
chapter 62

Chapter 54 2 pairs of brothers and sisters

    Fighting alone against the entire pirate group of "Admiral Hell", anywhere in the five seas, would be a feat worthy of praise for several years...

    However, when Klein once again felt the no longer warm deck of the "Golden Dream", What greeted him was fear and alienation.

    The "trophies" carrying a high bounty of fifty-five thousand pounds for Loen alone followed closely in his footsteps. The living pirates on the "Golden Dream" cast their eyes one by one, and then quickly moved away in unison. , one after another retreated to a little distance in front of the captain.

    Just a few minutes ago, the symphony of undead and artillery fire set off by the pirate general behind the adventurers almost wiped out all of them. If it weren't for the roar of the "Sun Cannon" that took away most of them and rushed to the side of the ship against Xu Jin's barrage. Tomorrow, "Vice Admiral Iceberg"'s pirate group will become another old news across the five seas, a scum that will be ridiculed by the crew of the "Golden Dream" who originally looked down upon them after a meal and a drink. Finally, it was forgotten among many inconspicuous legends.

    Danitz looked at Gehrman Sparrow's always cold face, and his clenched fists made a crunching sound.

    He is angry, he is regretful, he is cowardly.

    It was Gehrman who used him to lead his companions and beloved captain into unreasonable dangers. It was also the terrifying strength shown by Gehrman and the huge shadow behind him that saved them from fire and water.

    In the end, all the pirates lowered their heads. No one dared to curse, complain or question. Only Edwina, the captain, stood up after a short silence and dismissed the crew with an unprecedented tough attitude. , ordering them to rush to their respective posts and stay away from this deck.

    More like an explorer than a pirate, what an enviable superior-subordinate relationship... Klein withdrew his gaze expressionlessly, turning his neck in the direction of Edwina, waiting for accountability.

    "Your Excellency, he took away the 'Black Tulip'?"

    Even though the believer in knowledge and wisdom has read many grand and great battles on paper, today's naval battle still shocked her.

    At the end of the battle, the image of the undead defecting and worshiping the monarch through layers of fog was almost burned into her mind, making it impossible for her to use her skillful and beautiful language talent and find it difficult to organize her speech.

    "Yes, he regarded the ship and everything on it as trophies." Klein nodded hastily, and immediately showed a trace of shame based on interests. "I'm sorry, I couldn't fulfill my promise." As he

    said , , Klein thought for a while, and with a slight movement of his little finger, Ludwell, who was more like a dead soul than a living person, took a step forward, took off the Harris sword he was wearing from his waist, and used this legendary sword to destroy the world. The weapon with partial defense accurately hitting the target was handed to Edwina with both hands.

    "If you don't mind, I will make up for your share of the loot."

    Of course it was symbolic...but even so, it was enough to make Edwina temporarily distracted.

    There were complex emotions brewing in her lake-like blue eyes. She took the sword carefully, her mouth was slurping, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.

    "Faceless Men" are all good at pretending, but she seemed to really feel Gehrman Sparrow's sincere apology.

    Taking a small breath, Edwina suppressed her messy suspicions, nodded indifferently, and quietly passed over the topic of "trophies".

    "Our cooperation is over."


    "The mark of Ludwell, the follower of the Great Death, the Great Heter, has disappeared, and he has lost contact with us."

    "Bishop Tenoch attempts to make contact through the underworld, Calling Ludwell, but to no avail."

    A man wearing a bright feather-embellished mask knelt on the black marble, his head lowered, and softly reported the news he had just received.

    In front of him, countless marbles of the same material as those under his knees were stacked neatly, extending downwards, as if pointing to the deepest part of the world, trying to get closer to the illusory underworld.

    "I felt Ludwell's wailing before his death. He failed to return to the throne of God."

    The cold, cold, and lofty misty old voice came from the inside of the inverted pyramid leading to the underworld, causing the objects placed on the ground to The countless coffins shook together.

    The man wearing the feather mask instinctively wanted to obey the voice, and he only asked the question under great pressure.

    "You mean, the heretics have obtained Ludwell's spirit?"

    "Yes, but I can't tell which heretic it is..." The old and cold voice paused for a moment, "And Ludwell's subordinates, their spirits They are still wandering in the world, dragged down by their humble and despicable bodies, but they have lost contact and I can't see them anymore." At

    a very ordinary moment yesterday, Haite had to be trapped in the mausoleum due to some side effects of the ritual. Er, suddenly found that a more important "star" was wiped out from under his gaze by a power at least equal to his. At the same time, more of the vassals of that "star" disappeared.

    It's just that the former's brilliance dimmed momentarily, while the latter's more cheap glimmers can still be barely captured through divination and other means.

    Ludwell's entire pirate band was wiped out and captured? After a few seconds of daze, the man finally understood what the high priest was talking about.

    How is this possible!

    Ludwell is one of the most potential Sequence Fives in the sect, and is even more powerful than the "god envoys" who possess holy objects in some small sects.

    He has the most ferocious pirate group under his command, a ring that is rumored to come from God, and his body was transformed after actively embracing the underworld... Even a weaker demigod cannot easily keep him.

    Even if he happened to meet a powerful demigod from the heretics and colonists, and embraced death without resisting, at least the god's ring would preserve his soul, carrying his soul that knew the many secrets of the sect. To return instead of wandering away...

    The only possibility that the man could think of was that someone who was also good at controlling spirits had forcibly blocked the close connection given to him by the ring at the moment before Ludwell died, and purged the entire pirate group. .

    "Is it the evil god 'Dark Night', or the blasphemous true Creator?"

    The man's high-pitched and angry inquiry failed to get a response from the high priest in the tomb. The shaking coffin vaguely expressed the anger and dissatisfaction from the high priest. It took a long time before the news came. Come and sigh.

    "Maybe it's worse."

    Heitel opened his eyes at the bottom of the inverted pyramid.

    The old man with a rotten appearance used his hands to lift his body from the bottom of the coffin. He looked at the illusory black river flowing around him and the quiet mist floating on the river. His eyes crossed the distance of reality and cautiously moved towards the core of the sect. A glance at the secret.

    Fortunately, the man-made god is still safe and sound, huddled in the "palace" created by believers for him, waiting to be completely awakened.

    "What's stopping me is not the secrets, nor the filthy shadows that swallow my soul. If it were these two, I wouldn't have the chance to determine the whereabouts of the subordinates around Ludwell."

    Heitel thought calmly, and the cold emotions like a corpse floated. A wave.

    "Let Tenoch go."

    "Go to our 'little princess' and ask Shia Palenque Eggers."

    As he spoke, Heitel inadvertently revealed a tone of jealousy and contempt.

