
chapter 40

Chapter 82 Transaction Successful

Chapter 172 Transaction Successful

The chaotic banquet reaches its climax.

The strong and muscular Fusac pirate wore retro leather armor, held up his scimitar, and after walking for more than ten steps, he shouted an awkward giant war cry. The Intis people winked and were decorated with colorful colors from head to toe, just like a giant. Compared to the peacock with its tail open, the pirate from Loen was the least distinctive. He wore a leather jacket and trousers, and was dressed like a worker on the dock. His hair was messy and sparse, and he was taciturn.

These well-established pirates, with an average bounty of more than two thousand pounds, brought their looted property along the naturally formed purple-red curves of volcanic rocks, entered the stalactite hall in an orderly manner, and then lined up in a row in the wide cavity.

The high platform where "Viscount Dread" Byrd Mustang had been patrolling before was empty. Among the many high points in the "hall", there was only a figure hanging down directly above the entrance to the "hall".

"King of the Five Seas" Nast sat on a dark stone throne, a mixture of majesty and fear. This legendary pirate king who had been active for more than two hundred years just looked down in silence, making almost all pirates unable to lift their heads, except for generals. The strong can barely resist.

The hall was as silent as a graveyard for a moment, and Alger was also in the silent queue.

He did not resist Nast's majestic high pressure. Although he was mentally indifferent and took it seriously, his body was extremely honest. He only dared to glance at the two pirate generals closest to him with his peripheral vision.

Two ladies whose temperament and appearance are incompatible with their surroundings each occupy a corner. .

The older one among them wore a black classical robe with many symbols and magic signs painted on it. The most obvious one was a mysterious eye, an eye without eyelashes. There are also items such as an astronomical instrument and a short scepter hanging around her waist, just like the powerful wizard active in the Fourth Age in folklore.

And another lady who is quite beautiful and dashing at the same time. Her dark and charming curly hair was tied up high, wrapped in a white headscarf. Her legs were wearing fitted beige trousers, and there were also accessories hanging around her waist. Her figure was slender, but graceful. He was raising his long, straight eyebrows and sharp, bright blue eyes, as if he was dissatisfied with the majestic treatment he was receiving.

Whether it was an illusion or not, Alger always felt that these two female pirate generals always gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

That feeling did not come from their looks or abilities, but from the items hanging on their bodies.

For example, the astronomical instrument on the waist of "Admiral of the Stars" and the ancient compass in the hands of "Lieutenant General of Disease" Tracey Pellet.

It's like, like...that weird glass bottle I got before, I don't know what it's for...

The heavy shadow extending above his head suddenly moved, cutting off Alger's thoughts and awakening many pirates who were immersed in the suffocating atmosphere.

Sitting on the chair was a behemoth that could rival ancient giants. He has a black beard that just reaches his neck, a tall spire crown on his head, and gorgeous robes with black background and silver trim. His face has hard and deep lines, full of majesty, which makes people subconsciously want to lower their heads. Under the broad, slightly wrinkled forehead and above the high bridge of the nose, two deep black eyes glowed with dark red light.

This sculpture-like man stood up slowly, left the main seat without saying a word, and disappeared behind the candlestick and curtain.

After about three or four seconds, the "Viscount of Fear" who was waiting under the main seat quickly ran up to the high platform and hurriedly announced that the banquet would continue.

Alger stared at Bird Mustang, who also had no idea what was going on, and instinctively took a half step back.

what happened?

"Good evening, Bernadette."

In the temporary resting place, the "King of the Five Seas" Nast was now in a relatively normal body shape, over 1.90 meters tall. Unlike when he was displayed in front of many pirates just now, he looked more like a giant than a human. He still wears a scaled-down spire crown and a black robe with silver edges. His face has hard lines, wrinkles on his forehead are slightly visible, he has a short black beard on his chin, and his dark eyes are filled with dark red light. , making people want to lower their heads unconsciously.

However, at this time, the visitor who rushed into the banquet, was late for the appointment, and behaved in a manner that could be called rude was not affected by this demigod at all. Bernadette, the "Queen of Mysteries" dressed in a strong Indian style, sat in another room. Sitting on a seat, a shirt with lace and satin cuffs was hidden under a simple blue jacket. The dress was as cool and restrained as the person himself.

She quietly looked at the people in front of her. Facing her father's former ministers, she did not behave like a subjugated princess. In the end, she just nodded slightly.

"I'm sorry I disturbed you."

"You have the willpower." Nast said in a low voice, "You will be the most valued guest at my place anytime. My only curiosity is the purpose of your visit to me this time."

After a brief pause, there was a hint of alienation in the voice of Nast, who had the title of orthodox Earl Bai Feng.

"I hope it won't be the same reason as last time."

"Queen of Mysteries", the eldest daughter of Emperor Russell, Bernadette knew very well when the last visit Nast was referring to was.

She was still very young at that time, or very naive, and she asked some naive and stupid questions, which made her father's old minister extremely disappointed in her, the eldest princess.

