
Exploring Hogsmeade

"So hold on, you like Harry as well?" Daphne said as she and Tracey sat in their room, thankfully Pansy shared a room with Millicent, leaving just the two of them to talk.

"I...um...yeah." Tracey nodded, a bright red blush on her face.

"What? Since when?" Daphne asked, this most certainly complicated things for her.

"I...I always thought he looked nice, even with his scar," Tracey admitted. "but I suppose I really started liking him after he saved my life." Tracey added. "And then...well we spent some time with him and I started liking him more, you know? He's so strong but...he's so kind as well."

"Hmm." Daphne hummed, for her it was pretty much the same, seeing Harry save her best friend had kick-started any feelings that she would have had for him. And since then she had enjoyed spending time with him, she enjoyed the Slytherin part of him that would embarrass Weasley, and would cleverly get him out of any situation. She liked the fact that he was such a great wizard and was helping her become a great witch, but she also loved how he treated her. Harry could be ruthless with his enemies if he wanted, but he was overall a really nice guy. "Why didn't you say anything?" She asked Tracey.

"Me?" Tracey blinked. "Why didn't you?" She countered.

"Me?" This time it was Daphne who blinked. "W...what do you mean?"

"Please," Tracey snorted, "I know that you like him too." She said.

"W...what?" Daphne's face turned a bit red.

"I know that you like him too." Tracey repeated. "That's part of why I didn't say anything, I think you two would make a great couple." She said in a quiet voice.

"I...I feel bad now." Daphne admitted. "I didn't even realise that you liked him as well, and for what it's worth I think that you and Harry would make a great couple."

"Really?" Tracey said with a bit of disbelief in her voice. "You two are so great for each other, you're both smart and good duellists and you both love Jet."

"And Tracey, I could argue that you and Harry are brilliant for each other. You are both kind and smart and you really complement each other." Daphne replied.

"Thanks," Tracey said with a small smile. "so...what do we do now?" She asked.

"I...well, to be brutally honest, I don't really know." Daphne said, and she was being brutally honest. She did not know what to do, what on Earth was she supposed to do now that she knew that she and her best friend had a crush on the exact same person?

"Hmm, this is all your fault, you know that, right?" Tracey asked.

"My fault?" Daphne looked at her with disbelief.

"Of course, I had a crush on him first after all." Tracey said with a grin.

"Shut up." Daphne huffed, calming down now that she knew she was joking. Daphne picked up a pillow and tossed it at Tracey.

"Oh, you did not just do that." Tracey said as she picked up the pillow and threw it back.

"Oh yes, I did." Daphne said before she picked up the pillow again and threw it at Tracey, the two quickly descended into laughter as they engaged in a pillow fight.

Later the two best friends descended down the stairs and into the common room, they saw Angela sitting in a chair with her legs crossed as she read a book. Once the two of them reached the bottom step Angela looked up from her book and gave the two of them a questioning look as she raised an eyebrow.

Tracey and Daphne exchanged looks with each other before they turned to Angela.

"Next year." Daphne said to Angela. "We have things that we need to think about and neither of us are ready yet." She admitted.

"Next year." Angela hummed to herself. "Very well," Angela said to the two of them. "but if neither of you make your move next year then I will start looking for somebody else for him." She warned.

"We got it," Tracey nodded. "we just want to spend some more time with him this year to help us make a decision."

"I suppose I can understand that." Angela sighed, even though she was tempted to just tell them to hurry up with it.

The next day Harry and his Slytherin friends were heading into Hogsmead for their first Hogsmead trip, all of them were dressed in non-school winter clothes seeing as it was snowing , so it was naturally going to be very cold. Once they had arrived they began walking around, going past and into various shops.

Harry could not help but appreciate the beauty of Hogsmead Village, soft and beautiful snow everywhere, some people were singing, children were playing. The whole thing looked like a bloody Christmas card come to life.

"Is this your first time here, Harry?" Blaise asked as they walked along. Daphne was walking on Harry's right, and Tracey was walking on Harry's left, funnily enough they hadn't even planned that, it just happened. Blaise was walking next to Daphne and the others were just about two steps behind them.

"Yeah," Harry nodded. "am I that obvious?" He grinned.

"A little bit." Blaise grinned back.

"You been here before?" Harry asked.

"Um," Blaise paused for a second. "once when I was like seven or eight."

"The last time I came here was when I was ten," Daphne said. "my father took me, said that you could see the castle from here."

"Oh, so you got an early look then, clever." Harry complimented. "Still, this is a very beautiful place."

The group spent a bit of time looking around, before they had exited the village and stopped by the Shrieking Shack, they all stood by a fence that was a short distance away from the building. The Shrieking Shack is an abandoned house in Hogsmead, nobody went there due to the rumours that it was haunted, many villagers had claimed to have heard loud screams and moans from the building at night. The building looked like a typical haunted house. The windows and doors were all boarded up, in fact Harry couldn't even see an entrance to it.


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