    "Hasn't he been trying to win over Ludwell, claiming to be the heir to God's orthodoxy?"

    "The secrets of the sect have been peeped by outsiders, let him fulfill his obligations..."

    The marble in front of the man cracked. Through the gap, a white bone palm emerged from the ground, holding a copper whistle wrapped in pale feathers stained by oil, and stretched it into the man's hand.

    "God's secret has been revealed, prepare to sacrifice."

    The high priest's order was unquestionable. The man had never thought of disobeying this angel who had followed God to conquer all directions since the age of death. He accepted the order in silence and walked quickly Leave and prepare the sacrifices as quickly as possible according to the high priest's will.

    This was not the first sacrifice, nor would it be the last.

    Only the most devout Bailang people can carry the power of the servants of the gods, at least... two thousand people.


    "Dear Earl of Loholid Palace."

    "...Our venerable Mr. V, the Lord's newly chosen envoy, has recently brought us a significant victory. Although looking at the entire current situation, such The victory is not comparable to the great achievements of His Majesty the Medici, but it is still worthy of celebration." "

    ... Although you and Your Majesty are far away in Aarons, I believe you have also heard about our Mr. The interesting deeds left by Rand... To be honest, his background is not outstanding, even enough for an ordinary private in the empire to doubt his loyalty. Earlier, I thought so too. But after this victory, I don't think anyone will question his loyalty to the Lord and his newly acquired status as an envoy of God." "

    ...Perhaps you will think that it is just a small victory, why should I waste so much time and trouble on it? Piling up overflowing words of praise, please be patient, Your Majesty the Earl." "

    ...The Islands Branch is already boiling. Every subject of the Lord and the Emperor learned from Mr. V that a Balam Empire When the most orthodox successor, the son of Salinger, the God of Death, and the 'Death Archon' of Balam took the initiative to offer us an olive branch, not a single soldier who hoped that the empire would prosper was not overjoyed." "

    I think this is a great opportunity for His Majesty the Emperor . It is also good news worth celebrating." "

    According to Mr. V's report, I saw that his teacher, the 'Death Archon' Azik Eggers, dedicated his life to converting to the Lord.

    He hopes to establish cooperation with the Holy City, communicate directly with the members of the High Council, and provide the empire with the weak entry point of the 'reformists' within the Balam Spiritual Order . The incomplete West Balam, and even the south of the unified world..."

    "...Your loyal friend, His Majesty's servant, Taylor from the Franz family."

    The huge front paws covered with sharp scales put down the fragile paper, thick and thick The voice of the dragon let out a silent sigh. The giant dragon with three heads, each symbolizing each stage of life from rebirth to old age, gently shook the head of the prime of life in the middle, released the letter sent by the "friend", blew the airflow, and blew the It was sent to the ninth level.

    "Your Majesty, as you can see, the Lord is as wise as ever, and His correctness does not need to be proven. Although some time ago, many generals and senior officials in the empire were still questioning the favored one."

    Yuan Tingyuezhi lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes. , the emperor who always liked silence read the words on the letter paper, his blood-red eyes hidden in the shadows were like the red moon hanging in the sky, and under the teasing of emotions, it went through the waxing and waning phases.

    "Sir Loholid..."

    The emperor did not allow others to speculate on his emotions, so there was no ups and downs in his tone.

    "Colonel Taylor has indeed brought us good news."

    "Yes, Your Majesty, yes." Under the emperor's gaze, the countless black scales on Loholid's body shrank, and the courtiers who spoke well tried their best to plunder Using the words accumulated in his long life, while trying to figure out the holy meaning, he echoed exquisitely and accurately, "After all, he is the Holy Spirit chosen by the Lord. Even if Mr. The words are trying to keep up, and the mediocre people who try to continue to contribute to the empire are hard to match..."


    Loholid suddenly reversed, and the remaining two heads carefully observed the surroundings, looking at the imperial army at the entrance of the hall in the distance. He crossed the line and gently used his ability to push them out.

    "To be honest, Your Majesty."

    "The victory achieved by the divine envoy is good for most people in the empire, but it may not be entirely true for you."

    The emperor still remained silent, although he knew very well that the courtiers were there. What does it imply? How transgressive and blasphemous are these words.

    "Your Majesty, the late Emperor 'Emperor of the Night' was an irreconcilable mortal enemy with Bailang in the Fourth Age. After the late Emperor died unfortunately, you came to the Holy City under the protection of the Lord. After the late Emperor and the late Empress tried their best to leave a few things for you, Among the many legacies, you led your sisters and brothers to establish the Second Empire and continued the fire of civilization." "

    After so many years, your empire is still strong and more prosperous... But please don't forget, After all, this is the hometown of Bailang, not the real capital of the country - Backlund."

    Under Roholid's seemingly careful advice, Orsono I's handsome, cold face like a sculpture showed no sign of it. Twitching without concealment.

    "Yes, I remember, Roholid."

    The emperor slowly stood up from the throne, and the mentality of the "balancer" was no longer balanced.

    Of course he knew that this was East Balam, not Backlund. He had also heard of Azik Eggers, a descendant of the God of Death.

    Lowering his gaze, Orsono caught a glimpse of the medal symbolizing the honor of the empire, a small ornament on his chest.

    The Holy Emblem of the True Creator is engraved on it, and below it is the coat of arms symbolizing the "Red War" Legion and the Pope. Further down, at the bottom of this medal is Trunsoest, which is for justice and judgment. Standing sword.

    Suddenly, Orsono felt extremely ironic.

    His tiny soul was unwilling to roar and could only keep it in his head and could not say a word out loud, even if there was no one else nearby except his closest courtiers.

    An emperor with only Sequence 2, an angel emperor... He himself felt ashamed and ashamed.

    A thousand years ago, his father was fighting against the Bailang people. Thousands of years later, the son of the "Emperor of the Underworld" stood opposite to him, the parent and son of the "Emperor of the Night".

    "Your Majesty, if His Highness Eggers returns to the arms of the Creator, with the mercy of the Lord, in order to appease the people of Bailang and sympathize with the people of Bailang who have lost too many due to war and colonization, Azik Eggers will be the leader of Bailang. The best candidate for the Lang people..."

    "Sibalan, that would be..."


    Orsono suddenly cut off the increasingly subtle voice of the courtier, and the face he inherited from his mother was filled with rage. .

    He touched another decoration on his chest and touched the name engraved in the center surrounded by delicate roses.

    Ortina, his Ortina, his poor sister who died in the war...

    "Loholid, I will hold a dinner tomorrow night and invite His Highness Medici, His Highness Roman, His Highness Cosinnam... and also, give orders to the Dukes of the Blood Race, I want to see them, all of them."

