
The Attacks Escalate

As Harry, Tracey and Daphne kept talking they were being watched by Jet who was looking between all three of them. As he was doing that there was one thought that kept going through his head. So much so that he couldn't help but say it out loud to himself, thankfully Harry didn't hear it.

"I am not qualified to talk to him about girls." Jet said as he shook his head.

The lesson continued for several more minutes when Angela stormed in, looking like she wanted to rip someone's head off.

"Whoa, what happened to you?" Harry asked.

"Lockhart," Angela all but growled. "the bloody wanker can go and fuck off back to his fan club." She said in an angry voice as she placed her stuff on a desk and sat down.

"What did he do?" Tracey asked.

"The stupid, bloody blonde peacock tried to convince me that it would be better if I gave up my position as Harry's vassal." Angela snarled. "Then the idiot tried to 'subtly' suggest that he offer to show me the 'benefits of an older man'."

"So the dumbass is a pervert as well?" Harry said with a roll of his eyes, Harry really wasn't sure if that was an improvement on the homicidal, Voldemort possessed teacher.

"Shouldn't you tell someone?" Daphne asked.

"What? You mean the teachers? That won't work." Angela said as she shook her head.

"She's right," Harry nodded. "yeah she could tell someone but the teachers won't be able to do anything without proof and the idiot hasn't really done anything that can be held against him. Plus this is Lockhart, if she's going to accuse someone as famous as him then she is going to need bigger than him saying some stuff. With that being said keep an eye on him."

"What would you like me to do if he does try something?" Angela asked. "As your vassal, what I do represents you, how would you like me to react?"

"Hmm, if you think it's necessary then I want you to try and take him down as quick as possible, stomp on his groin, get help then re-stomp the groin." Harry replied.

"Will do." Angela smiled brightly.

Eventually there was another attack, Justin Flinch Fletchley was the victim this time. Most of the school at this point realized that it wasn't Harry who was responsible and the very few who still did believe that Harry was responsible were not really willing to say it out loud, even Ron was smart enough to not say it out loud.

Things were made worse when it became known that Professor Dumbledore was removed from the school for not being able to stop the attacks, many took this news horribly as they believed that Dumbledore was the only reason that there wasn't any mass attacks. It was also announced that Hagrid, the games keeper, was arrested for being the heir of Slytherin. This helped calm very few people as the majority of students knew that there was no way in hell that Hagrid was the heir of Slytherin. In fact most Slytherin's felt insulted that people believed Hagrid to be the heir of the founder of their house.

It was near the end of the year when Harry found himself in the library, he had just completed his homework and was reading a book on dueling while Jet lazily rested on Harry's shoulders. Harry was brought out of his thoughts when someone rushed towards his table, he looked up and saw a Slytherin girl quickly stop in front of him. The girl had brown eyes and brown hair in a ponytail, a thin face that was very red at the moment, likely due to running which she probably did if how out of breath she was was any indication. She was a young looking girl so Harry assumed she was a first year, actually he did remember seeing her in the common room a few times, though if he remembered right then she was a twin, which brought to mind the simple question of 'where is her twin?'.

"Can I help you?" Harry asked the out of breath girl.

"I...I need your help!" She gasped out. "Chamber...secrets..." She said,

"Shush!" Madam Pince, the school librarian, hissed from a few desks away.

"Please...help me." The girl begged, tears dripping down her face. Harry did a mental sigh before he quickly put his books back in their shelves, he grabbed the girl by her arm and lead her out of the library. A minute later they were in an abandoned classroom, Harry closed the door and applied a few privacy spells that Tonks had taught him.

"Okay, you start with your name and your year and then you tell me the problem, go." Harry said, looking at her.

"F...Flora Carrow, first year, my...my sister was taken into the chamber...you've got to help me!" She begged.

"Why aren't you going to a teacher?" Harry asked.

"They can't do anything!" She cried. "Please, my sister was taken into the chamber with that Weasley girl and the Lestrange boy. I overheard the teachers talking about it, they're going to shut down the school."

"Why did you come to me for help?" Harry asked as he digested the information.

"Because you're a parslemouth, if anyone can get into the chamber then it's you." She said quickly.

"I don't know where the chamber is." Harry reminded her.

"I do!" The girl said quickly. "Me and my sister worked it out, please! I am begging you! I will give you whatever you want! Just please help me!" She said, tears flooding out of her eyes. Harry didn't doubt that she was telling the truth, neither did Jet. So after a very long mental sigh Harry undid his spells.

"Let's go and save your goddamn sister, but we're making one stop first." Harry said as he grabbed her arm and lead her out of the classroom.


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