She shook her head slightly and said simply:

"I know the whereabouts of the 'Black Emperor' card."

The dark red light in Nast's black eyes jumped.

"The Church of the God of Steam and Machinery, or the Eternal Sun?"

"None of them." Bernadette denied, "At the beginning of this month, Zaratul's subordinates took away the card in front of me. He himself watched the whole process and prevented me from taking back the card."

"That's the same as having no whereabouts." "King of the Five Seas" did not show the emotion of loss, but just told it in a straightforward manner, giving people a majestic and profound feeling.

"In the emperor's court, Zaratul is the most cunning and slippery courtier. He is not trusted by the emperor in terms of personality, but no one can question his ability. As the most powerful servant, others can hardly shake his decision. . "

"What's more, He has never been synonymous with loyalty and serves two masters. This has been the tradition of the Zarathul family since the days of my ancestors."

Nast raised his hand and stroked his short black beard, his movements hesitant.

His simmering dark red eyes shrank, and there was a bit of suspicion in the sight that fell on Bernadette.

He suddenly recalled a small incident that the second officer had just reported to him.

After a few seconds, Nast tentatively said:

"You reminded me."

"Not long before you came, a pirate who hinted at the identity of the Secret Order found my second mate, hoping to exchange several sealed properties and sealed items from the 'Arbiter' path for gold pounds."

He observed Bernadette's reaction and was not disappointed.

"Corresponding to 'sheriff', 'inquisitor', 'judge' and 'punishment knight'?"

The tips of Bernadette's chestnut hair trembled slightly.

"That's right." Nast nodded.

Coincidence, or Zaratul's intention... Bernadette couldn't figure out the connection, and hesitantly shared her conjecture.

"Have you heard of the thief 'Black Emperor'? He killed a rich man in Backlund who was protected by MI9."

Seeing Nast shaking his head in denial, Bernadette continued.

"Due to my personal affairs, I have been active in Loen recently. After the 'Black Emperor' case occurred, I missed the time when Ace Snake, the 'Singer of God', personally supervised the follow-up processing, and tried to restore the case. go through."

"I discovered that the so-called Rogue 'Black Emperor' is very similar to the subordinate of Zaratul who stole the cards in front of me that day. They both move in the form of spiritual bodies and can escape the surveillance and restraint of demigods in an instant... He can only Sequence level."

"Medium sequence?" Nast, who exuded a majestic and calm temperament, was surprised for the first time, "Are you sure you are not Zaratul's marionette, but that he directed and acted on his own?"

"I can't think of any reason for Him to do this."

There was silence in the lounge.

The "King of the Five Seas" fell into a quagmire of contemplation and doubt. It is usually difficult for demigods to survive for more than three hundred years. He is already over two hundred years old. Even among demigods, he has passed middle age. Now the "Black Emperor" The clues about the cards finally came to light, and he was so calm that he couldn't help but move.

Blue eyes reflect the outside scene. Under the ocean-like background, the spire crown slowly disappears, and the asymmetrical candlestick at the foot of the main seat squeezes into the frame.

Bernadette looked at the imitation of the Fourth Age style pomp at Nast's feet and spoke in a light voice.

"We can work together."

She knew that her words attracted Nast, but she still kept her head bowed and said:

"I will track and monitor the pirates who call themselves the Secret Order for you, and you will complete a task of equal value for me."

"Spying on the members of the Secret Order and catching the thieves' tail is what you want. The deal you proposed is not equal." As a senior "lawyer", Nast easily caught the loophole in Bernadette's words. .

Bernadette's raised brows moved deeply, and she raised the corners of her mouth meaningfully.

"Do you have a choice?"

The two stared at each other in a stalemate, which ended with Nast's compromise.

"What do you need me to help you with?"

"Promotion ceremony."

Bernadette said in an uncertain tone:

"I saw some vague symbols, not clear yet."

"I will contact you again when I have a clue."

On the edge of Backlund's East District, late at night.

After receiving a reply from the "Artisan" agent, Klein arrived at the location finalized in the letter early, confirming that the meeting tonight would go ahead.

He sat on the wooden boxes piled up in the alley, with his hands on both sides of his body, as if playing the piano, constantly jumping and making a slight muffled sound.

The threads of the spirit body danced with the "Yellow and Black Eyes", and several temporary marionettes shuttled between the sewers and walls, patrolling the surroundings.

In order to not disturb the meeting tonight, Klein paid a huge sum of fifty pounds and entrusted Jerry Zaratul to temporarily replace his identity and lead the monitor elsewhere.

The East District is quiet at night, far away from the bars and docks. There is little noise at night when people are resting. The workers have been busy all day and have no time to relax and vent. Sleep is the best reward for them.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

The sound of the pocket watch under his windbreaker jacket was suddenly interrupted by the noise of clothes rustling. Klein raised his head to look at an entrance to the alley, and then continued to beat the rhythm.