    Chest. With violent ups and downs, Orsono is like the dead ancient volcano from which it was named, no longer gushing out its anger.

    "The victory of the God Envoy is a good sign and a beginning of immeasurable value. Therefore, we must cherish the opportunities he created for the empire." "The

    evil gods occupying the highlands can no longer be arrogant and domineering. Their corruption and evil will stain the Lord's Glory."

    "As the emperor of the empire, I have the obligation to defend the name and will of the Lord." "

    I will initiate a proposal at the High Council to promote a war against the followers of the evil god in the highlands, a war that will last until they are completely destroyed. war."

    "Use my privilege to invite the guest who is temporarily living underground in the Holy City to the banquet, and give him the courtesy worthy of his status, the same princess courtesy as my sister Ortina."

    " Go and invite them."

    The emperor's order ended. Under the ninth level, Loholid quietly looked up at the monarch he was loyal to, and his ferocious dragon head slowly opened with a arc of heartfelt joy.

    "I obey your order, Your Majesty."

    But he did not execute it immediately. Instead, he raised the youngest head a little, and his casual and playful expression seemed out of place among the serious expressions of the remaining two.

    "However, my Majesty, since you have summoned the Queen of the Elves, well, I think this humble four-legged reptile will also have the honor of being a spectator, so why don't you go further?"

    said Orsono. With Ruo Ruowu's thoughts and doubts, the young head completely opened the corners of his mouth and said with a big smile.

    "UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net Why don't you summon another watcher of the empire who likes to hide alone in the shadows, and ask him to come out of his tomb, say hello to the outside world, and relax?"

    Orr Sono realized which angel the courtier was hinting at, but he was not completely sure, so he had to ask more openly.

    "He... His Highness seems to have never left the place where he is guarding."

    "Yes, yes, my Majesty." Loholid sneered, "He is a pure avenger who will definitely deal with betrayal. A warrior who wields a butcher's knife against his enemies, even if the so-called rebels are nobles whom he has sworn allegiance to." "

    But, you should be more confident..."

    Loholid lowered his head, knowing that he had won.

    "'Lightkiller', Milgungen does not have to leave his 'tomb', it is enough for him to cast a crucial vote." "You know,

    he hates the evil god, very much."

    "Very... …disgusted."

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Chapter 55 Broken Chapter

    Klein Moretti would never have imagined that one of his inadvertent actions would indirectly affect the decisions of an empire and even more national governments, although this was not what he wanted.

    Mortals who are most likely to compromise with mediocrity, one afternoon, started a war that was about to sweep the world.


    Trunsoest's bereaved dog finally convinced the war commander who was also eager for war and to wash away the humiliation. The "conqueror" acquiesced to the emperor's ambition. The queen of the elves made all "selfish" plans and then indulged them. In conjunction, even the Avengers of the "Tomb World" and the "apprentices" who were looking forward to the teacher's return silently voted in favor.

    In the face of absolute victory, how can a confused "immortal princess" and a compassionate believer named the Pope resist for the benefit of countless living currencies that are about to die?

    Before the start of another "childish" meeting before God, a banquet belonging to the superiors, an atrocity was finalized, and the deal was done.


    "...This is a victory that belongs to our era."

    In Queens Backlund, Audrey was half lying on an easy chair reading this morning's newly printed newspaper, and the personal maid Anne was tending to the delicate roses in the garden house. , and only glanced at his young lady from time to time.

    "...The Prime Minister of the Kingdom, our venerable Mr. Agushed Negan, and the envoys led by him signed an agreement with Phusa during the 'Feneport City Conference' held in Feneport City yesterday. The 'Development Peace and Mutual Assistance Treaty' jointly agreed by Croat, Intis, Fenebout and other countries..." "

    ...With the efforts of the Holy King George III and the Prime Minister and other cabinet members, we are about to usher in a new era. "

    The official news in the newspaper was like a spring breeze, blowing away the depression that had accumulated in Audrey's heart.

    Since the disaster planned by the evil god, the governments of the Northern Continent seem to have finally realized that development with mutual help is the best solution at the moment, rather than endless internal fighting.

    Fusac, who has been called a "barbarian" by other countries in the long history, took the initiative to discuss with the famously tolerant monarch Feneport, and sent invitations to the leaders of the other two most important kingdoms on the civilized continent, hoping to conclude a It is about development and how to protect future peace treaties and avoid possible disasters caused by war and conflict.

    In the eyes of the kind-hearted Audrey, this is great news. The joy brought by the agreement even exceeds that of the "Psychological Alchemy Society". Finally, the "Psychological Alchemy Society" has completed its assessment of her and decided to recruit her into the "Psychological Alchemy Society" New members, and the news that the second brother Alfred has obtained a new position in Pulitzer Harbour.

    I really hope that the agreement can be maintained... Audrey raised her eyebrows high, and the corners of her mouth were unconsciously raised. She put the newspaper she had read aside with a smile, and took out the pocket watch that was placed on the low table like the tea. Glanced.

    It's almost three o'clock.

    "Well, Annie?"

    "What's the matter, miss?" Annie, who was concentrating on admiring the flowers and plants, responded immediately.

    "I'm a little sleepy. Let's take a rest." Audrey stretched gracefully, opened her lips slightly, and carefully yawned, "Just for a while, half an hour." "Do

    you want to rest here? ?" Expressionless Annie said dissatisfied, "You have a piano lesson at four o'clock, and it's already November. It's easy to get sick if you rest in an environment that's not warm enough." "

    Just here, I can do it Cover it with a blanket."

    Under the young lady's stubborn insistence, the maid reluctantly took out a thick blanket and carefully covered every part of the easy chair.

    "Thank you, Annie."

    Audrey winked slightly mischievously and got into the blanket, looking forward to the illusory crimson light and the upcoming Tarot session.


    Backlund North District, Forsi looked around the empty room.

    Hugh went out early in the morning, and her good friend had to complete the strange task assigned to her by MI9 to spy on a tainted colonel.

    So boring... Forsi, who was alone at home and too lazy to make lunch, thought so.


    "Your Excellency...the Lord's meeting."

    Alger carefully poked his head and boldly interrupted Count Tristan Eugen's soliloquy.

    The "ancient scholar" who had just finished studying a certain Russell drama was stunned for a moment, and then realized which meeting his subordinate was referring to.

    "Go ahead." He waved his hand.


    The silvery white thorn bushes occupy the sky, and the moonless and starless night forever covers the earth. The weak firelight in the hands of a group of people walking in the wilderness is already all the warmth in this world.

    The chief of Silver City, the "Silver Knight" Colin Iliad, held an ancient-style long sword. His weathered blue eyes looked down from above, taking advantage of the terrain to take in the majestic mountain stone castle below.

