
Villain Era

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"Thane, you have another visitor," Madam Pomfrey called out. Thane pulled back the privacy screen to see Hermione standing next to the matron. 

"I was wondering when you're going to stop by," Thane replied with a smile as he closed his grimoire and stood up to greet Hermione. 

But before he could get out of bed, Hermione turned to face Madam Pomfrey, "Could I talk to Thane in private?" 

Madam Pomfrey blinked but quickly nodded, "Of course, dear." 

Thane frowned as Hermione watched Madam Pomfrey leave before turning to face him once more, "Is something wrong, Hermione?" 

For a long moment, Hermione didn't say anything, staring at Thane, who started to notice little details he hadn't before. Hermione's hands were balled into fists, while her bottom lip quivered and there was a visible tension across her shoulders. 

"Hermione, what's wrong?" Thane asked and he took a step forward only for her to take a step back. 

"What did you say at dinner…the night the troll escaped?" Hermione asked her voice barely above a whisper and a slight tremble to her voice. 

Thane paused as he tried to recall the conversation, "I don't remember exactly…but I think Lavender was complaining about all the time we spent together…I think she thought we were dating…then I had to clarify that we're just friends." 

"Are you sure that's it?" Hermione asked as she glared at Thane who frowned seeing the open hostility in her eyes. 

"Well…Ron was being his usual self, he said something about you talking a lot in charms class and snogging…" Thane trailed off as Hermione's glare harshened.

"Are you sure you didn't say something like 'of course I'm not interested in Hermione'?" Hermione asked but judging by the way her aura was roaring with anger like an open flame Thane knew it wasn't really a question but an accusation. 

"Why are you doing this?" Thane asked, confused and a bit irritated that he was being treated like a guilty criminal, "What does it matter what I said a week ago…is this why you didn't visit me sooner?" 

"It matters when everyone is making fun of me for liking an arrogant self absorbed asshole," Hermione spat as tears welled up in her eyes, "But I guess they got the last laugh huh?" 

"Hermione I didn't-" Thane started only to be cut off. 

"You didn't what!? Don't lie to me Thane, you told everyone that they were insane for ever thinking that we were together." Hermione hissed as she stomped her foot against the ground. 

"I didn't say they were insane," Thane responded defensively, "They just thought we were dating, so I corrected them." 

"You correct them alright, you made sure everyone knew that there was no way in hell the great Thane Carter would be caught dead with Hermione Granger the muppet!"

Hermione yelled her voice cracking from the strain, "I hope you're happy with your twenty minutes of fame, by the way. I heard that Dumbledore himself came to congratulate you." 

"He's the headmaster and I'm a student at his school. Besides I'm pretty sure the old man just wanted to ensure I wouldn't sue." Thane joked trying to lighten the mood only for it to fail spectacularly. 

"Everything's a joke to you isn't it," Hermione scolded as she reached up and wiped her eyes, "You don't even care do you?" 

"I don't know what you want from me Hermione," Thane said with an exhausted sigh, "I'm sorry you got made fun of, but I don't understand why you're trying to make me into the villain. All I did was say we're not a couple." 

"So all that time together meant nothing?" Hermione asked angrily. 

"All we did was sit in silence and read," Thane replied as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "Sure we bonded, but it's only been a month and I have so many things on my plate right now there's no way I can handle a relationship with you."

"Well then, let me clear some space for you," Hermione spat, "Goodbye Thane." 

Then without another word Hermione stormed off her robes, swishing furiously as she left Thane in a stunned state of shock wondering what the hell had just happened. 


Even a month after his 'breakup' with Hermione Thane still didn't understand why they had ended on such bad terms. It hurt at first as Thane went back to reading alone in the library and sitting at the Slytherin table during meals, though thankfully his reputation as a 'troll killer' stopped any antagonistic behavior from his housemates. But if people were reluctant to talk to Thane before, they were down right fearful of him now. His first week back in class Thane could hardly tolerate the hushed whispers and stolen glances, while rumors spread about how he had defeated the troll by summoning a horde of snakes, or using dark magic. 

At first Thane didn't even notice but his behavior slowly started to shift. Thane stopped raising his hand in class to answer questions and started spending long periods of time in the library, sometimes even skipping meals. It got to the point where some days Madam Pince refused to let Thane into the library citing his lack of social interaction as concerning. It infuriated Thane to no end, as he was told by his professors to take things easy and relax all while the ticking clock looming over his head continued to count down. 

So on the days that Thane was barred from the library he doubled up on his training regiment. In some twisted way Thane went from tolerating the grueling exercises to actively enjoying them, feeling them become easier and seeing his body improve over time finally gave Thane some tangible proof that he was making at least some kind of progress and wasn't falling behind the curve. 

Thane lost all track of time as every moment of his free time was solely focused on improving every aspect that he could think about. It was only when Professor McGonagall asked Thane after transfiguration class whether or not he wanted to return to the Orphanage that Thane realized winter break was just around the corner. 

For Thane staying at Hogwarts was a no brainer, for two weeks the castle would be a ghost town and he would be free to stay in the library uninterrupted without curfew. Meaning that Thane could finally resume his study of rituals which involved some activities that would definitely be easier to pull off with half of Hogwarts professors gone for the break. 


The second day of the break Thane woke up in the middle of the night and rolled out of bed completely dressed. Making his way out of the dorm, Thane didn't even bother to sneak about as the sole Slytherin left in the entirety of Hogwarts. 

Sneaking through the castle Thane first made his way to the greenhouse unlocking the doors with a simple charm before making way to the very back of the room and stopping in front of a large potted plant that didn't look any different from the countless others arranged around the greenhouse. 

"Hello again," Thane muttered in a hushed tone, and a brief moment the plant shuddered as it uprooted itself to reveal a wrinkle faced tuber beneath the soil that smiled up at Thane, "Sorry to be an inconvenience, but could I borrow a leaf, the older the better." 

The plant nodded before tilting its head forward offering up its foliage for Thane to select from. Reaching out Thane gently plucked a single leaf from the plant before placing it underneath his tongue, "Thanks, I'll make sure I add some extra fertilizer to your pot next time I have herbology and Professor Sprout isn't looking." 

The mandrake smiled one final time before burying itself once more as Thane left the greenhouse, 'Alright the easy parts over…time for the real challenge.' 

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