
chapter 59

Chapter 43 Meeting

    Chapter 235

    Even though he was slightly surprised when they met, Klein did not stop hunting, he just sighed in his heart.

    Counting me, there are only three male members of the Tarot Club. The little "sun" is far away in the land abandoned by God. Is that Mr. "The Hanged Man"?

    Huh, he said that he had been staying in Bayam recently in order to complete a certain task assigned to him by Tristan Eugen. He didn't expect to meet him here... Klein's eyes locked on the man whose neck and face were already red. In one piece, surrounded by a group of bodyguards, the pirates wanted to get angry but did not dare to face the gun.

    There was no doubt that it was a suitable prey, and all it took was a little divination to confirm his guilt and make the Creepy Hungry's dinner.

    This glove has been with him for so long, and it has been hungry for too long.

    In a sea where chaos and disorder are the keynotes, there are too many sinners, and Klein doesn't mind being kind to the "squirming hungers".

    No, even if the pirates who burned, killed and looted were guilty of unforgivable crimes, they were still living lives. When did I become so frivolous about judging whether a life should be kept or not... Klein faintly noticed that his ideas were changing. .

    Looking back on more than two months of life in a different world, one after another earth-shattering events compared with the ordinary life in the past, greatly changed Zhou Mingrui's views on many things in a very short period of time.

    "Are you attracted to him?" Daniz asked in Klein's ear. He found that many people had recognized him, and he couldn't wait to deal with Gehrman's request and leave the casino immediately.

    Klein used actions instead of words. He nodded, but his steps suddenly turned left and walked towards another exit of the casino. Secret Puppet Giorgia quietly disappeared in front of the public, and was nowhere to be found. Where.

    With the cover of illusion, Georgia's disappearance did not attract too many people's attention. However, there were still some extraordinary pirates or adventurers with good strength among the ordinary gamblers who noticed something strange about "Fire" Daniz. Abnormal, Alger is one of them.

    The ability to hide one's body shape, is it an "assassin" or an "audience"?

    Because of Georgia's charm that could not be concealed by the hooded robe and veil, Alger believed that the former was more likely.

    He doesn't have much desire to explore. After all, it is not an easy task to find and kill a mid-level "Assassin" channel. Moreover, in his knowledge, there are only the most famous pirates of the "Assassin" channel at sea. "Lieutenant General of Disease" Tracy is alone.

    Since the "assassin" or the witch is not an officially wanted pirate, it means that even if he kills the other party, he will not get a penny. At most, he will get a witch's characteristics that are difficult to sell.

    Thinking of this, Alger lowered his head and continued to watch the gambling going on at the card table in front of him. Like other spectators, he showed expressions of excitement and regret from time to time, as if he had bet a lot of chips on the card table.

    He also picked out his prey.


    "Son of a bitch, get out of here, don't touch me!"

    The pirate, who had lost all his money, was grabbed by several bodyguards and thrown out from the steps. He fell heavily to the ground and was covered in blood from yesterday's heavy rain. And muddy and dirty.

    He groaned and rubbed his butt. When he saw the two bodyguards who were left outside the side entrance of the casino with their palms on their guns, they cursed twice more symbolically, and he did not dare to scream anymore.

    There was no way, those bodyguards were covered, they really dared to shoot.

    The bodyguards outside the door ignored the pirates' attacks on their character. They took out their pistols in a business-like manner and moved their wrists slightly, signaling the pirates who had no more money to gamble to get out.

    "Damn it, I'll never come to your house again." The pirate complained just enough for the bodyguard to hear.

    He still refused to give in, but his movements with his feet were quite neat, and he ran into the alley next to him in the blink of an eye.

    Breathing in the moist air that Bayam always carries, and taking in a breath of cold wind, the pirate's spirit, which had been numbed by alcohol and the pleasure of gambling, suddenly felt refreshed and sober.

    He looked left and right, trying to figure out the direction, and finally determined that he was in a building that had just opened its doors, with only one or two gas lamps on the outer casing painted red, and the appearance was similar to that of an ordinary hotel.

    It was not like the "Red Theater", a famous erotic venue in Bayam, and there were no big names behind it. The pirate lifted his pants and thought about trying his luck there.

    He couldn't go back to the stuffy and crowded boat today, and he didn't want to sleep on the street, which was a good place to go.

    With this idea in mind, the pirates took the right foot.

    However, after a long time, there was still no sound of the second shoe landing in the alley.

    The pirate, who still had a smile on his face, froze in place. His forward leaning body placed almost all of his weight on his right leg, and his left leg was almost off the ground. His whole body looked like a machine doll that had forgotten to wind up the clockwork. That slightly fat body looks quite funny from a distance.

    Time passed by, and the pirate, whose mind and body were stagnant, suddenly heard a set of footsteps behind him, and it wasn't just one.

    The footsteps were getting closer and closer, but no figure appeared in front of his eyes. There was only the air that was getting colder and colder, and the gray sky that had lost the last bit of crimson. Despair blended into the ubiquitous shadows, spreading around. It was about to swallow up the square inch of land he was standing on.

    Without warning, the footsteps stopped, and the pirate's thoughts almost completely stopped.

    He could no longer think effectively, but sensory feedback and human emotional sensitivity were still fermenting.

    What the hell?

    Don't kill me...

    The heat of the creature's breath came from his neck, and the fear of the unknown continued to heat up, becoming the last thought in his life.

    Looking at the pirates who had completely transformed into marionettes, Klein glanced around and witnessed the whole process, but did not see Daniz, who was frightened by him and subdued the pirates with just one finger, stretching out his left hand.

    The "creeping hunger" that had endured for a long time let go of its restraints and feasted. It only took a few seconds from tearing the pirate's body to pieces and swallowing the last piece of flesh and blood.

    During the entire process, the marionette-turned-pirate didn't utter a single scream. He stared straight at Daniz with a dull and indifferent face, showing that the experienced pirate was experiencing physical discomfort.

    So weird!


    Gehrman Sparrow's style of dealing with things reminded him of many horrific legends that would spread at sea every once in a while.

    No, those strange stories should not be called legends, because many strange stories have a large number of witnesses, many of whom are noble.

    Could it be that Herman was from the same organization as the source of those horror stories?

    The captain seemed to have mentioned them, but he was unwilling to say more... Daniz worked hard to salivate to moisten his dry mouth and throat.