Under the crimson moonlight, a small bird reflecting the metallic luster flapped its wings and descended from the sky, landing opposite Klein.

"It has the characteristics of a craftsman." Klein, who was wearing a mirror mask, admired sincerely.

This is the first time he has had close contact with the work of a "craftsman". Not counting the magical items sold by agents at the previous "Eye of Wisdom" gatherings, those crudely made consumables cannot match the details or capabilities of this time. Compared to the mechanical sparrow sitting in front of him.

Exquisite gears are interlocked, and the crankshaft is linked to the copper plate. The gem embedded in the head as an eye and functioning as a monitor shines with a faint light blue light, and a mechanized sound is emitted from the beak composed of two copper plates.

"Are you from Intis?" "Artisan" said to himself, "Give me the formula of 'The Briber', and I will pay you the equivalent value of gold pounds, and then we can discuss cooperation."

He saw that I was a "divineer" and then made a judgment? Was it using a certain sealed artifact, or some other means... Klein laughed silently.

Mr. Craftsman thinks that I am an Intis, and Prince Edsac and his subordinates think that I am a spy from Lundburg. How come no one believes that I am a native of Loen... Klein takes it from his pocket He came out with the recipe he had written in advance and waved it in front of the "artisan".

"Pay with one hand and deliver with the other hand."

The metal sparrow turned its neck and made a crisp sound of gears nesting.

It chirped into the air, and for a moment two metal sparrows, whose skills were obviously much rougher, each grabbed one side of the bag, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.net flew staggeringly over from Klein's blind spot.

With a bang, the bag containing the gold pound fell to the ground.

He truly deserves to be a "craftsman"... With his reverie satisfied, Klein unfolded the note with both hands and showed the formula recorded on it to the Metal Sparrow for browsing.

The two of them simultaneously used their extraordinary abilities to confirm the authenticity of the traded items, and both parties were very satisfied.

"Can we discuss cooperation now?" Klein asked.

Metal Sparrow did not answer directly, but instead asked:

"What do you want to commission me to make?"

"A weapon that is easy to carry and can cause damage to at least the 'Dawn Knight' standard defense. It can be a firearm or a cold weapon. The negative effects are not too fatal." Klein recited the words he had prepared in advance.

His original intention was to try to establish cooperation with the "Artisan" and to sell the "Arbiter" pathway sealed items and characteristics he had accumulated. However, just two hours before he came for the appointment, "The Hanged Man" passed "The Fool" He contacted "The World" and claimed to have found a suitable buyer. He actually sold all the difficult-to-sell properties for Klein at a reasonable price, and also sold two formulas along with it.

In this transaction, Klein was able to collect the amount to purchase the "Puppet Master" formula as he wished. After extracting 10% of the agency fee, "The Hanged Man" also got the last of Qilingos's formula. heritage.

In short, Klein has no special features that can be used by the "craftsman". He can only settle for the next best thing and see what kind of weapons he can buy with the remaining gold pounds.

Sorry for the late update today.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 83 Gross dereliction of duty

Chapter 173 Gross dereliction of duty

"Easy to carry, enough to break through the defense of "Dawn Knight", the negative effects are not fatal..." The "craftsman" on the other side of the metal sparrow repeated Klein's request and said to himself, "I want to meet your needs, there are many plan."

"For example?" Klein asked curiously.

The gears on the metal sparrow's head rotated, and the sapphires acting as eye monitors flashed several times at a fixed frequency.

"First of all, without considering the extraordinary items whose power comes from the spiritual world, there are only a few sequences that can effectively break through the defense of the 'Dawn Knight' head-on. Among them, they are highly versatile and are not prone to dangerous side effects during the production process. The only ones are 'Reaper', 'Retribution Knight', 'Ocean Singer', and 'Dawn Knight' himself and his next sequence."

The "craftsman" knew the names and advantages of each sequence very well, and the several solutions he proposed were basically in line with Klein's conjecture.

Alas, this is just a matter of luck. I just sold a sealed item corresponding to the "Punishing Knight". If I had known better, I would have kept it first. Anyway, after selling the "Interrogator" and other characteristics, the gold pounds I got plus my The money in the original unnamed account, as well as the money taken from Meursault, was enough to exchange the formula for the "Secret Puppet Master" from Miss "Magician"... Klein thought helplessly.

Of course, he was just thinking about it. After all, the sealed artifact had been packaged and sold to the "King of the Five Seas", and there was no possibility of taking it back. Besides, the sealed artifact obtained from the corpse of Heras itself was accompanied by a relative The reason why Heras was able to control the serious negative effects was all because of the extraordinary ability of the "Judge", which limited the negative effects from taking effect.

Later, even if Heras was fed the "Creep Hunger", Klein could not reproduce this operation unless he kept the "Creep Hunger" on while using the sealed artifact, and he had to It is the soul that herds Heras.

Herding a "Judge" just to use the ability of the "Punishing Knight" is simply a waste... Klein scratched the lower half of the mirror mask and made a thinking gesture.