    A peculiar double-peaked mountain is in the shape of a star. It is centered on the top of the Twin Mountains and extends out six branches. A city is embedded in the center of these six branches, towering into the center of the double-peaked peaks like the Cloud Gate. The exquisite skills of the craftsmen who forged the city in the glorious era of mankind.

    "Shanmen City."

    Next to Colin, a lady who was much shorter than him and wore black armor murmured.

    Her face is smooth and white, her eyebrows are majestic and gorgeous, and her light gray eyes seem to pierce through the soul. She is completely different from the residents of Silver City who are often deformed and prematurely aged.

    "We wasted too much time on the road, Lovia."

    "But no matter what, we have arrived at our destination." "Black Knight" Lovia's kind smile was not as gloomy as her way, warm and natural, It always gives people warmth.

    Colin Iliad nodded slightly, accepted the comfort from his companions, and was about to give the order to complete the final journey.

    But before his order could turn from thought into action, a panicked call came from behind.


    "Joshua, what happened?" "Silver Knight" Colin carefully checked the surroundings and found no fallen monsters or evil forces.

    With Lovia's encouragement and comfort, Joshua, who had just turned eighteen, took a few deep breaths before calming down.

    "It's Derrick!"


    "Yes, he fainted."

    "Fainted suddenly!"


    The illusory crimson faded, and Derrick "The Sun" opened his eyes in a daze. , saw the tall stone pillars and the familiar mottled long table, and then relaxed.

    It turned out that it was time for the meeting... He had been in the city before, and with the church bells chiming the time, he had forgotten to pay attention to the passage of time.

    "Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~"

    Miss Justice's inspiring and cheerful voice came from a position near the top. Derrick didn't think much. Like the other participants, he stood up in an orderly manner and greeted the convener at the top.

    Not sure if it was an illusion, but he felt that Mr. Fool was not in a very good mood today.

    Miss Justice is very happy. Did she also see the newly signed agreement? Klein nodded slightly in response.

    "Mr. Fool, I collected a page of diary this week."

    Under the leadership of "Justice", "Magician", who had not submitted a diary for a long time, also contributed the proceeds. Together, they obtained three pages.

    With the experience of the last gathering, Klein no longer had high hopes for getting more shocking secrets from the diary, and spoke calmly and restrainedly.

    "You can think of a request."

    "For example, the answer to a question."

    The answer to the question... Alger silently chewed the god's reply and sighed silently.

    Unfortunately, if Lord Tristan could sleep a hundred years late, he would have met Russell, and it would have been easier for him to collect the emperor's diary.

    Since coming into contact with Tristan, he has rarely had free time to rest, let alone participate in a gathering of extraordinary people in a private capacity to purchase a diary.

    Klein didn't wait long, and the three pages of the diary appeared in his hands.

    Derrick "The Sun" and other members instinctively quieted down, and no one dared to disturb Mr. Fool's reading.

    "On February 12th, I had just celebrated Bonova's birthday and was about to leave Trier. I couldn't even fulfill his rare request, a small wish that I help him make some fantastic creation. , I am really not a qualified father."

    "Of course, I will use this necessary action to bring back more for him." "

    After the safe channel was discovered, the Sauron family hopes to use the channel to obtain more land and wealth , in order to divert the various problems accumulated within the kingdom, well, what a bunch of mediocre people." "

    With the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, the natural supporter of feudalism, what's the use of the small court on the Serenzo River getting more land? "

    To control illiterate farmers to cultivate the land, or to set up inefficient plantations with indigenous people as labor force?" "

    These short-sighted people have no desire to pursue, and even in recent years they have relied on technological progress to become strong." The 'Church of Steam and Machinery', oh yes, it was renamed because of me. It used to be called the 'Church of Craftsmen'. Even they did not have the courage to fight against the 'Eternal Sun' and only dared to conduct certain research activities underground. Then experiment in the core parishes and dare not promote it."

    "You are a spineless thing. If you do this for ten thousand years, the 'God of Steam and Machinery' will not exceed the influence of the 'Eternal Blazing Sun'. He will only Being able to be a vassal of the 'Sun'!"

    "What on earth is the 'Artisan' thinking?"

    "Well, I won't be that cowardly. Although I don't have the power to completely overturn the table now, in the name of the Sauron family, because of It is not impossible for Tice to strive for more benefits. After all, this country does not only belong to them."

    "Also, through this event, I may be able to try to figure out where the 'experimental products' that often go missing within the church go. ."

    "Every batch of new products will disappear one or two months after being put into the experiment. The church's internal investigation team has conducted a thorough investigation for several months, but has not achieved any results." "What does

    this mean? It must be There are spies within the church. They may be Loen people, or they may be conservatives like the believers of the 'Eternal Blazing Sun'. In short, they are deliberately hindering the progress of research and plagiarizing my ideas, mine!" "I

    must put these people away. Find out, not only for my invention, but also to gain more support within the church." Among

    the thieves within the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery, did this kind of thing happen at that time?

    After the gray fog covered him, Klein subconsciously tapped the armrest of the seat, thinking about the possibility of the thief's true identity.

    As an Intis native and the inventor of the steam engine, Emperor Russell was naturally at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution. At least in that era, their technological level had always been far ahead.

    During the same period, there were two other countries with equally rapid technological development. One was Loen, the kingdom that later invited the God of Steam and Machinery to believe in it, and the other was the Second Empire of Trunsoest on the other side of the ocean.

    Interestingly, two countries that both regard Backlund as their capitals... Klein smelled a conspiracy.

    Russell's suspicion was not groundless. With the speed of Ruen's technological development, it was indeed possible that in addition to imitation, he also relied on the power of technical espionage.

    If Intis, who was still in power of the Sauron royal family in the early days of the Industrial Revolution, did not pay much attention to the blockade of advanced technology, then after Russell came to power, it can be said to be quite strict, but this still failed to completely prevent Loen's plagiarism.

    But Loen and Intis are close to each other after all, making it easier to communicate and transmit information. How did the Second Empire of Trunsoest obtain steam engine technology?

    Did they bribe some senior member of the Church of Steam?

    There can't be spies planted on both sides, right?

    Unable to figure out the answer, Klein temporarily turned over the first two pages and set his sights on the end.

    "On October 6th, several 'Original Moon' believers who were captured yesterday committed suicide. I dug into their brains and found some little secrets." "

    It's unimaginable. It turns out that in their eyes, they have always been monolithic. The belief in the 'Mother Tree of Desire' and the popular consensus that His vest, the 'Primordial Moon', are actually two different existences, and the latter seems to be more powerful." "

    Of course, I have doubts about these so-called new discoveries. This is the boast of believers in the 'Original Moon', but a large amount of data shows that the red moon, the satellite that revolves around us in the sky, UU Kanshu wwww.uukanshu.net and the terrorist atrocities under the name of the 'Original Moon' have a higher degree of overlap. The believers of the 'Mother Tree of Desire' are a little passive under the red moon."

