
Unraveling Secrets

"As soon as I can." Harry answered.

"Hmm, well if Blaise falls asleep quickly then we'll be great, if not then you can stun him when he's not looking. Though I think we'd both rather you not do that."

"I think Blaise would also agree." Harry said in a dry voice. "Luckily I know a sleeping charm to help him speed up his journey to slumber land."

"Excellent," Angela smiled. "so then you get your cloak and sneak down, once you are down you can tug on my sleeve to let me know where you are. Then I'll open the common room door and let you out. I can wait for you for the rest of the night."

"No, don't." Harry replied. "Once I'm gone I want you to go to bed."

"Are you sure?" Angela asked while raising an eyebrow. "How are you going to get back in?"

"I'm not," Harry answered. "I plan to stay out all night, I have a potion with me to stop the effects of a lack of sleep so I'll take that with me. You should see me next morning."

"Okay," Angela said after a few moments. "do you want to tell me what is going on?"

"Um...not really. It's not that I don't trust you...I do...but..."

"Shush," Angela whispered as she put a finger on his lips to stop him from talking. "you do not have to explain yourself to me. I trust you, if you want to tell me then do so when you are ready to tell me." She said before removing her finger.

"You're the best, Angela." Harry smiled at her.

"Oh, the best huh?" She said with a grin as she wrapped her arms around. "Thank you, now I should probably get back to expressing my gratitude for your help with the dementor, while I am doing that you can feel free to reward me." She said before she pushed her lips against his.

"That works." Harry said in-between kissing.

Harry was eventually able to sneak out, he walked under his invisibility cloak with Jet on his shoulders. Where was Harry going? It was quite simple really, he was going to the chamber of secrets. Of course he was going to investigate the place, he would have done so last year if not for the fact that he knew he would have likely been caught with so much attention being brought to it.

"What do you think we will find there?" Jet hissed in Harry's ear.

"If it is another basilisk then I am going to find Slytherin's grave and bring him back to life just so I can punch him in the face." Harry hissed back just as they arrived in the second floor girl's bathroom.

"There's a ghost." Jet pointed out as they got into bathroom.

"That would be Moaning Myrtle." Harry sighed. "I don't know how to permanently get rid of a ghost so I have to resort to...something else..."

"No!" Jet gasped. "You mean you're going to..."

"Yes..." Harry said in a pained voice. "I've got to flirt with her...and...charm her into staying silent."

"Wow, even the dead are not safe from your flirting."

"That will be never mentioned ever again to anyone." Harry said as he and Jet walked through the dark tunnel that they both knew would lead to the chamber of secrets. They knew that they were on the right track when they walked past the old basilisk skin.

"You do remember that nobody but you can understand me?" Jet asked.

"Never again!" Harry said in a firm voice just as they arrived at the entrance. "Open." Harry commanded, the door opened and Harry walked inside. He saw that the chamber looked untouched since last time he was here, the statues were still damaged and Harry could not help but notice the dead basilisk was still there.

"Are you sure about this?" Jet asked.

"I am, the snake told us about it, remember?" Harry asked, during the last time Harry was here he had summoned a snake and had sent it off to look around the chamber for him. The next day it found him and reported what it found to him, including several secret passages, a small library and a door that would not unlock with parsletounge. The door was where Harry was heading to first, who knows what could be behind it? Another basilisk? Another magical creature? Some actual secrets?

"Open," Harry hissed to the wall-statue in the shape of Salazar Slytherin's face, the mouth opened and Harry prepared himself. Harry's bracelet on his left hand shifted and a second later Harry's hand and forearm were covered in a silver metal as Slytherin's sword appeared in his hand. In Harry's other hand his wand lit up, Harry could see a large part of the corridor but was not sure what was past it. Harry aimed it into the dark tunnel inside Slytherin's mouth. "locus resonare". Harry said, a bright blue wave shot out of his wand and mapped out the tunnel in the darkness. Harry saw there was no immediate threats so he slowly but carefully entered, using his wand for light.

Once he was inside he walked forwards, keeping his head on a swivel and constantly looking around. Eventually Harry had discovered the door that the snake had mentioned, it was on Harry's right, it was a grey and metal door but the oddest thing about it was the key hole. It was too big for any regular key, Harry frowned as he thought on how to open it. It took a few seconds but Harry eventually realized what he had to do.

The hole was too big for a key, yes, but it was not too big for Harry's sword.

"Alright, let's hope this doesn't end up killing me." Harry sighed before he pushed the sword tip first into the hole. Harry heard a soft noise when it entered, Harry waited several moments to see if something would happen, when nothing happened Harry twisted the sword and was rewarded with an unlocking sound. Harry let out a small breath before he pushed and the door opened.

When Harry entered he found himself in another hallway, this one covered in tapestries with the Slytherin symbol, there were several torches along the walls, there was a brown, wooden door at the end. Harry walked forwards, sword and wand ready, Harry cast an unlocking charm on the door, when it unlocked he pushed it open with a small wind blast. Harry entered the room, it was much like the Slytherin common room in design, though there was one thing that Harry could not help but notice, and that was the portrait that was opposite the door.

"Hello, who exactly are you?" Asked the portrait of Salazar Slytherin.


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