"Is there any other plan?"

Most of the examples given by the "artisan" were sequence five. Including the customization fee, the price was at least eight thousand pounds. He didn't want to pay that much.

The metal sparrow clicked and turned its neck, and its cold and rigid sapphire eyes showed a vivid aura.

The mechanical bird standing on the edge of the wooden box stamped its feet and said:

"Except for the ones I just mentioned, it is difficult for mid-sequence players to have other series abilities that can break through the defense of the 'Dawn Knight'."

"They are often believers of the 'God of War'. Outstanding defense is only one aspect. They have superb fighting ability and a storm of light that covers a wide range. If the weapons you plan to use cannot help you break through their defense from the front, you can only It was a roundabout way of trying to bring down 'Dawn Riders' mentally and environmentally."

"There are indeed more people who can do this, such as 'audiences', such as 'disease witches', such as 'cultivators', and even potions made by 'pharmacists'."

The metal sparrow controlled by "Artisan" stamped its feet again.

"But before these harassments take effect, the first thing you have to face is the stormy attack of the 'Dawn Knight'."

Its glowing gemstone eyes moved downwards a little, landing on Klein's hands.

"I don't think your air bullets are going to bother them."

Sure enough, he saw my sequence... Listening to the "craftsman" teasing the "soothsayer" about the weakness passed down from generation to generation, Klein suddenly felt a sense of relief as if his boots had landed.

"You're a professional after all," Klein said with a smile, "So I prefer to use the ones you mentioned earlier. I don't know which one you recommend more. I want to get the real thing as soon as possible."

The metal sparrow's head rocked back and forth.

"I currently have no raw materials available. How much can you pay for the order? My suggestion is that it should be more than eight thousand pounds, so that I can purchase extraordinary properties for you in my circle."

How many?

The order alone costs eight thousand pounds!

This is more expensive than the money I spent on the magic potion formula when I advanced to Sequence Five!

Fortunately, wearing a mask, Klein didn't have to worry about revealing his true thoughts. The facial features on his face were squeezed together, as if he had just eaten a plate of rancid lamb stew.

Of course he knew that he could exchange five thousand pounds for the formula of "Secret Puppet Master", which was already the preferential price given by Zaratul for the sake of "mystery". The normal sequence five formula would never cost more than the weapon he was going to customize. How much smaller.

Fortunately, the "Artisan's" price was still within Klein's affordability. The "Arbiter" used the gift package and Zillinges' inheritance. After the sale, he received a total of 14,300 pounds. The amount, plus the "briber" formula just paid by the "artisan", is just over fifteen thousand pounds, or even one hundred pounds more. With such a sum of money, even in Baekeland, known as the "Capital of Ten Thousand Capitals" De, Klein can also be called a rich man.

After a brief period of physical pain, Klein took out a thick stack of banknotes from his arms and carefully counted the thickness of eight thousand pounds.

However, he did not deliver it directly to the "craftsman".

"You need to get a notarization done."

There is a lack of trust and fixed channels among wild Extraordinaries, so strong notarization guarantee is a necessity for almost every transaction.

"I have brought a notarial certificate, but it is only valid for a few days more than a month." "The Craftsman" said sincerely.

"Can my weapon be completed before the statute of limitations ends?" Klein is more concerned about the work efficiency of the "artisan".

When it comes to key questions, the "craftsman" did not give the answer immediately.

The metal sparrow made a thinking gesture and was silent for three or four seconds before saying:

"I can't guarantee it, because the extraordinary properties necessary to make weapons are difficult to buy."

The characteristics and materials of the fifth level of the sequence are hard to find, which is why they are often priced at a premium... Klein understood the explanation of "artisan".

A month is too long. During this period of time, Gostars and the witch hiding around Prince Edsac are enough to make several big news. Klein is not sure if he will experience it a few more times." After an incident like Talim's death, can he still live in Backlund safely?

Unless I tell Mr. A about the deal with "Artisan" and let him help me deal with the follow-up issues, there is a high probability that the eight thousand pounds deposit I paid will be wasted... Klein is a little entangled.

The reason why he contacted the "craftsman" behind the agent privately was to expand his network of relationships beyond the influence of believers of the True Creator. If he disclosed the transaction to Mr. A in order to ensure smooth notarization, it would be better for him to directly entrust the "craftsman" within the intelligence department. Artisans", which is cheaper and takes less time to make.

Or if I still can't get the weapon after a month, I can entrust Miss Justice to help?

She is also in Backlund, and has nothing to do with the Aurora Society. Her character is noble enough... After some consideration, Klein finally nodded and agreed.

The sound of light gear operation echoed, and the metal sparrow's chest opened two small doors, revealing the cavity hidden inside the mechanical creation, exuding a warm and pure atmosphere.

A piece of burnt yellow paper floats into the air, with a sun disk pattern and many symbols painted on it, wrapped in spiritual light.

The metal sparrow raised a paw, handed the "notarial certificate" to Klein and said concisely:

"Press here."