    "If occultism also has a journal, my discovery is enough to be called a combination of 'devil' and 'alien', and it is suspected that there are other adjacent ways, after 'Desire' The mother tree is the second greatest discovery in the study of the nature of the evil god."

    "Although the first discovery also involved my participation."

    "Well, adjacent pathways, when it comes to this, I have a new idea."

    New idea ? What new ideas? You should write it!

    Klein looked at the diary that came to an abrupt end and felt a little uneasy.

    Having just experienced the unexpected episode caused by the "Poisonous Wine Brooch", he is sensitive to everything related to the "Mother Tree of Desire".

    This is not only related to whether he will abandon an excellent sealed artifact in the future, but also closely related to many of his future actions.

    Now, he finally had a chance to figure out some of the reasons, but it was still out of context?

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Chapter 56 Looking for a new home

    Besides "alien" and "demon", are there other neighbors?

    It shouldn't be. There are only twenty-two paths, how come there are more... After collecting so many diaries, Klein rarely doubts the authenticity of the knowledge recorded in them.

    He is not the type to easily regard a certain theory as a standard, but there have been no major errors in Russell's diary so far, and he still has a high degree of trust in the content recorded in the diary.

    The founder of the Glorious Era of the Third Age, the predecessor of the true Creator, the five paths he mastered are obviously fixed. They are the optimal combinations personally determined by that high-ranking being. They are true knowledge gained from practice time and time again...

    "Secret" The "apprentice" and "thief" paths of seeking can also be seen from the "occult church" in the past and the "occult" holy book that is still popular today. These two paths and the "divineer" can form a stable triangle.

    Then there is the "God of Death", "God of War", and "Night". The battles between the three gods in the past, and the slight anxiety shown by the Second Empire after hearing the news that the "Black Emperor" was about to be born some time ago, can all prove that the other two groups of adjacent exist.

    So, among the remaining things that cannot be determined, are there still "devils" and "alien species" adjacent to each other?

    Which one will it be?

    Klein wasn't sure.

    In his view, the existence of adjacent pathways is not necessarily due to similar abilities, but may also be complementary.

    For example, "night" and "death" both embody the control of spirits, while "devils" and "alien" embody the concentration of malignant power. If there is any secret adjacent rush, it can only Is it a more evil force, or a completely extreme, positive symbol that dominates the path.

    Unexpectedly... Sighing silently, Klein pinched the edges of the fake paper into wrinkles.

    He casually dismissed the diary in his hand, looked down, looked at the two ladies who had been waiting for a long time, and said with a smile.

    "Have you thought about the problem?"

    "Justice" Audrey and "Magician" Forsi were already prepared. They looked at each other and "Magician" tried to cash in the first reward.

    "Lord, I ask for a gift."

    A gift... Klein nodded silently, and after receiving the promise, Forsi continued.

    "I hope to be promoted to the next sequence of 'astrologers', and I implore you to give me the opportunity to move up."

    Only in this way can she provide more help... and some small things in Xio's subsequent revenge, which is no different from the adventure. Asylum.

    Forsi knew very well that compared to the object of Xio's revenge, she was not even comparable to the smallest piece of gravel, but for the sake of her best friend, she was willing to risk her own power as much as possible.

    "I remember that I had just been promoted not long ago."

    Klein remembered that it had been less than two weeks since he found out about Miss Magician's promotion. In two weeks, even with his surprisingly fast digestion speed, he could not fully master Sequence Seven. Potion.

    "Yes, I hope to contribute more in future tasks." Forsi did not hide anything. "Lord, please forgive me for being greedy. I hope to use the ability of overdraft to help my friends, even if it is just Some."

    It turned out to be for the young lady whose father had been wronged... Klein nodded slowly, which was regarded as acknowledging the "magician's" statement.

    This request was not difficult for him. Although he did not have the corresponding formulas and materials, Zaratul had many at his disposal.

    As long as the order is issued in the name of "The Fool" and the "God of Mysteries", well, let the "Magician" tell Zaratul that with this small amount of money, the "Lamp Angel" with a big family will definitely not Take it to heart.

    "Justice" in the same row blinked, seemingly shocked by the "Magician's" bold behavior.

    The relationship between Miss Fors and Xio was indeed very good... With a smile that was in line with the interests of the nobility, she stood up for the second time and made her request.

    "Mr. Fool, I hope to get an answer to a question."

    Under the encouraging gaze of "The Fool," Audrey breathed a sigh of relief.

    "I want to know if I should join the 'Psychological Alchemy Society'. They sent me an invitation last week."

    In fact, what she asked for was a prophecy.

    Yes, trying to break into the "Psychological Alchemy Society" was not a task imposed on Audrey by anyone. On the contrary, this was exactly what she hoped for after the great smog, but it was also at the final moment when she was about to succeed. , she was confused.

    This eldest lady who is not familiar with the world, or has not yet seen more of the real world, after learning some terrifying truths about the extraordinary world and being impacted by the great smog incident, inevitably has some fear and hesitation.

    "It depends on your own wishes."

    Klein imitated the tone of an elder, and couldn't help but think of several people and things related to the 'Psychological Alchemy Society' that he had come into contact with.

    "As a secret organization, anything related to the extraordinary will have corresponding dangers. But on the other hand, the 'Psychological Alchemy Society' is a relatively mild and young loose organization. It is undoubtedly the most mild and harmless among its kind. Yes, at least in the eyes of many officials."

    As he spoke, Klein glanced at the "Hanged Man" on the left, making the former "Storm" captain lower his head in fear.

    "Join the 'Psychological Alchemy Society'. Your identity determines that you may face the attention of high-ranking audiences. At the same time, your identity also protects you. The Archbishop of Night and Storm will pay attention to you nobles, as the current ruler of Loen. , they will not allow other heretical ideas to invade their territory."

    "So, even if you join, what you have to face are more dangers surrounding your self, such as the possible madness and loss of control of promotion, and the dangers of something more distant. It's a choice you have to make in the future."

    This is a standard piece of comfort mixed with magician rhetoric, and it is also another attempt by Klein to play a deeper role.

    Unfortunately, above the gray mist, it was difficult for him to feel the feedback from the potion.

    Couldn't "The Fool" be regarded as a separate identity, a vassal under the identity of Klein Moretti?