    "Well, is there anything else?"

    Klein patiently waited for the "squirming hunger" to absorb the blood remaining on the surface of the gloves. When the gloves became clean again, leaving only black, he spoke.

    "Go back."

    "Go back?" Daniz said in shock.

    What on earth does this lunatic want to do?

    Where do you mean going back? Back to the casino? Didn't I tell him that the boss behind the casino is very powerful and he won't mess with him if he can?

    However, Danitz did not dare to object. He smiled stiffly and nodded.

    "As you said, let's go back."

    He walked in front, one step ahead of Gehrman, carefully looking around and paying attention to the position of the bodyguards.

    The bodyguards hired by the casino are not all ordinary people, and there are many extraordinary people who are comparable to him in strength.

    When he and Gehrman returned to the side entrance of the casino, Danitz, who was about to enter with Gehrman, was ordered by the adventurer to stop and stopped in the alley where the pirates first turned.

    Only then did Danitz realize that one member of their original team seemed to have been missing for a long time.

    Where is the pretty female attendant next to Hermann who rivals the captain?

    However, Daniz did not dare to ask, and Gehrman remained silent. There was an oppressive silence in the air.

    After waiting for a long time, Klein, who stood like a sculpture, suddenly regained his agility.

    He looked sideways towards the alley and suddenly said.

    "Go and wait for me where you were."

    Huh? Daniz opened his mouth in shock and his eyes widened.

    His expression changed several times. He was afraid of the power and weirdness displayed by Gehrman, and finally did not dare to resist. His flattering smile looked very forced.

    "Okay, I'll go right away."

    After saying that, Daniz leaned on crutches and walked back along the way he came, with steps that were shallow and then deep. From the back, it looked very difficult.

    Did I go a little too far... Klein rubbed his chin, feeling that his conscience was a bit difficult to deal with.

    He had confirmed "Fire" Daniz's resume. He was not a criminal with blood on his hands, and he was not even a pirate in the traditional sense. For such a person, the title of adventurer was far more appropriate than a pirate.

    The reason why Daniz has a bounty is that in addition to his captain, the owner of the "Golden Dream" "Vice Admiral Iceberg" Edwina is a wanted criminal in both Loen and Intis. Without knowing it, He was implicated by the God of Knowledge and Wisdom. Another reason was his rank. He was already a relatively powerful mid-rank, which was considered a backbone in the Zhengshen Church.

    Forget it, I didn't abuse him... Feeling that the spiritual threads connecting him were getting closer and closer, Klein adjusted his instrument and stood in the middle of the alley.

    The chaotic sounds of running due to the chase finally came close to my ears. As soon as Georgia, whose body was as thin as paper, came into Klein's field of vision, she dodged and rolled, and hid directly behind Klein. The one who was chasing her, with dark blue eyes on her face, The strong man with messy black and semi-long hair also slowly stopped and looked at the young man blocking the alley and in front of Giorgia.

    This man has black hair that is neatly combed back, dark brown eyes that look like glass, and a thin and cold face.

    "'The World'"

    Alger said tentatively with a certain degree of confidence.

    Klein nodded slightly, and did not call out the other party's code name above the gray mist like Alger, but said in a hoarse voice.

    "It's an unexpected meeting."

    I don't think it was an accident... Alger glanced at Georgia, whose robe was slightly messy, and let out a long sigh of relief, feeling both relieved and annoyed.

    With his character, of course he would not chase a stranger away from the crowd without knowing the details. If not for the witch next to "The World" who first stole his wallet and was discovered by him on purpose, and then whispered in his ear. He won't come out unless he says "The Hanged Man".

    Of course, before running out of the casino, just to be on the safe side, he had read Tristan's honorable name.

    The honorable name of Sequence Three is enough to cover a city. I guess the Earl has already looked over.

    Taking a silent breath, Alger looked at the man opposite and said in a low voice.

    "It's not appropriate for us to talk here."

    As he said this, he gestured and accidentally brushed his fingers against his ears.

    "You choose the time and place." Klein replied simply.

    I'll choose... Alger was slightly startled, confirming his guess.

    As expected, "The World" didn't reveal his identity just to meet him. The person he really wanted to find should be His Excellency Tristan Eugen.

    He was performing a certain task assigned to him by Mr. Fool and encountered certain obstacles. He needed to seek help from demigod-level power, and Lord Tristan happened to be the one nearby who could get there fastest?

    With just a few words, Alger roughly inferred the possibility of meeting him in the "world".

    After considering it for a moment, he said.

    "Tomorrow afternoon on my ship, you should be able to get on the ship without being heard or seen." "

    The weather will get hot in the afternoon, there will generally not be too many people in the port, and the sailors and crew members on my ship are now Lord Tristan "Secret puppets, no one can overhear our conversation."

    Tristan Eugen actually turned all the crew members of "The Hanged Man" into secret puppets?

    This is something Klein couldn't imagine.

    Even the demigod of the "Secret Prayer" path, "Dark Saint" Kosma, who has always been known for being crazy and evil, gives the impression that he is a devout believer who carries a heavy belief in justice and abides by the rules, rather than someone who can control life at will. madman.

    But when he thought of the countless corpses hanging in the room that were hung all over the room when he first saw Zaratul. Judging from their clothing and appearance, they looked nothing like the old "Secret Puppet", Klein couldn't help but wonder. , this may be some kind of commonality among the high-sequences of "Soothsayers".

    Perhaps many of the abilities and digestion of high-sequence "divineers" need to be completed with the help of secret puppets, UU Reading www. uuknshu.net That's why demigods on the "divineer" path collect a large number of secret puppets. As a demigod who has experienced the cruel years of the Fourth Age and has a bad relationship with the countries and churches of the Northern Continent, in order to keep the secret, Tristan will It is understandable that the sailors who belong to the Church of Storms directly become "secret puppets" and completely silence their mouths.

    To him, this might be the most common thing... Klein thought.

    That's right, between two hostile countries, there are so many rules and regulations for enemies to meet.

    Although he understands, Klein does not want to follow suit. He still has to stick to his bottom line and always remind himself that he is an ordinary person from Earth. He cannot forget the past and is completely transformed by the cruel reality here.

    After a few seconds of silence, as if weighing, Klein raised his head and nodded to meet Alger's gaze.


    ps: Today is also the day to ask for monthly tickets.

    My waist hurts a lot from sitting.

    Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 44 Relics

    Chapter 236 Relic

    Bayam's Port, "Blue Avenger".

    Alger, who had changed his clothes, did not stay on the deck. He ignored the crew members who looked like normal people and walked straight towards the sinking passage leading to the cabin.

    By now, he was used to all the changes happening on the ship that was still nominally his.

    So what if you don't accept it?

    All the sailors have turned into Lord Tristan's secret puppets, into walking and breathing corpses, irreparable.

    Moreover, Alger didn't have much affection for these sailors, and there was no comradeship. He used them and the identity given to him by the church to let the sailors do things for him almost for free, and the sailors also abided by the orders of the church. Keep an eye on yourself, a privateer captain who is away from home and has an unstable mind, and maintain your hard-earned semi-official status in order to continue to advance.

    Both parties can only be described as having a mutually beneficial relationship.

    Walking familiarly in the aisle, Alger soon saw Tristan, who was resting on an easy chair, and Evelyn, who was sitting on another chair, quietly reading a book and sipping coffee.

    Before he could salute or say anything formal, Tristan raised a hand and waved to stop him.

    "Are you sure that the person you are meeting is the favored one of the Lord?"

    Although he had become an "ancient scholar" not long ago, Tristan could still see through Klein's disguise at a glance and recognized the bookish face and Friedrich Zaratul In the photo shown to him, the face of the beloved one was exactly the same.

    "Yes." Alger replied without pause.

    "'World' is the code name he had in the gathering before God that you attended?"

    "Yes." Alger answered again, with a vague expectation in his heart.

    Although Tarot cards were invented and popularized by Emperor Russell in the past two hundred years, judging from the attitudes of later major churches and secret organizations towards Tarot cards, it is obvious that this deck of cards is not far-fetched. , they are really closely related to the secret of the sequence.

    In Tarot, everything starts with "The Fool" and ends with "The World". Both are extremely important cards, which also corresponds to the fact that Mr. "The Fool" is the convener of the party, and "The World" often represents "The Fool". "Sir's will is the fact that Mr. Fool values ​​him—probably the most valued favored person." .

    This was Alger's guess a long time ago, and it was only today that he saw the hope of getting the truth in Tristan's unintentionally revealed attitude.

    Unfortunately, Tristan didn't want to explain his exclamation just now. He just smiled and put this little incident aside.

    "He wants to meet with you alone to discuss something?"

    When it came to business, Alger had to put away his superfluous thoughts and concentrate on dealing with the interest of his immediate superior.

    "Yes, but I think 'The World' is more likely to want to meet you, but it's just not easy to speak directly outside."

    He has not digested Sequence Six, and is not as good as "The World" in terms of strength and resources. , I really can't figure out what "the world" would do if it really wanted to see me.

    Is he going to target the Church of Storms?

    But even if this is the case, his position in the Church of Storms cannot help him much.

    "Do not call each other by your code name in any land except the Lord's Kingdom. Just call him Gehrman Sparrow."

    This is what Tristan said from the desk of Friedrich Zaratul Seen from above.

    "Honestly, I can't figure out why he came to see me. I'm not familiar with him. If I can do it, Friedrich can do it too." Tristan crossed his legs, his left leg on On the right leg, "Maybe he met you just on a whim, thinking that I was here with you, and I happened to be able to help him with something he was busy with recently."

    However, this does not explain why he can Recognize me... Alger was doubtful and felt some resentment at the same time.

    Not to mention the sudden appearance of Lord Tristan before and his extreme tactics to help him out of danger, this time Gehrman Sparrow of the "World" actually recognized him at a glance... Obviously there is protection from the gray fog above the gray fog. It is impossible to see the real appearance and body details of other members.

    Did he know my identity through Mr. Fool when I asked him for help?

    Is this Mr. Fool's punishment for me wanting to gain asylum but not being willing to betray my faith?

    No, it shouldn't be said to be betrayal... Alger's already lowered head buried a little deeper.

    Converting to Mr. Fool is a return to ancient orthodoxy. Compared with Mr. Fool, the Lord of Storms is the "evil god" who later took advantage of the chaos.

    "...Maybe it's just what you said." Alger echoed Tristan's words, thought for a while, and added the subsequent details of his conversation with Gehrman.

    "Gehrman and I have agreed to meet on the 'Blue Avenger' tomorrow morning. You may be needed to help him hide from the eyes and ears."

    "On your ship?" Tristan was not surprised. "That's fine. It seems I The prophecy was not wrong."


    "It's a prophecy about you." Tristan said, "My intuition told me before that if you try to contact elves, you will have good development, and it later proved that, You have successfully become a trustworthy messenger in the eyes of the Rosd indigenous resistance." "

    But it is not enough to establish relationships with them. You also need to really connect with the elves. You have some meager elven blood, which comes from Your mother, um, said so in the divination, did you know it before?"

    Alger shook his head blankly.

    As an adult, he had some speculations, but he never found out which parent he inherited the bloodline that made him so marginalized.

    "Okay, it's not important." Tristan didn't care about these details. "You have stayed in Bayam long enough. When you meet with the Lord's favored ones tomorrow, you should leave here soon. Make preparations first."


    "Mr. V."

    Returning to the "Azure Wind" hotel, Klein was surprised to find that Planson, who was supposed to be far away from the stronghold, was back here again, holding a letter in his hand. letter.

    "Sent him there?" Klein asked.

    "He is not locked up. The bishop from his own country wants to baptize him. Now he is trying to change his mind and let him recognize as soon as possible what the 'God of Death' that the 'Spiritual Religion' currently believes in is."

    Planson said slightly . Nodding, he didn't care much.

    As he said that, he took two steps forward, glanced at Daniz, and put the letter into Klein's hand.

    "This is a letter to you. It has been with us for a long time. We have been dealing with the things you asked for recently. Everyone has been crazy busy. I just remembered that there is a letter from you today." Yesterday, I

    was afraid that Suyou and I There was a dispute between the prestigious Colonel Tyler Franz, and I was not very popular, so no one wanted to see me. They only "forgot" if they wanted to get close to me... Klein didn't want to make the relationship between colleagues more tense, so he just took over Envelope, nothing more to say.

    Planson didn't want to stay any longer, so he left the letter, said goodbye casually, and left the hotel.

    Daniz didn't dare to speak until Pronson left.

    "Where should I sleep tonight?"