It pointed to the blank space in the middle of the large symbol on the "notarial certificate" and put the other claw on it first. The mechanical claw and sapphire eyes glowed at the same time.

It is indeed the breath of the "sun"... Klein exhaled and nodded solemnly.


Under the leadership of the "Artisan", the two repeated the contents of the transaction. Words kept popping up in the blank spaces of the paper following Klein's dictation and the "Artisan's" oath, lighting up the surrounding magic signs and symbols.

When everything was over, those rays of light connected into a seal-like image, imprinted on the head of the metal sparrow, causing the mechanical creation's activities to stop for a moment.

Klein felt the subtle connection with the arrival of the warm current. He moved his palms and looked at the metal sparrow. He could no longer only see the cold and dead shell. With the power of notarization, he truly grasped the aura of the "craftsman"'s real body. Just can't locate it.

What a convenient ability... Pulling out a coin, Klein's palm shook. The coin flew high and fell again, and he came to a definite conclusion.

After getting secondary insurance, the "faceless man" who felt insecure said with a smile:

"A pleasure to work with."

"I look forward to..."

Before he finished speaking, Klein slipped. He only relied on his constant "clown" ability to avoid making a fool of himself.

Immediately afterwards, a huge amount of steam and a roar comparable to thunder came from the northeast. The fire caused by the explosion of the high-pressure steam hammer burned the smell of sulfur floating in the sky. The orange-red stretched upwards like life, and the sharp sword cast by flames tore apart. The haze cracked, leaving an indelible halo on the corner of Backlund.

what happened? Klein looked far into the distance, his spiritual intuition pounding, but no corresponding picture emerged in his mind.

Beside him, the "craftsman" who also noticed the sudden change fluttered his wings and took off without hesitation, controlling the other two relatively rough familiars to fly towards the point of explosion.

The metal sparrow flapped its wings, suspended in the air, and took back the "notarial certificate" first.

Ten seconds later, when the aftermath of the explosion had not subsided, he suggested:

"The deal is over, let's go our separate ways."

"'Machine Heart' and 'Red Glove' are both in the dock area. They seem to have arrived at the scene a long time ago. The smoke is too heavy and my familiar can't fly in. I can't see clearly what happened."

I haven't heard that Aurora will take action in the dock area. It should be another cultist... "Witch" or "Devil"?

Such a big news, regardless of the outcome tonight, will stimulate the nerves of MI9. I must go back as soon as possible to replace Jerry Zaratul... Klein took a deep breath and agreed with the "craftsman"'s point of view.

"Let's go separately."

Leaving behind the contact information, the metal sparrow flew to a high altitude opposite to the explosion point. Orange flames flashed and erupted. "Faceless Man" and "Artisan" each activated their abilities and left the alley.

The debris from the factory building explosion left a large crater in the cement floor.

At the edge of the pit, gray-blue workers' uniforms stuck to the soil exposed by the cracked cement, almost blending into the ground. Inside the pit, many corpses whose true identities could not be seen sank to the bottom of the fire, being catalyzed by sulfur. The flames burned mercilessly, and occasionally one or two weak and pitiful wails could be heard.

That was the workers who worked at night. When the "Devil" Ripper was evading the pursuit of the official Beyonders, they were on the night shift and did not get any warning. Even though later the "Devil" dog, which was much larger than a jackal, rushed into the factory, and they were numb from fatigue at work. Even the night shift workers failed to react immediately and were all buried under steel bars and flames.

This is the most perfect sacrifice since the "Devil" arrived in Backlund.

More than thirty lives, the despair of the workers, the confusion of the factory managers, the regrets of the officials, everything, the "devil"'s joyful negative emotions maximized the pleasure of the sleeping master in the abyss.

This is a provocation to the righteous gods...

"The goddess of night and the god of steam and machinery have all been ruined by you!"

The "punisher" with an anchor-shaped tattoo on his neck mercilessly scolded the "Red Gloves" captain who was standing helpless outside the pothole.

His brown fingers pressed hard on the center of Sost's chest, pressing hard enough to make the "Red Gloves" captain's bones hurt.

"Not only your gods, but the majesty of my Lord because of your negligence and foolishness..."

The emotional "punisher"'s chest heaved violently and his speech was incoherent.

He took a deep breath and continued to curse:

"Son of a bitch, this is our jurisdiction. Without our permission, you poked such a big hole in the land where the Lord is watching, in the area where the Lamb of the Lord moves. Damn it to St. Samuel." Shameful."

"Don't be stupid. Can't you see my people fighting in the fire?"

"Call your men and go rescue people!"

"The Punisher" pushed Soest away, pointed at several other members of the Church of the Storm who were surrounding the fire pit, summoning water to extinguish the fire, and shouted:

"A factory! A factory's people! If they are all dead and no one can be saved, you'd better...!"


Lead-gray rain clouds gathered in groups, and heavy rain covered the fire field. UU read a book www.uukanshu. Net only took a few breaths, and the fire that had just been put out by the extraordinary teams of the three major churches and failed to weaken was already on the verge of extinguishing.