    Klein was a little confused. He had played "The Fool" for so long, but it had little help in digesting the new "Faceless Man" potion.

    "Thank you, I probably got the answer I wanted."

    Audrey nodded ignorantly, bowed absently, and then sat back in her seat.

    Klein didn't say any more. He leaned back in his chair, looked around and said,

    "You can start

    now." Alger, the "Hanged Man", took the lead, speaking even faster than the eager Sun, and turned to the long-haired man first. The direction of the end of the table.

    "Have your actions been effective?"

    "Of course." Klein replied controlling the "world", "My teacher took away the ship, and there will be no 'Hell Admiral' in the future."

    There is no "Hell Admiral" Got it!

    Except for the little "sun" who was isolated by the darkness, everyone else was shocked by the information thrown out by the "world".

    It's only been a week, and "The World" has made another big move, and this time it directly killed the pirate general who was known as the strongest!

    After a brief moment of shock, Alger was the first to shake off the shock and react first.

    He was also present at the conversation between "The World" and Lord Tristan that day.

    Judging from Tristan Eugen's attitude, the teacher of "the world", the mysterious Azik Eggers, is at least the same as the count he follows, and may even be higher.

    With the help of a powerful demigod or even an angel, the death of the "Hell Admiral" was not so unacceptable.

    "I met the elf." Alger said something else.

    "The result?"

    "The elves are more arrogant than I thought. Even with the Earl's recommendation, I was unable to enter the elf camp and only saw one scout." "

    He confirmed my identity. When he returned to the camp, After requesting approval from the demigod who leads them, I can be brought to that demigod for follow-up activities."

    Alger was not dissatisfied with this almost subordinate-to-superior reporting model.

    "I don't know why, but the earl doesn't pay too much attention to my actions. He prefers that all contacts be completed by me alone." Maybe

    it's because of my identity, the so-called favored one... In Klein's view, this is a mistake. Respect for the identity of the Beloved is also part of Tristan's kindness to him.

    After all, no matter how you look at it, "The Hanged Man" is more like my subordinate, but now he is learning from Tristan... He has cornered his colleagues. In the Second Empire of Trunsoest, there seems to be no taboo except for the "Red of War" If you know how to do it, it is actually a very annoying transgression...

    "The World" looked at Alger "The Hanged Man" and said.

    "Don't worry, keep trying to contact."

    The brief and effective exchange between the two ended, but the aftermath of the large amount of information echoed in the party for a while before slowly subsided.

    Derrick "The Sun" shook his head, as if he wanted to temporarily throw out the many unintelligible contents he just heard, so as not to delay the business.

    "Everyone, I have arrived at Shanmen City. Before the meeting, I arrived outside the city."

    Outside the city... Forsi observed for a while, and in the silence of everyone, he raised his hand tentatively.

    "You...you mean you didn't go directly to the city and prepared to set up a rest camp outside the city to spend the next few days?" "

    No, of course not." Derrick quickly denied, "As the same person Compatriots under the faith, no matter which city-state welcomes the visit of 'brothers', there are special rooms in Shanmen City for visitors to rest." "

    So you fainted when you were about to enter the city gate because of the party?"

    "Magician "It told the truth in one sentence, but it was a little impolite.

    After thinking for a while, Derrick suddenly realized that this seemed to be a very embarrassing thing.

    His personality didn't allow him to lie, and his red, immature face nodded twice imperceptibly.

    "Yes, Ms. Magician."


    What an interesting reaction, no, you can't bully children, Forsi, this is the Lord's Kingdom of God, you are in front of the Lord, virtue, virtue!

    The fierce ideological struggle finally prevented the "Magician" from raising her thin lips, and she tried hard to control her facial muscles and said.

    "Remember to visit the chief secretary's library you mentioned last time, maybe you will find something." "

    Also, if you have the opportunity, you can express yourself more."

    At this time, "The Hanged Man" took over the topic in a timely manner, avoiding The embarrassment of "The Sun" is brewing and spreading.

    "I remember you said that the leader of Shanmen City is a demigod from the 'sun' realm, and the 'singer' is one of their main ways. You can try to communicate with the local extraordinary people to get more digestive potions. and experience in using abilities, which will be good for your promotion."

    After converting, he seriously considered his future positioning in the Tarot Club.

    He believed that acting as a senior who was kind to other members, especially those who believed in Mr. Fool, might be able to gain some favor from the gods.

    "Thank you for your advice, Mr. 'The Hanged Man'." Derrick first thanked the "Hanged Man" who patiently gave the advice. Then he thought about it and felt that he should use his own way to repay the participants who had always taken care of him. , "Everyone, there is a lot of knowledge from the glorious era preserved in the Grand Secretary's library. Is there anything you want to know about?" "

    I can help you find it."

    He was immersed in his own ideological struggle and didn't pay much attention to the "justice" exchanged by other members. "Audrey woke up with a start and looked at Derrick expectantly.

    "Is there a formula for a 'psychiatrist'?"

    Derrick was stunned for a moment, trying to recall the few words he heard from his father about the Grand Secretary's library, and then shook his head apologetically.

    "The area that I can read should not include the potion formula part."

    "It doesn't matter." Audrey didn't have any hope at all. She just asked casually and said with an understanding smile.

    A library that records a large number of secrets of the Glorious Era and preserves ancient documents... Klein turned his head and manipulated the "world" to look at the position of the "sun".

    "Can you help me collect records and information related to the 'Demon Wolf King' Fregra, the 'Phoenix God' Greykari, and the two masters?" "

    I will pay an equivalent reward."

    He did not mention The "Mother Tree of Desire" has attracted more attention to him recently, because this evil god only appeared after the Fourth Age. It really took the center stage of history at the beginning of the colonial era.

    "No problem." Derrick promised.

    After receiving an accurate answer from "The Sun", Klein immediately asked "The World" to move to the next target and spoke to Alger.

    "I need you to help me sell a sealed artifact, corresponding to Sequence Six of the 'Devil' path."

    "What's your psychological price?" Alger didn't agree in a hurry. After all, he didn't have much free time recently.

    "UUkanshu www.uukanshu.net Three thousand five to four thousand pounds."

    Considering the hidden dangers of the "poisoned wine brooch", Klein had to get rid of this invisible bomb, so the price requirement was naturally not too high.

    "Within a normal range, the ability of the 'Devil' path is also very popular among pirates." Alger made a simple assessment, "But after all, it is a Sequence Six item. It will take me a while to give you an answer. You can Find more channels."

    Channels... Klein raised his chin slightly, feeling a little embarrassed.

    Do you want to go through the Islands Branch?

    His eyes wandered aimlessly up and down in the gray fog for a while, and then he suddenly had an idea.