    He paid for the hotel reservation, but he didn't think he was qualified to sleep in the master bedroom with a big, soft bed.

    With this guy Hermann with such a beautiful female entourage, who knows if there will be any noise at night... I don't want to rent a room and go out to sleep...


    Klein's reply shattered. Consumed by his fantasy, Daniz looked in the direction Klein pointed, which was the servant's room attached to the suite.

    Although it is not big, it is an annex to a luxury suite after all, and it should be equipped with all the facilities.


    Without any retort, Daniz picked up his luggage and fled into his room on crutches, swearing that as long as Herman didn't call him, he would not step out the door the whole night.

    As the creaking sound of the door shaft disappeared, there was no outsider in the living room.

    Klein found a random seat and sat down. Without using a letter opener, his fingertips had some intelligence and easily opened the paint on the envelope.

    Somewhat unexpectedly, this letter was sent by Emlyn White, and it was sent a few days after he left Backlund.

    That's right, the cooperative relationship between us has not ended yet. Count Mistral also hinted to me that after becoming a divine envoy, I can treat Emlyn as a direct subordinate.

    Opening the letter, Klein read it carefully.

    In the letter, Emlyn first made some rather unskilled greetings, and his clichéd language made Klein suspect that he had copied it directly from an old newspaper.

    Klein simply skipped the pleasantries and went straight to the main points.

    "... Dear Mr. V... I apologize for my irresponsible behavior when we cooperated before... I wonder if you can transfer me to sea. I hope to use practical actions to make up for my previous dereliction of duty..."

    Em Lin, this guy, wants to come to the sea to find me? Klein was a little surprised, but quickly figured out the trick.

    First of all, his transfer order is not a secret within the Intelligence Department, but this does not mean that a transparent person like Emlyn, who is a marginalized group even within the Vampire Clan, can grasp it. Someone must have disclosed the information to him. .

    He hopes to be transferred from Backlund. Emlyn himself has always resisted the arrangement of volunteering with Father Strafsky. It is reasonable to want to get rid of the control of the Mother Earth Church, but he actually discussed it with me in such a formal tone... ...

    Hey, there is some vampire big shot behind him giving guidance and encouragement?

    This big shot couldn't be Count Mistral, but could he be the one with the highest title and age in the Backlund clan?

    "It's rare for a Trunsoest person to be willing to get close to me..." He let out a small sigh.

    There was no need for him to play dumb about such closeness, why not?

    Anyway, he already owed a huge debt to "Secret". Whether it was with the help of the power of his angels or resurrection from the dead, it wouldn't matter if he accepted the favor of one or two demigods.

    Maybe this means that debts are too much to worry about... Klein immediately took out a pen and paper and wrote a reply to Emlyn, responding to the requests Emlyn made in his heart one by one.

    But on the question of whether to transfer him away from Backlund, Klein flatly refused, leaving no room for negotiation.

    This involves a relationship with another church, and for selfish reasons, Klein also hopes that he can have another pair of eyes in Backlund.

    Of course Miss Magician would not refuse his request at the party, but Magician also had her own tasks on weekdays. Many things had to go through the Intelligence Department, which was always inconvenient. Emlyn was more free.

    In addition, he also added the honorific name "The Fool" at the end of the letter to ensure that when Emlyn encounters special situations, he can control the situation and not become blind.

    It only took a few minutes for Klein to finish writing the reply, and then he discovered a serious question.

    How should I send the letter to Emlyn?

    It's not that he can't summon messengers, but neither Mr. Azik's bone messenger nor the messengers within the Aurora Society belong to him, and it's inconvenient to use them.

    Hey, we have to find a way to get a messenger... Klein thought for a while and decided to put the letter away first.

    He is going to visit Mr. "The Hanged Man" tomorrow. Tristan Eugen, who is also on the "Hanged Man" ship, was once a "secret mage". As a high-sequence "apprentice" who can easily travel through the spiritual world, It's not too late to ask for his guidance and help.


    Backlund, East District.

    After November, the weather in Backlund became extremely cold and the air smelled even more unpleasant. It was so light yellow that it was impossible to see in the distance.

    "We have just experienced the great smog. The government has begun to pay attention to the formulation and improvement of pollution treatment-related laws and has introduced many restrictive measures. Otherwise, I can't imagine how I would go out in the winter." "

    You don't go out much in the first place . ." Xio glanced at Forsi, who was covering his mouth and nose with a scarf and complaining softly.

    After meeting the masked man from MI9 that day, Xio immediately reported it to Mr. K and also shared the conversation with his friends.

    With Fors's insistence and Mr. K's support, the two decided to observe the mysterious Mr. Aiglon Crosong from a distance before the mission officially started.

    According to the data, this former colonel of the Southern Loen Continental Army is a Sequence Five of the "Spectator" pathway, a "Dream Walker".

    Therefore, MI9 did not allocate too many manpower to him for surveillance.

    First of all, there are too many ways for an "audience" to detect the presence of a monitor, deceive the monitor, or escape, or do small actions in private. Unless a demigod is sent over, there is no way to control his every move.

    The second and more important reason is that UU reads www. uukanshu.net After in-depth investigation, MI9 discovered that Aiglon Crosson had a deep affection for the workhouse he managed. This affection was not entirely derived from a sense of responsibility, but also from the late Edsac. The prince's nostalgia and guilt.

    Aeglon Corosun regarded the workhouse as the prince's last valuable relic in the world, so he was willing to sacrifice his life to protect the prince's only successful efforts to change the status quo of the kingdom.

    With the help of the sealed artifact lent by Mr. K, Xio and Forsi determined the location of the monitor.

    Forsi took out a piece of human skin as thin as a cicada's wings from the small bag he carried on his body and covered it on his face. Then he raised his head and saw a middle-aged lady who had gone through the baptism of time and had a plain face. Her eyes were precipitated. It shows the pity common among ladies for the unfortunate.

    "I'll come as soon as I go."

    ps: I'm not just asking for monthly tickets today, I have a question... Can you give me some free comments? If you have any questions or suggestions, anything is welcome.

    I'm so hungry and haven't eaten yet...

    Finally, I'd like to ask for recommendations and monthly passes, please.

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Chapter 45 Chapter at Sea

    Chapter 238:

    "Aiglon Corosong, the charges against you are not established for the following reasons." "

    But according to Article 23 of the 'Kingdom Security and Secrecy Regulations', after this haze-related case is concluded Until now, you must still be called to attend hearings regularly, and go to the Kingdom Security Department on your own on time to accept questioning from relevant personnel."