"Singer of God" Ace Snake was flying in the air, looking down at the scorched corpses stacked in the fire pit, his expression gloomy and scary.

The archbishop of the Church of the Night, St. Anthony, was suspended on the other side of him with the assistance of the spirit body. His charitable face with a smooth chin and no beard showed solemnity at this time.

"I can't delay it any longer. I will hunt down this 'demon' myself."

After a long time, when the only few survivors were pulled out of the fire pit and put on stretchers by the "Punishers", Ace Snake spoke in a very low voice.

Saint Anthony glanced sideways at the "Singer of God", whose body was flashing silver and seemed to be suppressing great anger, and blinked.

"We underestimated the power of the Devil."

I don't know whether it was to alleviate the anger of his friends, or whether he really saw something in this unexpected incident, Anthony changed the topic and said from another aspect:

"Not only are we failing in our duties, but the problems in the East End are also serious."

"The tired workers are forced to continue working at night, and the machinery has almost no time to stop. This is also an important factor why the 'devil' can easily succeed."

He turned his head and suggested:

"Once the 'demon' is calmed down, I hope you can join me and Horamik in making a proposal to His Majesty the King and the Prime Minister."

Ace Snake snorted, unable to comment.

"I will advise Your Majesty myself."

This was part of a premeditated plan.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 84 Rapid Advancement

Chapter 174 Rapid Advancement

The "Devil" Ripper openly provoked the authority of the Kingdom's government and the church. In anger, the Archbishop of the Church of Storms "Singer of God" Ace Snake decided to personally track down the whereabouts of the "Demon". Therefore, paralyzed by his anger, he subconsciously relaxed. It is very reasonable to pay attention to the trivial matters of the nobles.

At the same time, in order to quell the accusations of public opinion and the dissatisfaction of the king as soon as possible, the victims of this incident, the Church of Storms, passed most of the pressure they were on to the "Nighthawks" and "Machine Heart" who had seriously neglected their duties in the "Devil" incident. "The extraordinary teams of the three major churches who were originally equals jointly handled the case, and almost became the one-spoken party of the Church of Storms.

Considering the increasingly close relationship between the Kingdom and the Church of Storms, Anthony Stevens, who received hints from the Temple of the Night and hoped to gain more influence in the political field and consolidate the church's voice, acquiesced to the domineering behavior of the Church of Storms. Make compromises while taking the initiative in handling the current case.

This was entirely his choice without anyone's instigation, and it was completely in line with the recent demands of the Church of the Night.

Therefore, the Church of Storms, supported by the two archbishops, practiced their usual style.

They decided to re-investigate all the survivors and associates of the Ripper incident, and they would not hesitate to expose part of the extraordinary truth. (The ink on the paper has smeared out a large area, and the handwriting used to write the "facts" is distorted. The entire record seems to have been written by a different author)

Oh, they are so reckless and unrealistic, but it is precisely because the "Punishers" act faster than their brains that they unexpectedly discovered the suspicious Aman Stone. How lucky they are. .

This woman who had been in contact with Sherlock Moriarty, a believer in the True Creator, concealed too many secrets. Was she contaminated by an unknown source, or was she a disguise deliberately arranged by a high-sequence person in Backlund?

Al Suhod was unable to see her fate clearly. This was not because the great Al Suhod was inferior to an ordinary person, but because Aman Stone's fate had been tampered with by an unknown force.

As the world's first-class "writer", Al Suhod certainly saw the normal "destiny" of Armaan Stone, but what are those things that cannot be spied on?

The stupid Ince Zangwill rarely reached a consensus with the wise Alsuhod on this point. He tried to investigate through the channels of the Augustus royal family, but failed to get any results.

Alas, no matter how you look at it, Arman Stone is an unstable bomb full of doubts and dangers. It's a pity that she met us.

Now that the "Punishers" of the Church of Storms have discovered her and are interested in her, let the loyal guards of the Lord of Storms go investigate for Alsuhod.

It's their will, it's our will, and it's all reasonable.


In the low-rent apartment near Backlund Bridge, "Aman Stone" who was humming and stirring the iron spoon suddenly sneered.

With her long black hair tied behind her head and a dark green apron wrapped around her graceful lines, the fashion designer counted the time while taking out the almost cooked stew from the iron pot.

Just the right amount of softness, beef with a fruity wood aroma, and an unforgettable soup base. Paired with two slices of soft white bread and a cup of sweet ice tea, this is undoubtedly the perfect lunch.


"Arman Stone" nodded, not knowing whether he was praising his own masterpiece or recognizing some unlucky guy who had lost his cooking skills.

She placed the lunch dishes on the dining table and sat on the chair. She did not eat, but looked up at the clock on the wall and waited silently.

No more, no less, when "Aman Stone" silently counted to the fifty-second number, a knock on the door with an impatient rhythm came from the entrance.