    By the way, he doesn't just have one spy at sea.

    As his eyes moved to the right, he saw an empty seat and the mixed patterns on it.

    That chair had a hidden owner, and many pirates at sea called her "Vice Admiral of Disease."

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Chapter 57 Pirate Generals

    "A meeting presided over by the gods, presided over by the gods..."

    The three-masted black sailboat floated in the morning mist. Tracy Pellet locked herself in the captain's cabin alone, muttering to herself.

    The boundless gray fog and the ethereal crimson were still before our eyes. After many days, the words of the gods suddenly came, which somewhat caught "Lieutenant General Disease" off guard.

    The mysterious being who was suspected of being the "God of Mysteries" gave her a task, a task that seemed a bit simple but whose true purpose was unknown.

    Try to contact the loose small pirate group as much as possible, search for all the trends related to the "Spiritual Religion Group" and the "Rose School of Thought", and most importantly, snipe the "Blood Admiral" Senior.

    There is no need to take action, just frequently determine the whereabouts of Senior to ensure that the pirate general is in a relatively transparent environment.

    The above requirements are harsh for any secret organization to test new members, but coming from a god, they seem extremely cheap, like some kind of "favor" that is disproportionate to the price.

    Mr. "Fool" never expressed his intention to betray the sect from the beginning to the end. Perhaps he didn't care about the movements of "Original" and his followers at all, just like during the "Pale Disaster", the "God of Mystery" never Have you ever watched "The First Witch"?

    Tracey was confused, but the task had been given and she felt she had no right to refuse.

    While she was thankful that she didn't have to become a traitor prematurely, she was relieved, but also regretful.

    On the only desk in the captain's cabin, there is a gorgeous mirror decorated with gold and silver, surrounded by books of different types.

    "Lieutenant General Disease" doesn't like to read, and every time she reads is unimaginable torture for her. Only when Elaine reads and writes romance novels for her can she arouse little interest and lean on the bed as a happy place. Condiments to cope with.

    This whole table of books was purchased recently by Elaine. After the accident in the Ross Islands, their relationship became much warmer, and they even had some vague feelings that the royal family members did not want to admit before Intis fell into disgrace.

    She patiently persuaded Tracy, even if it was just to show off, she should be like the other female pirate generals and pretend to be different from the other butchers and executioners.

    In fact, Tracy didn't care about the books at all, just like she didn't like the mirror given by her mother, so she put the two things she liked least together.

    Now, she stared at the transparent mirror with bright eyes, but there was no displeasure in her eyes towards the object that symbolized her mother's will.

    Rumor has it that the "God of Mystery" has a very good relationship with the true Creator and is an indestructible ally, just like the Lord of Storms and the Goddess of Night in Rune, the Eternal Sun of Intis and the God of Steam and Machinery, and they are closely related to each other. The former is more similar, being a companion rather than a clear-cut superior and subordinate.

    The "Red of War" under the true Creator has always been a serious concern of the "Original Witch". The "Hunter", the "Red Angel" Medici, holds another path to the "Original" desire.

    Perhaps, this is what I really look forward to, the opportunity I have been silently pursuing... thinking about it, Tracy silently clenched her fists.

    Her gloomy expression changed little by little, and her blue eyes were like haystacks, ignited by a little spark from outside, and then got out of control.

    Her eyes were getting brighter and brighter, swaying with firelight, a little crazy.

    Every "witch" is a daughter of the "original", and we must move closer to Him... Mother's teachings echoed in her ears again, but she could no longer suppress the rebellious thoughts that had always existed in Tracy's heart.

    No one can decide her fate, not her mother, not even the so-called "original"...

    Born in this fucked-up world, even if she wants to survive, she must choose a master who will die for her, and that should be by She made her own choice...

    "The God of Mystery" and Medici sound much better than the "Original Witch", don't they?


    Orange-red flames danced wantonly on the torches made of human bones, weaving a layer of lingering demonic mist on an ocean-going ship with sails hung with a "tree of flesh and blood" pattern.

    Humanity's most primitive desires are present in every corner of this ship.

    Instead, there was dead silence in the captain's room.

    Senor was lying in front of the altar piled with the remains of various creatures, trembling all over.

    Suddenly, the flames of the candles on the altar were dyed with various colors, each of which seemed to correspond to the different desires of the descendant.

    The remains of the creatures were rolled up layer by layer without any wind, like melted candles, squirming and kneading into a shaky and twisted human form.

    The twisted human figure shook its body, and its uneven arms that were solidified like tree bark reached down from a high place and landed on Senior's head. He lifted the pirate general's head and pulled it out of the floor. Get up.

    "No results yet?"

    There seemed to be a heart beating inside the flesh-and-blood humanoid, thump, thump, and the powerful muffled sound made Senior bleed from all his orifices.

    "Sir Jacks, please forgive me..."

    The embarrassed Senior moved his pale lips and defended carefully with an extremely weak voice, trying to protect his own life that might disappear at any time.

    "I am already working hard to reorganize the fleet. I will soon be able to recapture the 'Treasure Tree of Blood' and dedicate Bulatov Ivan's head to God. Please give me a little more time to appease God's anger..."

    No. When Senior finished speaking, the flesh-and-blood alien that was constantly changing and looked more like a tree than a human suddenly stretched out and reached the ceiling of the captain's cabin.

    "Calm down?"

    "God is angry!"

    "Not just you, we all need to atone for God's wrath!"

    The demigod after the alien, Jacks suddenly fell silent, and it took a while before he regained his ability to speak.

    "Because of your rash advance, I lost almost half of my strength. The Pas Canal was probably lost because of your stupidity. Do you think you can compensate for this with just a few heads?"

    The "puppet" said. Zi said too many words, and his whole body twitched, including the flesh and blood aliens.

    But he still insisted on resisting the restlessness of violating his role, gritted his teeth and insisted:

    "There is no need to reorganize the fleet, harass the evil god's stronghold in Bayam, destroy their plan at any cost, and prevent the awakening of the 'Poseidon'. It's an oracle, and it's also a task you must complete."

    "The army of the fallen evil god is attacking us. His weapons lead the army of aliens, and the vampires who try to take advantage of the mother tree are attacking our territory and our country. ..."

    "Senior, because of your negligence, I lost my strength and our army lost an arm. You must atone for your mistake." "

    But..." After hearing the sudden bad news, Seniol Alban's limited thinking ability was completely shut down.

    He didn't understand why so much bad luck would hit them in one week, forcing them to go to more extremes.

    "No but, you should be glad that you are not without reinforcements at sea." Anger burst out from the alien flesh and blood, "The heretics of the Spiritual Religion took the initiative to contact us, and they also suffered huge losses. Ludwell is dead. You should be grateful that you can still survive and have the opportunity to atone for God."