    "Do you have any objections to the above judgment?"

    In the special court, a "judge" dressed in retro style appeared The wording in this judgment is very rigorous and sophisticated.

    The Great Smog Case involves not only Prince Edsac, whose cause of death is still unknown, but also the eldest son of Duke Pallas Negan who is paralyzed in bed, the current young Duke, and the heir to the future Duke title of the Kingdom, Randall Negan was also involved in the whirlpool of Wuwu.

    It is true that the young Duke himself was only a marginalized person in the center of power before his father became incapacitated, but after the great smog, he was too aggressive and was angered by His Majesty King George III. He has already taken the first step. step.

    He not only inherited part of his father's power, but also inherited the king's dissatisfaction with his father.

    Now he urgently needs a scapegoat to calm the king's anger, so that all walks of life can voluntarily or be forced to cease their activities and end this endless farce as soon as possible.

    However, this kind of behavior fully exposed the young Duke's shallow political understanding and allowed others to seize the opportunity, becoming another evidence to slander him in front of His Majesty.

    If the attitude does not change, I am afraid that the person who will eventually be pushed to the execution stand as the scapegoat will no longer be a small figure like a retired colonel, but the head of a duke will be used as a memorial to the absurd farce that shocked everyone in Loen.

    The death of a prince may not matter to some people, such as Randall Negan; but to some people, it is a huge disaster.

    The same is true for Aigron Croson, who placed his ideals and body and mind on the prince's will to reform, and the same is true for more destitute people who are not worthy of being listed on the special court list.

    "Aiglon Crosong!"

    "Do you have any objection to the verdict?"


    The gavel hit the long mahogany table. The numb and dull Aiglon suddenly started and opened his chapped lips. , and then no more words came out.

    The excessively long silence annoyed the judge above him. His frown and the gavel rose and fell together, and there was another heavy blow.

    "Aigron Crosong!"


    "I have it!"

    Aegron woke up from his nap on the desk and replied loudly, startling the middle-aged and elderly man standing beside him.

    "Mr. Aigron?"

    "Kohler?" Trying to open his eyes that were green and black due to exhaustion, Aigron was half confused and half relieved.

    I dreamed about that day again...

    After observing carefully for a while, the frightened old Kohler came over and expressed concern.

    "You really should have a good rest. Look at yourself."

    "What happened?" Aigron waved his hand slightly, not caring about his state.

    "It's like this. A lady came just now and said she wanted to know more about our hospital and help us."


    Upon hearing this, Aigron thought he had heard wrongly.

    The new "Poor Relief Act" has been introduced, and there are two or three new welfare foundations led by the government and churches popping up every week. Would anyone still do such a thankless thing?

    Donating directly to the workhouse will not have parties and ceremonies where they can show off their kindness to their acquaintances of the same class. At most, they will receive one or two handwritten letters of thanks signed by names no one in Vanity Fair has ever heard of. A nobody, without any value.

    Are you really a kind person, or someone sent by MI9 to test me?

    "I understand, where is the lady?"

    Aigron wiped his face, braced himself, and in a blink of an eye regained his image as a resolute and resolute soldier.

    "Just in the front hall..."

    Old Kohler hurriedly walked forward to lead the way.

    The workhouse only has a small courtyard decorated with rare vegetation and a two-story white building. At first, in order to accommodate more recipients, most of the rooms were transformed into bedrooms and necessary functional spaces. The luxury of the living room was not considered. Configuration.

    Normally, if a guest comes to visit, they will be invited to the office and bedroom of the workhouse director Aigron. However, today the director is not in good spirits, so old Kohler can only make his own decisions, leaving behind Mrs. Mora, the tailor and cashier of the workhouse. Accompany him and ask Mrs. Kindhearted to wait in the front hall, which is the corridor as soon as you enter the building.

    Fortunately, it didn't take much time to wake up the dean, and Mrs. Good-hearted didn't feel neglected. She just happened to stay with Mrs. Mora, curiously looking at Agron, who followed Old Kohler and had a completely different temperament.

    "Hello, Mr. Crosson."

    "Hello, madam." Aigron nodded cautiously, showing an inquiring look.

    "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself to you. My name is Mary Carter. I heard from a friend of mine, a friend of the Officers' Club, that you were running the work of this workhouse and recommended me to come to you. Look for an opportunity."

    "Look for an opportunity... Madam, I wonder who your friend is?" Aigron looked into the eyes of "Mrs. Carter" calmly, showing some doubts appropriately.

    "Lieutenant Colonel Jacob, you should know that, like you, he served in the Southern Continental Army in the past," Mrs. Carter said with a smile. "After my husband left, he left a fund for welfare. His background It was not good, so when he became successful later, he would often help poor people who had similar experiences to himself." "

    It's just that he didn't have a good impression of the mainstream welfare institutions in the kingdom, so he specifically told me not to let him save money through hard work. Money falls into the pockets of hypocrites, so every gold pound must be used as it should be." A

    very good story... Under the cover of false and sincere eyes, Eggron calmly judged everything Mrs. Carter said. .

    Putting aside the reason for the visit mentioned by the other party, Lieutenant Colonel Jacob... This is indeed a colleague whom Aiglon had served with when he was serving in the Southern Continent. He is also a very good person and a devout believer in the God of Steam and Machinery. I often do good deeds, so there is nothing wrong with putting them here.

    He nodded slightly and relaxed his tense arms, trying to break the signal on his body that kept strangers away.

    "It turns out to be Lieutenant Colonel Jacob. I haven't seen him for a while. I didn't expect that he would still remember me. It really helped me that he recommended you." "

    Perhaps we can invite him out together next time Meet up for today's act of kindness?" Mrs. Carter suggested.

    "Of course." Aigron's expression remained unchanged and he pointed to his room, "Mrs. Carter, let's go over there and talk."


    Aiglon walked at the front, and several people quickly walked through the long corridor. During the process, Forsi, who was wearing a human skin mask and pretending to be "Mrs. Carter", moved her eyes imperceptibly, constantly looking around.


    Forsi accidentally slipped and knocked open a door, almost falling down.

    "Are you okay?"

    She was supported by a half-grown child.

    "Thank you, what's your name?" Forsi asked casually, rubbing his shoulders in a daze.