Her smiling eyes were instantly covered with doubts, and the charming tear stains under the corners of her eyes became much lighter.

As if he had just woken up from a big dream, the sleepy-eyed Arman Stone walked to the door and looked through the peephole on the door.

Outside the apartment door, several men wearing police uniforms with at least one silver star on their shoulder armbands surrounded the entrance of the room. The rough man in the lead had a cold face.

"Excuse me, police officers, do you have anything to do with me?"

She carefully opened the door a crack and asked timidly.

"Arman Stone?" The rugged police inspector led by him glanced at the frail woman with black hair and eyes, then turned back to confirm.

The members of the "Mechanical Heart" who had previously been in contact with Arman Stone nodded, not daring to see the reaction of the woman in the room.

"police officer?"

"Okay, come with us." The rugged police inspector interrupted Aman, thrust his palm into the gap between the door and the door frame, and pushed it roughly, "The Ripper case, you are the victim of the Ripper case. Yes, we need you to cooperate with the investigation."

"But you didn't mean... I'm a victim!"

Aman, who had just regained consciousness and was feeling dizzy, was confused. Out of instinct of self-protection, he boldly retorted.

"Yes, that's right."

The police inspector did not give Aman a chance to explain, and waved back. Two senior police officers below him immediately stepped forward to force Aman out of the room.

"I know you are a victim, but these are special times."

As he said this, the inspector himself laughed.

"So, Ms. Victim, please cooperate with us."

Silveras Field, temporarily requisitioned offices.

Leonard, who was in charge of document verification and cooperating with the Church of Storms' operations, stood in front of the glass curtain wall and watched as Arman Stone, who had met once in the portrait in the file, was brought into the interrogation room by police officers disguised as "Punishers" , subconsciously took half a step back.

His focus expanded and he muttered silently to himself.

"Did I do the right thing?"

The colleagues around him were busy with the tasks at hand. No one heard what Leonard said, and even if they heard it, they might not be able to find the energy to answer.

The only cohabitant who might have an answer was strangely silent.

Leonard, who didn't get any response, breathed a sigh of relief. He had mixed emotions and felt a little depressed.

During the meeting with the "Punisher" and "Mechanical Heart" this morning, he was the one who reminded the "Punisher" that Aman Stone might have a problem.

It's just that he never thought that those who were eager to find a "punisher" for the victims of yesterday's factory would be so rude when handling the case. Compared with them, Burnett, the captain of Tingen's "punisher" team, They can all be considered gentle and humble.

The archbishops have noticed the real dangers of the "Demon" Ripper. With them here, this farce should be over soon... Just wait until the "Punishers" get the explanation they want... Leonard Comforting himself, he turned his back and picked up the file on the table again.

He glanced at a "punisher" who had just entered the room and said.

"Is Archbishop Snake still here?"

"I've made a new discovery."

After hearing the news, the "Punisher" looked at the young "Red Glove" who had taken the initiative to share key information with him this morning. His senses were pretty good and he replied without any secrets:

"Just after the Archbishop left, the 'Mechanical Heart' discovered clues about the Ripper. He decided to get rid of that damn beast first, and then track down the supporters behind the Ripper."

"If you find anything, you can forward it to our captain first. We will report to the Archbishop when he comes back."

Have you found the Ripper so quickly?

Leonard frowned slightly and shook his head.

"Forget it, let me confirm again."

As soon as he exchanged identities with Jerry Zaratul, Klein received a new clue sent by Prince Edsac.

Talim Dumont had visited the Bounty Hunter Bar in the Backlund Bridge area before his death... Klein looked at the ticket slip pulled out of the envelope in surprise, which recorded Talim Dumont and two A bounty hunter's dealings with a private investigator.

Prince Edsac did not inform the police and the church of the newly discovered clues, because the clues eventually shared would inevitably flow to MI9, the ears of the prince's brothers, which in turn would hinder the excavation of the truth.

What does he want to investigate?

Klein put away the ticket. He wanted to have lunch at home, but now he had to pick up his cane and go check out the Bounty Hunter Bar mentioned in the letter.

Prince Edsak said that Talim was a friendly person, perhaps because of his family background, and rarely had conflicts with others, and there was almost no one he could not deal with.

If there is no conflict and contradiction, what attracts Talim to achieve his goal even if he hires private detectives and bounty hunters who wander in gray areas?

Klein's intuition told him that the three transaction targets recorded in this letter had a high probability of pointing directly to the truth about Talim's death.

But even if I find the three people Talim once hired, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find out the complete truth. At most, I can figure out the purpose of the investigation he commissioned.

Talim is dead, and it is almost certain that he died because he touched some secret of the royal family. If the secret he touched was found by a hired detective, then there is no doubt that the detective on the ticket will only be better than Talim. Mu went to heaven one step earlier.

Of course, Talim did discover a huge secret through the detective's investigation. Then the detective disappeared and no news was released. This is also a development. Everything can only be confirmed after the investigation...