    This time, Senior was completely stunned.

    Ludwell, who was stronger than him and favored by the God of Death, actually died?

    The demigod's words continued.

    "The Spiritual Religion Group will take the initiative to contact you. You will have the same goal, Bayam. Go to Bayam and create chaos there. This is the only thing you can do now." "You

    will not have another chance..."

    Every part of the body was twitching with flesh and blood aliens. As Zaventer's words fell, an explosion without warning shattered into debris on the ground. The thick blood reflected an evil red light. After a brief confusion, he began to move toward Sai. Nior gathered.

    The frightening heartbeat finally disappeared, and Senior, who was bleeding profusely, could no longer hold on and collapsed on the floor.

    He was glad that he did not mention that half of his vassals fled after hearing about his failure. Too many explanations and failures would only make the "puppet" on the opposite side even more angry.

    There may not be many pirate generals on the sea, but there are many "Wraith Souls" in the "Rose School", and the number far exceeds the so-called pirate generals.

    "Ivan Bulatov..." Senior, with his sunken eyes, hammered the floor hard and allowed the blood on the ground to crawl onto his body, gradually condensing into the shape of a little man.

    The lewd carnival on the temporary flagship continued, and the already crazy crew did not even notice that the ship under their feet was turning.

    And in the distance where we turn is Bayam, the center of the Rossed Islands - Blue Mountain Island.


    "Ludwell is dead?" The

    lady wearing a black classical robe with many symbols and magic signs painted on it, and covering her deep purple eyes with thick glasses asked in shock.

    "Yes, we have just received the news that the Queen is very concerned about this matter, Cattleya."

    The visitors who boarded the "Future" in disguise would look out the window from time to time, for fear that the current conversation would be overheard.

    If there hadn't been too many changes at sea recently, as a subordinate of the "Mysterious Queen" and an important member of the "Elemental Dawn", he would never have risked boarding a ship that has been labeled by the outside world as "breaking with the 'Mysterious Queen'" The flagship of the "Traitor".

    "Although the Queen did not give clear instructions, after several discussions, we still feel that we should tell you some recent events so that you can prepare in advance."

    Cattleya looked at the obvious wrinkles in front of her eyes and participated in the familiarity that was part of her childhood. Men, I am both touched and disappointed.

    The Queen still didn't want to have too much contact with her...

    But the mature and strong pirate general quickly buried his unnecessary emotions and nodded solemnly as a thank you.

    "Thank you for the reminder, Mr. Brad. Please help me say hello to those people."

    Brad Winter, the third officer of the Dawn, nodded indifferently and continued.

    "In short, Ludwell's death hides a big secret. Our informants and intelligence officers told us that the main driver of Ludwell's death was 'Lieutenant General Iceberg' Edwina, but you and I both know that this is impossible. "

    "Informants in Bayam have seen that the boatswain of 'Vice Admiral Iceberg' was helped by a strange and powerful person, so we suspect that 'Vice Admiral Iceberg' is just a cover, and she may actually be involved. The strangulation of Ludwell, but it only played a less important role."

    "Where is the remaining fleet of Ludwell?" Cattleya asked, "The Spiritual Religion Group should not give up an influential fleet easily. ."

    While Brad praised Cattleya's sharp thinking, the expression on his face became darker.



    "Yes, after Ludwell's death, no one saw his remaining subordinates again. 'Vice Admiral Iceberg' was very secretive about the outcome of the naval battle and refused to reveal any information. Maybe only there What do the Fusac people with a military base nearby know, and they won't share the information with us."

    Brad turned up his hood, and after explaining the most important information, he didn't want to stay for a moment longer, he just wanted to leave as soon as possible .

    Cattleya stopped him first, her dark purple eyes filled with the famously stubborn emotion, forcing the old man who knew the "Star Admiral"'s past to stop.

    "Aren't there more discoveries?"

    "The strong man who helped Edwina's boatswain. Since he missed his appearance in Bayam, he will at least leave some clues."

    This is not a question that must be answered.

    At a time when the "faceless men" of Intis and Trunsoest are frequently producing spectacular results, whether or not there is an answer is a reminder.


    After a long time, Brad said with difficulty.

    "After the battle with Ludwell, some members of 'Vice Admiral Iceberg's fleet quit her pirate group. Some of them mentioned...'Creeping Hunger', the legacy of Qilingos." "

    Yes. Many people tried to pry something out of their mouths, but this was the only effective information that could be obtained. The rest was blank, and it was suspected that they were blocked and interfered by high-level beings."

    "Creeping Hunger"... Qi Lin Gus' legacy... Cattleya chewed on these two terms, and a bolt from the blue suddenly hit her head.

    Her guess coincided with the answer.

    It turned out to be really a Trunsoest person...

    Unconsciously, her hand touched a simple astronomical instrument on her waist and rubbed it, as if she had touched a cloud of cold mist.


    It was night, in Backlund, in the apartment rented by Forsi and Xio.

    What should I write... Forsi, who was alone in the empty room again, spread out in front of the desk, the pen made a little dent on his face, and his lazy light blue eyes stared at the writing He picked up the letter at the beginning and his eyes were distracted.

    Today is the blood moon, and I don't know if it's due to the heavy smog in Backlund. The weather in Backlund has been unusually good recently. The crimson moonlight cast by the red moon enveloped the entire city, and the intensity of the full moon's murmurs was also much higher. few.

    According to Forsi's past experience, as long as the haze is heavy enough, the spiritual growth brought by the blood moon may not be so strong, and even the impact of rainy days may be ignored.

    Fortunately, after receiving the favor of His Highness Ambrosius, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net she no longer has to worry about the full moon curse. This is a privilege that even many members of Abraham's family cannot enjoy.

    Alas, I haven't been drawing much material recently and my inspiration has dried up, so I'll just write a random beginning... As soon as the idea of ​​​​displaying it came up, Forsi had completely relaxed and spread out completely on the table, with only his right hand barely exerting any strength. The beginning was written crookedly on the papyrus paper.

    However, before she could actually finish writing the first sentence, her spiritual intuition, which was as lazy as herself, cheered up first.

    Forsi sat up immediately, put one hand on the back of his waist, stood up from the seat, and looked at the closed door.

    Creaking, the door opened slowly, and a man of medium height, wearing Loen's most popular black formal suit and a half-high silk top hat, with unusually broad shoulders, almost exaggerated, appeared behind the door.

    That was Forsi's leader, the teacher he hadn't seen for a long time recently.

    Forsi breathed a silent sigh of relief and relaxed again.

    "Teacher, what went wrong? Why did you teleport here without telling me?"

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