    "Will Auceptin, madam, this is what I should do."

    The child's eyes were full of innocence, and he winked at her.


    At Bayam Port, Klein stood on the shore, taking in the rows of ships moored in front of him, and quickly found the ship belonging to the "Hanged Man".

    According to the "Hanged Man"'s description, his ship was a Fourth Age ghost ship called the "Blue Avenger". Among the ships that were equipped with steam boilers or mechanical devices, only that one was obviously The ship was behind the times, with three masts standing alone and nothing else.

    Klein looked at it and at the several crew members on the deck, and suddenly saw those crew members staring back at him at the same time, all smiling.

    Damn... Klein suddenly frowned.

    He was absolutely convinced that it was the Hanged Man's ship.

    Except for some high-sequence "seer" paths, there should be no other Extraordinary who likes to engage in such vicious and terrifying tricks.

    Bypassing the cargo ship that was busy loading cargo, Klein and Marionette Giorgia both disappeared and walked around to the edge of the port before returning and infiltrating the "Dark Avenger" all the way. Nothing happened.

    After jumping on the ghost ship, the surrounding air became much colder. It was clearly noon, and Klein, who was wearing a coat, felt a little chill on the back of his neck.

    He didn't want to guess whether this was something special brought about by the ghost ship or a prank by some demigod. He looked around and looked around at the sailors who seemed not to notice the arrival of the two men and continued to do their own thing. Under the leadership of the invisible spiritual servants , entered the cabin.

    As soon as he stepped on the stairs, Klein noticed that the colors around him were being distorted. Although he could still see the outside world, from a visual perspective, it seemed that there was a layer of frosted glass between this space and reality, a bit like every time Mr. Azik The changes that will occur in the first few seconds of taking him through the spirit world.

    Is this a high-sequence competency for the "Apprenticeship" pathway?

    "Gehrman Sparrow?"

    A mellow voice sounded from behind Klein. Klein, who was stunned, turned around quickly, only to find that the space had changed again.

    At some point, he and Secret Puppet Giorgia had entered the captain's cabin of the Blue Avenger. A thin man in a long windbreaker was sitting on the captain's chair. Next to him was Al, the Hanged Man, who was standing quietly. Jay, there is a gentle woman far away, reading a novel.

    "Good afternoon, Count Eugen."

    While surprised by the other party's deceitful ability, Klein was polite and bowed his upper body at the right time, just enough to cover up the slight surprise in his eyes.

    That woman is actually a marionette?

    As a "Maritime Master", Klein easily noticed that the end of the spiritual thread connecting Evelin's body was in Tristan's hands.

    Of course, it is not a strange thing for the "Secret Puppet Master" to have one or two secret puppets, but wearing clothes of similar style to the marionettes and wearing the same rings on their hands, in other words on earth, is it okay to dress up as a couple with the marionettes? A little too scary?

    This discovery made Klein couldn't help but doubt the true relationship between Tristan and the female marionette, and also made him more wary of the demigod in front of him.

    "No one here will overhear the conversation, you can start now."

    Tristan said with a smile. Klein exchanged glances with Alger, who was standing beside Tristan. The latter used his eyes to signal Klein not to pay attention to him.

    "Your Excellency, I would like to ask you to help me complete my next actions."


    "I hope to hunt 'Hell Admiral' Ludwell, who is the agent of the 'Spiritual Order' at sea." "

    ' Spiritual Cult'?" Tristan chewed on this name that he had only heard once or twice and left no impression on him, and nodded slightly.

    "Is this a task assigned to you by Friedrich, or is it your own idea?"

    In Tristan's view, the Lord will definitely not care about a mere Sequence Five, even if there is a relationship between this so-called Ludwig and the fallen God of Death. What relationship.

    "It is my personal wish." Klein thought for a while, "My teacher, Azik Eggers, has been wandering in the Northern Continent for the past thousand years. Recently, due to some things, he has recovered most of his memories and hopes to return to the South. On the mainland, the forces that regulate the Spiritual Religion Group hope to cooperate with us on this matter."

    Azik Eggers?

    For a moment, uncontrollable anger flashed in Tristan's eyes when he heard the name, but the emotion flashed by without revealing much.

    He breathed a sigh of relief, kept his smile, and his attitude remained unchanged without many ups and downs.

    "Does Friedrich know what you are thinking?"

    "I have informed His Highness the Angel of the Lantern." Klein noticed that when calling Zarath, Tristan had always used a more intimate name. The name "Angel with Lamp" is not common among the demigods under Trunsoest's camp.

    He is worthy of being a living fossil that has lived from the Quaternary Period to the present. Were he and Zaratul an old acquaintance in the past?

    It seems that the relationship is not bad...

    "Okay, continue to talk about your plan."

    Having determined the key, Tristan has no intention of continuing to explore. After all, there is an Alger here who is not qualified in terms of level and level. , many things are beyond his reach.


    Klein nodded slightly and described in detail what he had seen and heard recently, especially emphasizing the dispute between "Admiral Hell" and "Lieutenant Admiral Iceberg" over the so-called "Key to the Death God's Treasure", and additionally mentioned Danitz's existence.

    He did not share that he had contacted "Vice Admiral of Disease" Tracey above the gray mist. Only in the end, "Vice Admiral of Twilight" Bulatov Ivan, who was loyal to the Church of the God of War, was also interested in participating in Ludwell's campaign. The encirclement and suppression was the end.

    As he spoke, Klein deliberately paused for a moment.

    "UU看书www.uukanshu.net Actually, you don't need to show up too much. His Highness Zaratul reminded me that if the demigods under the Second Empire are introduced into this siege against Ludwell, it may have unexpected effects. The reaction has stimulated the 'Spiritual Religion' and the Church of Gods in the Northern Continent."

    "He said so?" Tristan's eyes slowly passed over Klein, "This is not a big problem, just a 'Gatekeeper,' I think you can handle it."

    He crossed his legs and raised his chin slightly.

    "Are there no other problems?"

    "If it's just these, there is no need for you to seek my help. Your teacher is enough to solve all problems."

    "Let's talk about the tasks the Lord has given you. I think you should be able to I have a lot of doubts."

    ps: Please give me recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

    Transition, transition, get ready to kill Ludwell!

    Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly passes, please.

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Chapter 46 You are just getting older

    "Mr. Fool, you want me to bring back the 'Poseidon' for him and the 'natural disaster'."