Well, just confirm the whereabouts of the detective and not delve into it, so that I can explain it to the prince without running into the sensitive nerves of the royal family... Klein determined his idea, left the apartment, and went to the undetailed address marked in the letter. Another neighborhood across the Backlund Bridge.

In Jowood District, in a luxurious villa-style house not far from the Holy Wind Cathedral.

Pallas Negan, with a bloated waist and gray-blue eyes, hugged the mistress who came forward, a beautiful girl with a bit of innocence on her face.

The Duke watched his two attendants confirm the safety of the surroundings, and walked into the room with his mistress while chatting and joking. The two attendants did not slack off and guarded both sides of the bedroom.

One of them is a middle-aged man wearing a black tuxedo, with brown hair and blue eyes, expressionless. He is the Extraordinary bodyguard provided by the Church of Storms, a Sequence 6 "Wind Blessed".

The other one is Duke Negan's secretary.

He is a slender, blond young man with fine features. He looks gentle, calm and reserved. His biggest flaw is that his hairline has receded beyond his age.

Soon, the sound of joy came from the bedroom, and the two attendants did not react at all, as if they were accustomed to what was going to happen next, and continued to stay at their posts to ensure the Duke's relaxation.

But for no reason, the continuous sound in the bedroom suddenly stopped, and the sudden and short scream was extremely harsh, piercing the nerves of the two attendants outside the bedroom.

The "Wind Blessed One" and the secretary acted at the same time. The former broke through the wall with his bare hands and rushed into the bedroom, while the latter went straight to the source of the mystery and tried to stop the assassin.

In the bedroom, Duke Negan collapsed on the bed. The girl who was with him just now had already flashed to the corner of the room. Her beautiful watery eyes were filled with helplessness and panic. She raised her hands in despair. He didn't even bother to cover up the skin on his body.

The "Wind Blessed One" didn't even look at the girl next to the wall. He just waved his hand and summoned the wind to wrap around the broken wall. Several wooden boards blocked the mistress in the corner.

At this time, Duke Negan calmed down a little, but even though he was quite powerful, his hands and feet were still weak, his body was empty, his spirit was listless, and he was unable to use his extraordinary abilities at all.

He motioned to the "Wind Blessed One" to take off the conch necklace around his neck and bring the item to his mouth.

Duke Negan took a breath, blew it out suddenly, and blew it into the small conch full of strange patterns.


The low sound of the tide spread out and rushed towards the Holy Wind Cathedral.

"With the speed of His Excellency the Archbishop, he will arrive soon!" "Wind Blessed" first expressed relief, then carried Duke Negan on his back, approached the window, and jumped down.

He wanted to meet up with the Duke's Guards outside, and there were two or three low-sequence Beyonders inside.

No. 6, Edward Street, West End.

After the meeting, Patrick Jason, who returned from the West Chester Bank, was sitting by the window, leaning on the table with his elbows, resting his face on his hands, looking out leisurely.

He looked to the southeast and stared at the clouds on the horizon, as if expecting something to happen.

The gentleman with tall cheekbones, black hair and blue eyes rubbed the tea cup with his fingers and was about to lift it to his mouth to taste, but he suddenly interrupted his mid-movement.


The exquisite bone china tea cup fell on the tea table by the window, rolled down, and shattered into pieces on the ground.

Patrick Jason, who was sitting leisurely at the tea table, was maintaining a strange posture at the moment. He wanted to stand up. His legs moved extremely slowly. After five or six seconds, he could not get his butt off the seat successfully. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

The joints of his body seemed to be filled with lead, and even simple movements such as blinking could not be completed at this time.

Spiritual body thread?

Yes, when and why didn't I feel the early warning?

Crisp applause came from behind him. A pair of broad palms wrapped in black gloves covered the top of Patrick Jason's head. He pulled hard and tore off a layer of human skin!

Under Patrick Jason's appearance, a gorgeous female face is revealed!

As the disguise was stripped away, the "Desire Apostle" trembled violently, trying to break free from the control of the "Secret Puppet Master".

The hands were still moving, but even after encountering such a big movement, the control exerted on the "Desire Apostle" did not weaken a little, completely violating the upper limit of the "Secret Puppet Master's" ability.

Could it be...no, the spiritual body thread?

No! Don't...who is it?

Suddenly, the palm caressing the "Apostle of Desire"'s face stopped, and the man standing behind her bent down, revealing his stubbled chin, short black hair, and rust-colored eyes.

Mr. K gently leaned against the ear of the "Apostle of Desire". There seemed to be another soul temporarily living in his rust-colored eyes, an ancient phantom with red hair and black pupils.

He raised the corner of his mouth, looked at the outline of his colleague who appeared out of thin air across the tea table, and the flesh-and-blood words "Operation Begins" written on his colleague's palm, and kindly answered the question of the "Apostle of Desire".

"It's war red, ma'am."

After reviewing the card, everyone found the section between the duke and the girl strange. It lacked description and was not my original intention. I was sanctioned.

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