time with Andromeda and Ted before he returned to the Slytherin common room. That time was mostly spent on explaining what had happened but also repeatedly reassuring Andromeda that he was alright and not hurt while also repeatedly saying sorry for going to catch Sirius and Peter by himself. Harry did agree that that was a bit Gryffindorish but he also felt that there were some times where a person simply didn't have time to think.

Once Harry and Angela got into the common room it was to nearly get tackled over by Tracey who quickly pulled him into a hug. Daphne, Blaise and Tracey were the only people that appeared to be in the common room.

"Harry, are you alright?!" She quickly asked as she hugged him tightly.

"Tracey," Harry said once Tracey let go. "I'm fine, I..." Harry was cut off, this time by Daphne who quickly pulled him into a hug.

"For Merlin's sake, Harry!" Daphne said once she let go of him. "Why the hell have Tracey and I been told that you went to 'fuck shit up at the Gryffindor common room'?"

"Let's just...let's just give me a minute to get changed then we can go to the great hall so I can get some food as well." Harry sighed.

Later Harry, Angela and the trio of Harry's friends had quickly eaten and left the great hall with Harry telling them everything. If they had stayed in the hall then they would've seen the newspapers arrive and heard everyone talking about how Harry Potter had not only stopped the mass murderer Sirius Black, but had also discovered a living Peter Pettigrew. The majority of the Gryffindor's were rather thankful for the fact that Harry had not only discovered and removed an animagus that had secretly been living in their dormitory, but also the fact that he stopped Sirius Black who could've killed them all.

By the end of that morning Harry's reputation had shot up like a rocket, many students wanted to talk to him about it but were kept back by Harry's friends and the other Slytherin's.

"It's a shame that they discovered your true animagus form." Daphne told him as they walked to charms class.

"Yeah, I would've preferred to keep it a secret but I'm sure that at least one portrait would have seen tiger-me running down the hallways so there was no point in lying about it," Harry sighed. "it's kind of hard to miss." He couldn't help but add.

"The whole school knows you're a Tri-cat," Tracey said. "a lot of people are jealous, and surprised. I heard that Professor McGonagall had warned her Gryffindor's that there would be dire consequences if they try to become animagus's without supervision."

"They'd probably end up permanently having paws for feet." Blaise said with an eye roll.

During Harry's Defence Against the Dark Arts class, he couldn't help but notice how distracted Professor Lupin was throughout the lesson, during the end of the lesson Harry was ready to leave when Professor Lupin had asked him to stay behind. Harry's friends had exchanged looks with him but they did leave after Harry gave them a short nod as if to say 'it's fine guys'. Once it was just Harry and Professor Lupin, the two entered Professor Lupin's office and both sat down.

"Thank you for staying and talking to me." Professor Lupin said once they had both sat down.

"Thank you for asking nicely," Harry responded while Jet had climbed up from Harry's arm before settling down onto his shoulder. "may I ask why you wish to talk to me? Am I in trouble?" He asked.

"In trouble? No, no, of course not." Professor Lupin quickly replied. "You are not in trouble, not with me at least, as far as I'm aware you haven't done anything wrong."

"Ah, in that case, why am I here?" Harry asked.

"I…um...I wanted to talk to you about something important." Professor Lupin replied, he let out a small cough. "I've been made aware about everything that has happened recently, about you capturing Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. I've...um...I've gone to talk to Sirius, I don't know if you know, but...I was a friend of your father."

"I know," Harry said, surprising Lupin. "I have some books left from my father, he talked about you and Black in them. Unfortunately he didn't really mention that Pettigrew was his secret keeper in any of them, could have saved a lot of trouble if he did but..." Harry trailed off and shrugged.

"You knew? Why...why didn't you say anything?" Professor Lupin asked.

"Why didn't you?" Harry responded, raising an eyebrow. "You didn't say anything so I figured you weren't interested in getting to know me. And if you weren't interested then I wasn't about to bring it up in the hopes of pushing you into a relationship between us."

"H...Harry, I am sorry, truly I am." He sighed as he rubbed his eyes. "Did your father's book ever tell you about my...condition?"

"You mean your 'furry little problem'?" Harry asked. "Yeah, he mentioned that. I've gotten more proof since the start of the year, like the fact that you take days off near and on the full moon."

"You take after your father and your mother in the brains department." Professor Lupin said with a fond smile. Harry responded by clicking his tongue as he gave Lupin a wink, Lupin couldn't help but smile at that, it was something he remembered James occasionally doing. "When your...when your parents died I wanted to take custody of you, I really did. But I couldn't."

"Because you're a werewolf?" Harry asked.


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