    Klein calmly told the secret that was enough to shake the continent. During this period, he glanced distractedly and kept his head down. The "Hanged Man" who didn't listen to the conversation at all.

    Sure enough, "The Hanged Man" visibly trembled when he heard words such as "Poseidon" and "natural disaster".

    He didn't dare to show more, but at this time, his thoughts and body instincts had betrayed his calmness, and he couldn't help but think about what the so-called "natural disaster" symbolized, and what it had to do with the "Poseidon".

    "Bring back the 'Natural Disaster'?" Tristan crossed his hands and still raised his chin, "Do you know what obstacles this task may encounter?" "

    I have heard the pros and cons from His Highness Zaratul, but in detail Lack of understanding." Klein lowered his head and sincerely asked for advice.

    There was not a single page of information on the distribution of the archipelago related to the "Poseidon" of the Rossed Islands, which shocked Klein who was looking through the archives the night before.

    Even if all members of the entire archipelago branch, including "Iron Knight" Taylor Franz, are not qualified enough to come into contact with the real secrets behind "Poseidon", "Poseidon" is a native pseudo who has captured nearly half of the indigenous beliefs in the archipelago. God should also receive enough attention.

    Besides, aren't the strong supporters behind "Poseidon" currently elves?

    Since the Second Age, the elves have been inseparable from the believers of the Creator. How come there is no information left at all?

    Small doubts have taken root, but for Klein at this time, the so-called uncertainty is harmless. He can only obey the "secret" arrangements and temporarily act as an obedient "successor."

    "The 'natural disaster' originally belonged to the Lord. Each extraordinary characteristic contains the spirit of its previous owner. It is a brand. Many sealed objects have evolved the characteristics of the activation attribute due to various reasons. Most of them also have the characteristics of activation attributes. It is related to the spiritual imprint left by the original owner." Tristan explained, "Part of the reason why Friedrich told you not to be impatient is that we are not sure to what extent the 'natural disaster' has been activated."

    Thinking back . Klein asked intentionally about what happened to Tracy.

    "You mean that the 'natural disaster' buried under the waters of the Rossed Islands may have turned into an independent mythical creature?"

    If not, it would not be able to explain the counterattack that "Sea King" Yan Cotman encountered when he invaded the elven territory. .

    The angel-level power that was gathered immediately, and the Storm Pope who came from Pasu Island a moment later, all hinted at this possibility.

    "No, how could that be?"

    Tristan put down his crossed legs and denied Klein's temptation.

    "Individual characteristics lack the necessary carriers. As long as they are not accommodated, it is almost impossible for an angel-level characteristic to grow into an independent life." "

    I know what you are thinking of."

    "Me too. I've read the report, saying that the remnants of the Death Church are still evil and are trying to resurrect or create another 'Death' by worshiping the uniqueness of the 'Death' path." "

    Their inspiration for this decision came from the 'Hidden Sage', From a purely theoretical point of view, it is indeed possible." "

    However, uniqueness and angel-level characteristics are two completely different situations and cannot be generalized."

    With that, Tristan stood up and looked out the window.

    The azure sea stretches as far as the eye can see, connected only by microwaves, harmonizing with the clouds in the distance, and makes you feel relaxed and happy when you look at it from a distance.

    "I have been out of touch with the times for too long, and you should not refer to my opinions on many things. In this matter, if Friedrich suggested that you start with the subtleties, wait patiently for the undercurrents surging under the surface, and wait until the right time to take action, Then you should listen to Him."

    "It is actually not difficult to take away the 'natural disaster', but we, who have not received such a privilege from the Lord, cannot really touch the core of the buried characteristics, but you can."

    Withdrew his gaze and said, Ristan turned to look at Alger. Even though his eyes were calm, the invisible pressure brewing in the silence still made the latter unable to lift his head.

    "I heard that the Empire intends to counterattack."

    "This is a good thing."


    That's right. George III seeks the "Black Emperor" and if he doesn't take measures as soon as possible, the True Creator will face the siege of the eight true gods of the Northern Continent, as well as evil gods like the "Original Witch" who are at odds with him.

    When that time comes, no matter how strong he is, he will inevitably face failure. The best outcome is to hide back in the God-forsaken land where even the gods cannot find him.

    Since the True Creator is the same as "Mysterious" and can answer the prayers there, he should be able to go back...

    Klein thought a lot, but couldn't say a word. He just lowered his head and waited for the next chapter and continued to think.

    "Since the 216th year of the Fifth Age, we have lost the last overseas regional government outside the mainland. The assassination of the local governor also symbolizes that the empire has completely turned to the defensive and has become a turtle. It can only fight with the 'different species' on the southern continent. , Battle of the Undead."

    Tristan smiled sarcastically, his azure eyes narrowed slightly, and only a little of the unknown sternness in them appeared, falling on Alger's head, which frightened the sensitive "Second Minister" to the extreme.

    "Gehrman, you shoulder the mission assigned to you by the Lord. You can take away the 'natural disaster' now and leave."

    "I have read your file. You have no loyalty to the empire and no desire for honor in your heart. You are as maverick as those unbelievers in the Fourth Age, and your thoughts are very much like that of a Duke who met with a bad fate."

    Tristan was finally willing to let go of his gaze on Alger's shoulders and turned to Ke Ryan, trying to see something from that young face with elf features.

    "However, if you really want to realize that little thing in your heart, whether it is to repay your gratitude to your teacher or something else that I don't know, I sincerely suggest that you listen to my request."


    These words were so shocking that it was hard for Klein to imagine that a saint who was one step away from an angel was speaking to a mortal.

    "You heard it right." Tristan said, "I beg you to wait a moment, at least until the elves, the indigenous people living on this island are mobilized by us, and when they are ready, we can take them away to support their lives. This is the beam that goes down."

    "The counterattack is imminent, and the empire needs this bridgehead that is inserted into the lifeline of sea transportation in Loen and even the entire northern continent." "

    In return, I am personally willing to help you, within a reasonable range, accept Any help you can ask for."

    He looked at Hermann as if looking at the uncertain future.

    Fortunately, a minute later, the ethereal future finally took on a certain shape and gave him a guarantee, no matter what the original intention was.

    "I promise you that I will wait until the right time to take away the 'natural disaster'."


    It's raining in Bayam.

