
A Dangerous Proposal

"Harry, the humans are looking at me again." Jet hissed into his ear.

"I can't blame them, you're so majestic looking." Harry replied.

"Majestic?" Jet repeated. "I like it."

"You would." Harry snorted.

"Can I help you with something?" A voice asked, Harry turned to see an very attractive, curvy woman with a pretty face and blonde hair, she wore a dark brown dress with a furry brown jacket. She looked like she was in her late twenties to early thirties, though with magical ageing in the mix she could be much older.

"Um, that rather depends on who you are, Mrs..." Harry trailed off and gave her a questioning look.

"It is 'Miss' actually," The woman corrected him. "I am Rosemerta, I own this pub."

"Ah, it's nice to meet you." Harry replied. "I am..."

"Harry Potter, I know." She said with a smile.

"Ah, kind of obvious, huh?" Harry said with a grin.

"Yes," She grinned back, "the snake kind of gave it away, along with the scars. So did your eyes and face, you look just like a combination of your parents." she said.

"You knew my parents?" Harry asked.

"Ah yes, I was only a couple of years out of Hogwarts when I started working here. I met your father and mother during my first year here, it wasn't a meeting that I am likely to ever forget."

"Why not?" Harry asked in an interested voice.

"They sat on opposite sides of the room, I met your mother first and she apologised in advance for whatever your father was about to do." Rosemerta smiled. "I then went over to your father who tried to flirt with me in the hopes of getting free food, when that didn't work he went over to your mother and tried flirting with her. She tossed a drink in his face and punched him in the stomach before she stormed off."

"Oh, I remember that!" Harry laughed. "I read about it in one of his journals."

"It was quite funny, there were bets going around if they were ever going to get together." Madam Rosemerta admitted.

"I would love to talk more about this with you, but I have a meeting to attend." Harry said in an apologetic voice.

"Ah yes, allow me to accompany you." Madam Rosemerta said, smart enough to not mention the name of who he was meeting with, something which earned an appreciative nod from Harry. Both of them knew what the public would be like if she simply mentioned that the boy-who-lived was meeting a woman, it would be even worse if they knew that he was meeting with Mrs Zabini of all people. Harry followed Madam Rosemerta, with practised ease he was ignoring the whispers of people who were talking about him.

When Harry finally got to the room he was supposed to meet Mrs Zabini in, he gave Madam Rosemerta a quick nod and a thank you before he entered and closed the door.

"Mrs Zabini, it's me, Harry Potter." Harry called out when he couldn't see her, "Are you even here?" Harry asked as he looked around. He was currently in one of the more expensive private rooms, and he could tell that just from the expensive looking furniture.

"Be with you in one minute." A voice called from a door in the room, a door which Harry assumed would lead to a bathroom or something. Harry sat down in one of the chairs, not knowing how long it would take for her to come out. Roughly half a minute later she did come out of the door, her whole body covered in a long, black robe, her hair in a ponytail. "It is good to see you, Mr Potter." She smiled, Harry paused as he looked at her, there was something different about her smile. "I have some very important things I need to discuss with you." She added.

"And...what would that be?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Your education." She smirked.

"My education?" Harry repeated in a confused voice. "I am the top student in my year, I've mastered spells that I am supposed to learn in later years and..."

"Not that type of education," She interrupted, "no, I am talking about something very, very different, yet so very important." she said before she undid the clasp of her robe. "Very important." She breathed before she pulled off her robes, she let them drip to the ground and Harry's breath was taken away. Mrs Zabini was stood in front of him, wearing a black corset, a thong, stockings that ended at her thighs and black high heels. Harry gulped before he could stop himself.

"Oh...goodness." Harry coughed out, in his defence he was only human and he was pretty sure that the visual in front of him would turn most men into quivering wrecks.

"I see you understand what I am talking about." She smiled wickedly as she began walking towards him, her hips swaying as she did so, drawing attention to her perfect body. "I wouldn't worry, Mr Potter, the legality of this is different in the muggle world. Here the age of consent is thirteen, I believe it's something to do with magically maturing bodies." She stretched out the last few words as she stopped in front of him. "Aren't you a lucky boy?" She said as she licked her lips.

"Please tell me that I don't have to stay here and be forced to watch you two have coitus." Jet begged.


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