    On the street, the sun hid behind the clouds, and the sky couldn't help but get darker. Klein looked up at the sky, and suddenly felt a premonition in his heart.

    He had an inexplicable premonition that after today's conversation, he would only encounter more troubles and more difficult tests. The last bit of sunshine that symbolized good luck would soon be with him. The same thing, completely dissipated after an unremarkable sunset.

    After coming out of the "Blue Avenger", he had a thick piece of ancient information in his hand, which was about how to summon and sign a contract with a spirit world messenger.

    After returning to the hotel, he will try to sign a courier, and then notify Mr. Azik, contact the two pirate generals "Lieutenant General Iceberg" and Bulatov, swallow up Ludwell, and if everything goes well, target the "Spiritual Religion Group" The helpers sent to Ludwell are not bad either.

    As for meeting the elves, I haven't been able to find time recently, so I can only entrust the "Hanged Man" to help convey some news, try to persuade the elves, and establish real contact with the natives of the Rossed Islands.

    Of course, "The Hanged Man", an elf hybrid with only a thin bloodline, does not deserve such a big reputation. The real lobbyist is Tristan, an old nobleman from the Fourth Age who has enough methods to negotiate with the elves. He knows the elves acquaintances. There are still a few alive, and those are the breakthrough points.

    However, none of the above is what worries Klein the most at the moment.

    Before leaving, Tristan deliberately told him a troublesome secret - Bernadette, the daughter of Emperor Russell and the former princess of Intis, the "Mysterious Queen", had a special sealed item in her hand, which was suspected to be the "God of Death" "The high-sequence nature of the pathway.

    This is the information provided by Zaratul.

    There was no way I could hide this from Mr. Azik... Klein felt extremely confused.

    In this strange world, Russell, who is also a traveler, can always give him a sense of intimacy. Even if the two have never met, even if the two eras are separated by two hundred years, the feeling that others cannot give is to his hometown and his family. The resonance of home is irreplaceable.

    It can be seen from Russell's diary that he loved his daughter the most, and after his death, he also left wealth to his daughter who ran away from home early that others could not imagine.

    I hope Mr. Azik will not make too extreme a decision after learning the whereabouts of that characteristic... With thoughts similar to prayer, Klein returned to the "Azure Wind" hotel.

    Opening the door, the crystalline spider silk was still tied to Daniz's body. The big pirate who was trapped like a rice dumpling didn't dare to summon the flames to burn away the bonds on his body, because before Klein set off, he specifically asked Giorgia to take him away. One drop of blood, and even if he takes the risk of escaping, he will die from the curse that comes later.

    Seeing Klein return, he tried his best to smile.

    "Welcome, welcome back."

    "Have you reached an agreement? Can we go to the captain to discuss how to hunt Ludwell?"

    Klein looked at him, feeling inexplicably better, and nodded slightly.


    "That's great!" Daniz shook his body bound by spider silk in mid-air, "In this case, you put me down first, and I will send a telegram to the captain to confirm that the 'Golden Dream' will pick him up there. Us."

    Answer? Klein raised the corner of his mouth and rejected Danitz's proposal.

    "No, that's tomorrow. I have other things to do now."

    After saying that, he led Georgia straight to the bedroom, closed the door, and ignored Daniz's shouting behind him.

    Guided by literature, he quickly established rituals for summoning spirit beings, surrounded by the psychedelic scent of herbs and essential oils.

    Tristan told him that with the "secret" blessing on him, no bold spiritual creatures would try to show any offensive intentions, so he did not run outside the hotel to try to avoid accidents in the ceremony and harming other travelers.

    After lighting the candle that symbolizes himself, recite the corresponding name... The first sentence must have descriptions such as "wandering in illusion", "wandering in the upper world"... Klein holds a silver dagger and stands at the corresponding position in the ritual. .

    My messenger must have enough movement speed, be kind, and be able to keep the secret of the letters I send... After determining the most basic requirements, Klein finally recited a spell that was rough and not very directional, hoping to attract the first person. "Applicant".


    "Summon in my name:

    "The spirit wandering in the illusion, the friendly creature that can be driven, the being with tough and fast qualities who is willing to be my messenger. "

    Inside the wall of spirituality, the flames on the candles suddenly collapsed, leaving only a tiny point of black, which continued to swallow up the surrounding light, and the room became colder as the light faded. Apart from

    that, it seemed that nothing could be done anymore. Nothing special happened. The summoning seemed to have failed.

    Klein waited patiently and watched, hoping to get a good messenger.

    About ten seconds passed, and he sighed.

    "There is nothing. The description is the same as the information. There shouldn't be anything." The problem..."

    He subconsciously looked around. The last onomatopoeia could not be uttered clearly. Instead, it was dragged out for a long time, and his eyes widened instantly.

    Wallpapers or paints of different colors were spliced ​​on the surrounding walls, and the entire hotel was covered with paper. It is divided into multiple blocks, some of which are consistent with the current decoration of the "Blue Wind", some of which are the style before George III implemented the new aesthetic more than 20 years ago, and some of which are directly returned to the pre-colonial era, with only lush Woods.

    For a moment, this room seemed to have become a node of time, where various eras collided and spliced ​​together, distorting reality into an extremely blurry state, as if another dimension had arrived.

    Thick and rich white mist came from all directions, Klein Feeling the gray fog he was familiar with, he saw long and thin shadows intertwining and overlapping each other. The shadows were blurry, real and fake, from distant and blurry to clear and tangible.

    They were running in groups in the fog, and varied from different colors to deep and dark. came out of the space and surrounded Klein.

    These monsters living in the fog, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net are covered with short black hair, and two dark red flames are burning quietly in the eye sockets, penetrating through the skull. The cracks serve as their snouts, and their outlines are changing all the time. They clearly exist there as entities, but they give people an illusion that they are unreal and unreal.

    Monsters of unknown origin surround Klein, one after another, one after another, slowly They walked in a circle, and the one with the strongest aura had dark red eyes made of flames that kept shooting out sparks, examining him.

    Finally, they stopped pacing, and without any warning, they all bent their front paws and imitated The human kneeled down, lowering his head to the only person standing here.

    As Klein's eyes changed from frightened to dazed, to completely dazed, the leader of the hound-like monster slowly retreated and uttered human words.

    It was incomparable Really showing joy.

    "Welcome back, you look much younger..."

    "My master. "

    ps: Please give me recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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